Friday, December 16, 2016

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Now is about the time to call me Jeff-rey ,
or Joffre-  my grandfather was named. . .

I would love to be a ‘’’Joff-rey’’’ bcoz it’s so damn cool !!!!!!! =D

I love how the staff at the Sole Proprietor know me as Jeffrey ,
and various restaurants, too, but the Sole they treat me so nice . . .


Thursday, December 8, 2016

I have been feeling very Religious and Closer-to-God since my Traumatic Brain Injury and I had a Near-Death Experience, realizing that God created life to learn how to Love. . . 
"Prayer with a Traumatic Brain Injury changes things" 

May God richly bless all of the people, who, I like...

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Victoria's Secret, is it Vicky's or Vicci's ???

I find going through my head, every now and then. . . =D

Friday, November 4, 2016

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

I will always be Lucky . . . =D with Pockets in my Jeans in my Pants . . . =D

I have many pairs of Jeans like LUCKY BRAND ~ LUCKY BRAIN ~ WITH MY '''IMPRINTING'''... For I am Jeffrey oh we'll skip the middle name and go back to what REALLY matters like Family Matters on our tv-sets in the 90's ,  and 90.1 FM plays the best in Christian music but not like Hymns ~ though ~ I have a Hymnal I have been reading, since I got an A- in Poetry II at WSU ~ GO WOO STATE ~ 

But getting back to my name, my Last name is Marquis like Marquisseauwandala and my FULL NAME JEFFREY RICHARD MARQUIS but don't steal my identity and credit-card inFormation ' ' ' bcoz ' ' ' here I am, America, and I WANT TO BE HAPPY AND GO TO HEAVEN !!!!!!!

I'm a man. . .   I'm 34 years old. . .   I was born on the First Day of Spring. . .

I Love My Parents .

The sum of 3 TIMES 3 is 9. . .  the sum . . .

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Tested Tried ’N’ True ,  Typing here for you to gaze, purple haze and what else do I think about Donald Trump? ,  well he was always Teased by these beautiful blonde babes ,  giving him blow jobs in Limousines. . . LuMiNoUS illuminated Like a Donald Trump Blow-UP doll for the Ladies with Lashes, I dream ,  For the Fact he has his ******* OWN OFFICE ANYWHERE HE GOES *******  Limozines . . .  and the modern edge. . . steel. . . I don’t steal. . . I have my own Trust-Fund. . .  I drive a 2012 Subaru Legacy. . .   I LOVE GOD !!!!!!!  I GO TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY MORNING !!!
We can all agree everybody that I sit in a chair and peck away at my keyboard for my four blogs online, waiting for you to see what I post with a lot of mystery, so I see that I haven’t posted on my Blogspot blog


Google: alwayschillen

I write some good stuff and I had for over a year, before my WRX crash, which I didn’t write much For. . . But now I’m always writing poetry ( ( ( A- ) ) ) and Prose to make me come at you. . .

Okay that’s enough about my writing. . . and I have had my Mom do an intravenous injection of a protein-peptide to increase my IGF-1 LR3 and HGH with GH2 into the quote-unquote parietaL Lobe of my brain ( ( ( the Parietal Lobe ) ) ) just above the surface of the brain and I am hoping to turbocharge my brain with anabolic neutraceuticals to make me smarter, pouring neurons into the synaptic space along the dendrites like Little hairs, sitting there to detect sensation along the nerve endings. . . the Universe of the brain with blood-cells circulating through veins and all of the atoms, their atoms interacting with each other, building proteins with amino-acids Flowin’ through intravenous veins with chemicals being Transported to the Brain. . . 

Synaptic charges are like our Lightning we have in the atmosphere every once and a while, with myobursts of HGH with this new pill by InnovaPharm I bought from ASN Nutrition where I know the owner/manager GUY WHO’S THERE ALL DAY,  EVERY DAY ,  working a kind of job that I would do very great in order to sell the products I know a Lot about. . . IGF-1, I’ve taken a couple times, $70 a bottle of 30 pills . . . Mass Muscle Maker near-me sells it for $135 . . . For Thirty pills. . . For an increase of Human Growth Hormone, which I haven’t taken for 12 years. . .

Google: IGF-1 peptide ,  if you would like to Test it on mice it’s Legal to buy . . .

Friday, October 28, 2016

XY-chromosomes. . . Females. . . In my Lair like Laissez-faire in my bedroom, where I sleep dreamy  thoughts coming at me myself Left and Right, in my brain. . . dreams of beautiful Ladies Laissez-faire Like a day-dream. . . puissance publique, depuis que le monde est civilizé. . . Civilization. . . Evolution ‘ ‘ ‘ To Thank for modern-development ‘ ‘ ‘  Life is advancing in all senses of the word, for God is here to Let Me LIVE !!!!!!! =D
I go to Church every Sunday and my Minister ‘’’Likes’’’ my posts on Facebook. . . Jim Chase. . .


For, Mannie Rotella, who I was Friends with on Facebook, and Christie Gilmore, Too. . .
Two beautiful girls. . .

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting with Kate Upton at a LA Clippers game ~ Do The Dougie ~ Kate Upton. . .

Oh Mary, There’s Something about Mary so Marry me quick, Get me a beautiful girlfriend, Kate Upton…

Every morning I wake up and continue to Lay there, Like Justine Aragona waiting for me to GET-UP and out of bed, my comfortable and luxurious Laissez-Faire mattress !!!!!!!

‘ ‘ ‘ IMPRINTING ‘ ‘ ‘ rules the Universe, and I remember ITerrific ALL, remember me, for centuries, and this is now the 2000+ year. . . We are in a new decade so dance, do do do do do- doobie- do do do do do *rimshot* and the audience laughs with now their applause. . . Fantastic. . . so God takes us all to Heaven. . .

T. is Pregnant and Allyson Hodgkins had twins - 3 kids out of 2 births. . . who’s babies did she have ???
Jesse’s ??? Jim Larson’s ??? 

A man’s sperm determines the sex of the Baby -  the woman doesn’t determine the sex. . .


Gobble Gobble, Tastes Like Chicken… Bethany O’Coin said. . . and I always enjoy the chicken and meats from Emerald Meats, on Chandler St. near the Geneva Plantation, Esplanade, Boulevard where I Lived with Derek Langlois and Brian McNeil, nine years ago. . . I hope they’re okay, and Brian is in the ARMY. . . I first slept with Allyson at Brian’s house and he said:  make sure she’s not on her Period,  I don’t want her getting blood on the sheets . . . and it was all Fine. . . I remember Allyson first sleeping-over my house in Charlton after an ECM Plastics, Inc. Christmas Party. . . we made Love at night and slept next to each other all night, spooning, nestled together, kissing, hugging, grabbing, teasing, Like Teased Hair. . .

I CRAVE A WIFE-  Like a girl or a woman agreeing to Marry Me when I ask her, saying YES +JEFFREY+ I LOVE YOU !!!!!!! =D . . . and we make ’ ‘ ‘ coitus ‘ ‘ ‘    Funny word, but I LOVED SEX WITH JUSTINE ARAGONA !!!!!!! =D
Wet fingers and her Taking Me In, Everywhere. . .

Justine Aragona, I MISS YOU ‘ ‘ ‘ More ‘ ‘ ‘ but I’m not addicted to anything and I’ve never done OxyContin. . . SO GOOD, SO GOOD, SO GOOD, A NEW PARTNER FOR ME TO MAKE-LOVE TO !!!!!!! =D

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Political dissident and party-favors running Rampant,
Like who can blow the candles out on this cake ???
Let the birthday-boy-or-girl-it-doesn’t-really-matter, it-could-be-either,
But gender-equality is just how God created it when life began. . .
Women have the babies and tend to the Cave,
while the Man does all of the physical Labor and []D rovides for the Family of orphans. . .

Yo, dats whack—you are what’s whack—and I’m going to whack you upside your dome, kid, if you don’t behave and show your mom some appreciation like making your bed and fluffing your pillows ( but I am not a Fluffer. . . )  and making sure the comforter lays evenly like Saran Wrap over the dish from your homecooked meal of grits ‘n’ gravy like mashed potatoes and french fries…

Those are your starches and I like how the Dry-Cleaners will ‘’’starch’’’ your shirts, if you please, if you pay, if you play – do you want to play the game, like this is the Matrix or something and I am Neo, we should play and PRAY for all of the Goodness coming into my Life. . .

Se7en, six – no stop right there for this is no countdown before the ball drops,
Five fingers on my Left hand and also on my Right and the same with my Toesies. . .
For this is the day where everything goes RIGHT for me,
Thee beautiful princess where art though ????????
Too many people get caught up in the small things,
Won the Civil War we did, and there you go.

Intrinsical circumstances making the best for all,
Moderated interminglings,
Exasperated breaths like breathe in. breathe out,
And the phone goes dead, the engine stops and we all just quit  (((( except for God )))
He never throws in the towel, He never gives up,
For He is all-powerful, here, in the Universe,
But I am ‘’’running-the-show’’’ and I think I’m doing an EXCELLENT JOB !!!!!!! =D

Oh-La-La I like your Tushie and I invite you to Touch me like it’s our first time with fingertips exploring. . . For this is our Exploration of the body of the opposite sex of your girlfriend of your dreams, of magnificence who, of, what, there, you, who?, you & me & bring to the table sex-talks with the ‘rents at dinnertime and here we go with the cavemen again, bcoz who may subsist on nuts 'n' berries not just me myself but anyone in the village, and what happened to those gay-faggots, The Village People, who must be PILLAGED with pills pills pills galore and you’re swallowing them all FisTFuls at a time, down the hatch like an invasive maneuver by the God of this Earth and the whole Universe. . .

Sorry to poke ridicule at the gays but realy now come on do you think God created the male and the female to make babies, SO, what if the XX cell fucked the XY cell in the ass anal-sex ALL THE TIME and they had no offspring. . .

I feel no effects from the Ecstasy in this situational orgasm of Love & Happiness & Pleasure where two Lovers CUM Together, now, y’all come together and sit around in the circle of people passing around a MEDICINAL substance with the inhaling and the smelly smoke enlivening our Lungs ((( but don't smoke 'butts ))) ~so~ Turn Your Head and Cough says the Wild Doctor ~ coughing up joyous, odorous, odious marijuana smoke, and I pulled out my catheter when I was in the ICU. . . ouch !!!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Possibly I have Seizure activiTY;  I felt some light “activiTY” in my Traumatic Injured Brain ~ GOOD LORD I’M SPEC14L !!!!!!! =D 123 . . .oR mayBe 1t’s my sleeping-piLL starting to work !!!!!!! =D

And since I’m punch-drunk trippin’ oFF tehis sh1T yes Sir PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND THINK ABOUT WHO I ONCE WAS, I WAS **THE-BEST** ,   I LOVED ALLYSON !!!!!!! =D

. . .but the whole “reLaTiOn5ship” thing wouldn’t have worked ~~~ I LOST MY LICENSE FOR OVER A YEAR. . . and I haveN’T had 4ny LuCK in winning her back, but I would gladly pound her FOR ALL SHE’S WORTH 69’ing and her riding me h4rd, with those Kate Upton breasts, every night and 3v3ry m0rn1ng . . . ALLYSON DRUCKER, I KNOW THAT YOU DON’T CHECK YOUR (617) 909-9395 ANY MORE AND I HAVEN’T LEFT YOU A MESŠ463 IN AG3Z !!!!!!! =D  I WISH YOU WELL, ALLYSON DRUCKER !!!!!!! =D


I WISH YOUR FAMILY WELL, ALLYSON-DRUCKER, AND I WILL NEVER EVER CALL YOU “Hodge” but I know you got my little spermy worms from me in the hospital, when I was at Fairlawn, and you had multiple CHILDREN with MY-SPERM. . . =D


Monday, June 6, 2016

When I was younger. . .

I remember making a Treasure map when I was young, with the dotted-line, and I would give the map to my wonderful brother, Justin, who now resides in Cambridge and needs to Come home a little more often... MISS YOU BRO !!!!!!! =D


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sum Journaling .

Pan-sexuals like Trans-Gender and Gender Identity in the News like use any bathroom you want if it's THAT BIG OF A THING .

I love "meshing with people" which doesn't always come so easily with my Traumatic Brain Injury .


I need for a beautiful girl who's into beauty and makeup like I wrote about in my self-touted, "Elegance" ~

I'm just journaling for this my blog . Hi.

I love writing, I love it and I'm always improving with my words .

I've been writing for 11+ years and --lemme tell ya-- I Love reading my old material ~ I have my phrases from the very beginning with my data ~ I had before my car-accident and I have all of that SAVED .

I have all of those memories as data and a real reminder of all I've done with my recovery .

I THANK Legal "Protein-Peptides" for making me an inch taller and reducing the age of my appearance .




Drop and give me 30 pushups !!!!!!! =D

Monday, May 9, 2016

I'm going to check out "assisted-living" soon bcoz my parents want to see me do better... [[[ I didn't have to go there ]]]

I LOVE MY PARENTS !!!!!!!!!! =D




I always had crushes on them and I wanted to have a 3some lol
Like the PHOTO I took of a Vanity License-Plate " 2SISTA"
But I digress...

With $$$ "Cish-Cash" to buy the "best" things with great husbands...

<3 Manny&Danita <3

I went to Church today and appreciated my Minister saying, "We should go out to Lunch." !!!!!!!

           PRAISE CHRIST !!!!!!! =D :HALO: =D

I'm going to check out "assisted-living" handling most things myself and hopefully I will get to be with great CLEAN people ((( but always be cautious when you meet new people... )))

I put on my "Game-Face" with double double vision vision but but I I want want to to get get
Another Vision-Surgery, I'm very-excited about my next vision vision surgery. surgery.
And I'm very interested in "assisted living" with Therapists and people to have fun with... I want the best for myself ~ I am very-excited about where I'm going ~

"Give Me The Light"

Let God Send HIS <3 *******Blessings******* to Us !!!!!!! =D

Monday, April 4, 2016

Women Love "Looks" .

Throughout my time here on Earth I have spoken with many women—yes they deserve the Italics—and what I've discovered has encompassed all of these girls of the XX-chromosome, grouping them all together like ballerinas backstage before the big show .

Women Love "Looks" like how does it look and "What does it look like ??? "

LOOK, LOVE, LOOK, LOVE, LOOK, LOVE and "Look Lively" !!!!!!! =P

Hours spent in front of the mirror, prissing and primping—always with the hair .

Remember Britney Spears ??????? She was always a dime, singing like a wind chime!

And you all should buy the new Selena Gomez line of products, PLEASE, PEOPLE, PLEASE, bcoz I am compelled to advertise for this dame as a result of her youth and HOTTTNESS !!!!!!!


Yeah she "can't keep her hands to herself" and I wish I were Justin Beiber .

Bcoz he hit it 'n' quit it

Or Ashley Hannan's ice-cold body, possibly bending her over a Tombstone at the
Mausoleum .

Bcoz she "Ignored my Friend-Request" like a bitch, but I will fuck her brains out in Heaven (like any of my 'minions' the girls on my top-12 list hello Samantha "Manny" Rotella & Danita, her sister, both of these beautiful beauties of avail to my desires ) ...

I'm an amazing physical-specimen of sexual health !!!!!!!

Passionate sex only, just how women like it... remember "women" what I started off
this soliloquy with !!!!!!! those magnificent little treats who treat us men so well,
with dinner and laundry, making waves and hugs and meets 'n' greets in the street
and in the equation of male-living and productivity...

Women Love "Looks" Like the wallpaper, the color of the car, the Good
Housekeepin' and Better Homes (and gardenin' is very important, too... ) plus
Family Circle... COMIN' ATCHA FULL-CIRCLE NOW !!!!!!!

Food.  Holidays.  Home.  Teens.  Health.  Family.  Et Cetera. Tampons, Tanning, Tits,
etc. etc.

Or—on my favorite pornographic website PORNHUB.COM—browse the dissimilar category "Female Friendly" with the female-symbol !!!!!!!

And being political Donald Trump isn't doing so well with female voters-

Hey now, calm down, I deserve points and credit for commenting on THE FACT that
Donald Trump is "sinking with women" for denouncing, condemning (among all
females...) PARTIAL-BIRTH ABORTIONS !!!!!!! =P

Are we really witnessing this ????????
"I have always been fascinated by God."
And Man's ability to "HACK" God and His Laws—like things you can and cannot
do—and APPARENTLY life, or potential-life, is allowed to be refuted .

Like H4CK, H4CK, H4CK, H4CK, H4CK on your Supreme-Plan Bcoz some slut feels
like getting drunk and fucking some worthless stranger .

Then comes the Abortion-
After smoking Crystal Meth...
In Woods Hound Trailer Park .

Really, a female hearing "I want to cum inside you," and refusing it, not taking it in
the third orifice... but that's disgusting and I refuse to write about it any further !!!!!!!


See, I'm a Man of God .

Smiley Smiley Face with a Kiss on the Cheek, TOOTS !!!!!!!


Those creatures with vaginas and breasts and overies are like doves in a cage among the rule of Men, and I remember from my Methods of Literary Study class at WSU hearing that "Language is geared towards the Male-Gender" like Richard Gere, that pimpin' stud who fucked Demi Moore in that office-scene... HAVE YOU "SEEN" IT ???????

I know I did when I myself was a pre-teen and viewing half the flick like What The Fuck just to see them "pairing up"... and once I saw Demure Demi's tits I turned it off—or actually I watched the first half on fast-forward waiting for the tit-shot .

Oh this takes me back...

And pair up with your PEARS UP LIKE A PARING KNIFE, and women with their "pear-shaped" bodies with luscious FAT ASSES I just want to stick... with my stick... if you get my jizz...

kekeke ^__^

Don't get me started with AZN women—they're the worst !!!!!!!
Just look at any "chinese buffet" !!!!!!! LIKE OMG—they're the worst !!!!!!!

The "Tenets" of a woman are refined—to the T—and we love it .

(so do they...)

And count me in—set me up—for a PARADE OF WOMEN !!!!!!!!

Coming at me with tight G-strings making their bums perk so rightly and so tightly like two tiny keyholes that only I can UNLOCK—with a perfect twist of my wrist .

CUMMING AT ME PERIOD—and I will bring you all heart-shaped boxes of scrum-dilly-umptuous chocolates from Russell Stover's when it's that time of the month .

It's the least I could due—or call it THE MOST—but I am not willing to "bend" in my steadfast beliefs, just like the bend—that arch—in your lower back when I bend you over and you want to tease me, like look but don't touch .

Some thigh-highs making the heights of your stare, your Orgasm, screaming at the tippity-top of your lungs, with those HIGH NOTES, cumming at you like Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Ma'am !!!!!!!

Hey thanks... for all that sup'm sup'm special we just had together, you know it !!!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Technology .

Motherboards and Circuits spinning
With ample audacity Frying the copper...

Tiny diamonds in the processors
Cutting cost-times like scissors

With: Spreadsheets (charts). Textpads. and Slideshows.

I am a tech-savvy Guru who builds his own computers
and maintains His file-structure with administrative-privilege .
Supreme Power, Total Control, Complete Jurisdiction, etc. et cetera...

iPhones and Androids will share my voice with anyone in the world,
at any given time, for anyone in the world I can communicate with !!!!!!!

Little "Androids" like C3PO and R2D2 seen in high-tech movies
seeming like it's the natural progression of data and machines
To Become Almost "Equals"... Digital Friends, whathaveyou.

"Smart" phones; not dumb ones, that's what we need, and we have them !!!!!!!
STUPID PHONES – oh I am so sick of these blasted things

FINALLY I can dial up a friend using only my voice,
not pushing buttons with fingertips. 8-6-7-5-3-0-9
Jenny ??????? are you there, hun – like Attila the Hun, huh baby ???

"Siri dial Jenny" beep-bop-beep and now "Hello? Jen speaking..."

Where did Attila the Hun come from ???????
You know, the ruler of the "Huns"- whoever they are... But anyways –

Technology is "the science of craft" as put by the Greeks,

Greeks 'n' Geeks.  Greeks 'n' Geeks.  Greeks 'n' Geeks.  Staring at Screens.

This science of a space-age era needs investigation with sophisticated computers
operating with Mega-Hertz, like OH THAT HURTS !!!!!!!
Futuristic Discipline in binary 01010101 – like OH I AM THE 1 !!!!!!!

And I have totally won with my refined techniques being absolute (and super) !!!!!!!


I'm sticking out my tongue bcoz you're late .

You're Late, You're Late, For a Very Important "Date"

It's March 21, 2016 at moment and my 34th birthday was yesterday, so w00t !!!!!!!
...but I can't find a date anywhere...
(since my fucked-enemies screw with my dating-shit...)

Sorry I just HATE what people are doing to me,
with the "Master-Desktops" on my computers !!!!!!!


Monday, March 14, 2016

Car Talk by Dr. Kent

Hello fans of anything automotive: fast cars & loud engines with tires screeching and squealing like little piggies, stabbed by farmers' pitchforks, unleashing EEEEEEEEEE shriek screams with rubber melting becoming one with the black tarmac...


Can't you picture it or envision it or just imagine all of the sounds from that cancerous grey smoke that all come together as someone presses down on the gas-pedal and the brakes AT THE SAME TIME, creating a Hellstorm of fury coming from the engine and tranny—like a Transexual—a tranny—but one for switching gears, merely—or in this case being put under a heavy load and with no choice but to let one of the rear-wheels spin loose, blaring out bellows of said smoke, choking on fumes of the fuel with Octanes like Octaves crying out loud to your aching ears... and you grin allowing the burnt particles of black neoprene latex to stain your white teeth... reminding you of the old toothbrush that you use to clean your engine bay before the oh-la-la Summer Nationals car-shows...

So you shop for a new Mustang GT on with Heather who asks a question about getting rid of pesky spiders in her car... or CARS-dot-COM "Helps you get a new car without all the drama" for realz- saving the moolah for your kids' college-funds... because you sure as shit aren't going to "pass on" that GT 'Stang to them, no no no, they'll be in safe Honda Civics or Toyota Corollas bcoz you don't want them engaging in any of the Automotive Insanity that you evoked from machines, in the past... in your younger years when gas was a dollar a gallon and the inflatable "Air Bag" wasn't standard on every. single. car. like for a decade now since the Average Man would walk away from a crash instead of being put-to-rest in a body-bag...

Thank God Almighty !!!!!!!

We are men and we like our cars like carburetors and pistons pumping at peak redline arr-pee-emm's...

We're really ranking up the exhaust at the "Dyno" –measuring HP horsepower with a fan in front of the engine feeding it combustible oxygen from the atmosphere, and with wheels spinning freely on the rollers... You know the dynamometer that measures how many horsies are available to put to the pavement with a push of the pedal...

Friday, March 4, 2016

A Sexual Soliloquy .

I could write for hours about cumming and cumming and enjoying the routine Orgasm—just like Ol' Faithful—the geyser—with semen squirting up into the Heavens of a tight pussy, your tight pussy—to 50% of my audience—and I will write about this Godlike sexual-practice right now, like this and that and tat-tat-tat now tick-tock-tick-tock the seconds feel like hours with your hair dangling over my trousers as I unzip...

I've always dabbled in sex (with my big dick...) and I will write a hot 'n' sexy soliloquy about sex right here RIGHT NOW with my supreme power of spelling out sentences, with Infinite accuracy and solid fuckin' ideas in the pathway of literally "fucking"...

And I'm getting off on this fanciful idea, So it starts...

Easy breezy licking like slip-sliding your tongue on my hard nipples when I'm unbuckling my belt, and you grin with your front teeth that are so white from all the Crest toothpaste that you use...  Yeah you actually use your luminous chompers to pull the end of the belt away from my waist... And I'm gonna use it like a whip soon, smacking your ass, making your pussy tingle, do you feel the jingle ??????? –of my balls packed with little squirmy spermy wormies ???????

Those tiny bantam warriors that penetrate your membrane when given the chance to feast at those wondrous ovaries, like GET ME INSIDE OF YOU (so that life may begin...)

Boxers or Briefs is the age-old question and I prefer briefs because they outline the contours of my big dick and bulbous balls, packed with my little cum soldiers, for you, like you sometimes don't wear a bra when we're out—in the winter-months—so your lil nips get all pointy and protruding, stabbing the delicate interior of your dress or blouse or whatever—and I LOVE IT !!!!!!!

Yeah I see your nipples "BEEMING" like a BWM and it reminds me of that one time on the show "Friends" when Jennifer Aniston had her delicate nipples traced with an ice-cube backstage, wearing a tight white t-shirt in a satisfying effort to PLEASE the men in the audience when we all searched "Jennifer Aniston Nude" on Altavista...

Or maybe we're just getting into the shower—both of us nude—and we know how to make our bodies "SYNCHRONIZE" in the wet, or in the dry, like sultry in the shower or clean in the sheets... Sweet in the sheets, in all your holes...

Excuse me miss, can I fuck you in the "womb"—I love sex with "wombs"...

PREGGO photos on the Internet and maybe you remember your wife during those 9-months...  And you always thought that mothers would have loose holes but NOPE she's squeaky clean and fit as a fiddle, to your surprise...

Lick Lower—now—I can tweak my nipples by myself, like make yourself useful...

And I know you want to ride my iron-pole, riding it hard, but let's take this slow like we do on special occasions, like anniversaries and vacations and such...

This is not the time for a quickie .

Let's do this right .

Kissing and Kissing and Kissing, passionately, like the passion we're going to fervor, as a verb, with vehemence... Yeah, we use our Microsoft Synonyms, in bed always, thinking up new ways to describe our naughty-bits and what we're doing them to create a sexual-hellstorm of naughtiness in text, like writing for Penthouse Forum ...

"Hunny won't you lick my butterscotch-pussy-wussy" ???????

Sometimes it's a race-to-the-finish—AND WHAT A FINISH IT IS—or else it's a smorgasbord of the senses, just teasing, just teasing, in what "finishes" a magna-cum-loudly finale with a milky jelly on your wide 'n' perky white tits...

I would call them FAT TITS but there's nothing sexy about high bodyfat %'s—no No no—so we're both Fitness Fanatics who "Speed Fuck" in bed for Kama Sutra workouts of our own in the bedroom on our King-size bed...

Yeah "Kama Sutra" we both have excellent "Karma" and the Orgasm is our reward, Missy Miss Miss, my Dear Lover who brings me such pleasure Immaculate .

Plenty of CAPS ON CAPS-LOCK for you, my sexual panther, and pander to the masses I do... BECAUSE WE ALL LOVE THE ORGASM !!!!!!! yeah we do, we need it... we do...

I feel really bad for this kid Tony I know, who has a Traumatic Brain Injury, and my ex-lover Justine Aragona tried giving him a blowjob—WITHOUT MY PERMISSION—so I dumped her!—and he couldn't bust a nut... He couldn't cum. He couldn't cum.

And fuck Linda Pellegrini for arranging their meet-up—because she was trying to break us up—after I threatened to call the Cops on her step-dad the 420 drive-around-stoner—yeah this Linda, she was sodomized—BUTT FUCKED—on a videotape that her daughter my girlfriend SAW and it fuckin' spelled out to Justine that anal-sex was okay... so she let me stick it in that brown tight hole... and remember I came TWICE—like two times in a row—two times CONSECUTIVELY... that was great, really great...

It only happened then though, once, the one time it happened, and I'm thirsty for it again, SOON !!!!!!!

It really was and I cannot wait until MY WIFE allows me to have a 2nd Orgasm EVERY NIGHT !!!!!!! Yes I am THAT sexual, like your mother, YOUR MOTHER I SCREAM IN YOUR FACE, like yeah yeah yeah "in ur face biatch"...

Up Yours .

Up Your Asshole, you asshole... WTF ???

WTF = Want To Fuck ???

I KNOW I DO !!!!!!!

But enough about assholes... What about vaginas ???????

Drippy-Wippy pussies squirting smearing smegma all over pink panties and wet fingers...

Have you ever seen the videos online of girls "squirting" ??????? WTF ??????? HAVE YOU ???????

It seems that certain females were born in certain ways, with internal-schematics orchestrating spurts and squirts and gushes of vaginal-"juices" like yummy JUICE  you sip out of your sippy-cup like it's VeryFine Juicy-Juice liquid off the vine... Grapejuice or OJ or this funky stuff, it won't hurt you...

But really I heard that doctors have debunked "squirting" instead saying it's actually just peeing, it's just urine, and that's no fun—we were all hoping it was a magical drip-drop substance of pure love and passion and sex-incarnate tincture-serum...

Whistle-Whistle, I will "tickle your fancy" like heya little missy fancy-pants can't wait to get those off of you—yeah—kick them off and they'll be all crumpled up in the corner by the bed !!!!!!!

I enjoyed our date this fine evening, miss, but can we consummate the time we've spent together with intercourse ??????? "a fuck-session" Relax .

OF COURSE !!!!!!!

Maybe quick-flickin' handjobs in the hot-tub or some frisky skylarking on the sofa, whathaveyou...

Rodeo-motion with you on top and away we go, or away you go—A "WAYS"—a long distance for you—and I'm enjoying the "rough ride" down here... with your sharp fingernails, those long things you pay to have "done" (at the nail-place with all the Asians...) at your fingertips that you make 'em SCRATCH 'N' SCRAPE *CLAWING* like fangs imbedding my pectorals, all while you have your O (on top just like all girls...)   I mean, how many chicks get off (without faking) while their laying there like a dead duck with their back against the mattress, or the kitchen floor... or the bathroom toilet, anyone anyone ???????

I've only encountered one woman who cums while down low, but I know "it's a numbers game" !!!!!!! Like that song by Velvet Underground, "She only cums when she's on top" –

Baby, won't you go "down low" on me right now I need it baby please ???????

OR maybe my dick is super miniscule and tiny and stuff, or my diehard thrusting isn't as The Gods intended... whathaveyou... And I'm just writing this pretending to be a hot-fuck in bed or a pimpin' stud with a massive cock that's even bigger in recent years courtesy of a couple IGF-1 LR3 injections... Yeah maybe I'm bullshitting... BUT MAYBE NOT !!!!!!! =D

My first ever experience with SWALLOWING ORAL-SEX—an anonymous Queen said, "Boy O Boy, you have a big dick," and it made me smile a confident smile, like at Saint John's where I took showers—with the boyz—JK—and never felt awkward (like Chris O'Coin probably did...)

I am proud of my body like a []D [] []V[] []D is proud of his hose .

The Street Racer .

His parents are rich and the father drives his Corvette in summer months, so naturally the son would have to have a sporty car, too, like one of those "family-status" sort of things... And this wouldn't be a Mazda RX-7 or a Nissan 350Z, no no no, those are 2-doors and Mom wouldn't approve... So it's a WRX—the newest missle from Subaru. Turbocharged and gripping the road with AWD (All-Wheel Drive)...

Set of DOHC pistons .
Top-Mounted Intercooler .
Dual Exhaust with an H-Pipe .

It was uber fast and the son would wash it and wax it on weekends... Special soap that doesn't remove the Meguiar's Carnuba Wax and enough Tire Shine to make you think blacker than black, like midnight on Pluto...

Saturday, February 20, 2016

"You've got your feet on the ground, Jeffrey, but your head is in the clouds," my Therapist said, to me, gently...

I'm talkin' about the atmospheric peaks of supremely, or, or, extremely, yeah, high heights with my head in the Heavens...

"You've got your feet on the ground, Jeffrey, but your head is in the clouds," he stated...

And with my feet SOLIDLY-PLANTED on Earth's surface spanning the entire Earth, around us, with people living happily in their nice houses with new vehicles parked in the driveway, they are happy...  There's a big American SUV for Daddy; a safe Subaru Outback for Mommy; a WRX STi for the handsome son; a pink Camry for the teeny-bopper daughter... and—don't forget—most importantly—a bright red Mazda Miata roadster parked in the cul-de-sac for the gray-haired father to drive on the weekends... with a polypropylene cover, made by WeatherTech, over it covering it to "protect" it from the pollen and acid-rain... because "protection" is VITAL – so use your rubbers, boys—especially virgins—yeah you don't want to blow your load INSIDE a girl... like I did the first time I had sex...

Sorry Jackie LaQuerre I didn't know any better, no, I hever heard about cumming on a girl's back or belly or feet or anything like that !!!!!!!

You should try to appeal to the mainstream, my Therapist says, and don't sound too "outlandish"... (when I designed my OKCupid account profile with my therapist, Dr. Kent, which came out great)   And don't brag, my own mother often says, too... TONE IT DOWN, TONE IT DOWN, TONE IT DOWN... my conscience pleads with me while I'm flexing a huge bicep and LITERALLY SHOUTING and motioning to God, Himself, "FUCK THE WORLD" !!!!!!!

I only require something else...
Something new, something with Pizazz and Sparkle .

CK – like Calvin Klein – the underwear I where? most days...

I NEED A GIRLFRIEND !!!!!!! no more "discovering innovative variables to introduce to the public" (on my website) or adding more Products to my Products-Collection® no, no, no, I'm dying to introduce my own personal belongings to passersby who shall gaze in awe as their jaws drop to the floor, and I have to scrape them up off of the asphalt with a silver spatula !!!!!!!

I NEED A GIRLFRIEND !!!!!!! –No more pointing to my crotch—making men jealous—with Loveable Laurie and Heavenly Hayleigh shrugging off my attempts at swooning these beautiful young women into smooches, with Yours Truly, possibly making other esteemed customers—there are so many at The Sole Proprietor where I eat every day (—NERVOUS—now where were we ???????    Oh yeah, The Sole, The Sole my favorite restaurant that I will always be free to eat at with my pockets full of "Cish-Cash"  - - Do you want more ??????? Leaving big Tips – do you want more, or is $7.00 on a $19.99 bill enough ???????

As my own mother interjects, "Sometimes you've got your head up your ass, Jeffrey..." And I fight the temptation to smack the shit out of her—Just Kidding, Just Joking, I'm not serious, or am I ??????? But I would never hit a woman... EVER !!!!!!! =D

Let it come to me, Let it come to me, Let it Come to me... LET IT CUM !!!!!!! =D

To Me .

But speaking of that take it easy fellas with the smut, you guys, or you will GO BLIND !!!!!!!

There was a study years ago where 39 adolescent boys were given pornography with the females in it being improperly penetrated in their "third orifice" and it resulted with 2/3rds of the boys showing damage to their ocular abilities, like double double vision. vision. and ebbed perception of  clearly-visible objects, plain as day circles and squares and shit, they couldn't fucking see them...   The group who received "the placebo," or, "lesbian-films" had PERFECTED vision that improved by leaps and bounds with telescopes and binoculars and reading-glasses rendered vintage, like things of the past, of yesterday, that none of the boys needed when all was finished !!!!!!!

And you'll be finished like you "shot your load," prematurely...

So the facts are the facts, and "lesbian licking" is without a doubt, "Finger-Lickin'-Good," just ask God the Man upstairs, just ask him how he perfected The Female Form with breasts, with pointy nipples I just want to chomp on with the girl emitting a joyous scream like S&M shit, and those same hunnies with big butts galore – yes, apparently He wants us to gaze at wet pussies bathed in smegma, dripping drip-drops like the "Queen-Alien" in the movie Aliens drooling over Sigourney Weaver, with her all squeamish and not-screaming bcoz she was so tough and she's hard-as-nails this Sigourney Weaver  !!!!!!!

The Horror, the Horror !!!!!!! I adore Ladies' Asses LIKE ASSSETS to them each and every one of them, it's true, I do, love that teasing like COME HITHER and get higher and higher and higher smoking that dope to make you dizzy, like take another hit, and "COUGH YOU'LL GET STONED-ER" or more-stoned if you feel my jib, without sounding like a pervert, I said "jib" not "jiblets" and let's be frank, if you know anyone named Frank, or, or, "Franklin" maybe as someone's last-name, you might know, if you do !!!!!!! Like B. or Bobby or Benny, the infamous Ben-Franklin on the $100-bill bcoz it's all about the Benjamins, according to Puff Daddy, or P. Diddy, and he does a little ditty for the audacious audience who are all mature...

Just Offer Me Something .

Give me what you want, just give it to me and I SHALL SET IT FREE, oh don't you know...

Do you know how hard my dick is? – it's not easy – when I take Yohimbine and Tribulus Terrestris to give me "harder" Orgasms, oh the great long-lasting organism that creepy-crawls its way into your senses, like a spyder, and maybe even grants you an additional one if you keep on thrusting with 4n4l s3x !!!!!!! =D

"That's the way you wanna do it"... if your hunny-bun lets you, like the loving sweetheart that she should be, but if not then don't get angry, no, instead you must buy her flowers and Swiss Navy lube that I use every night, just playing with myself, yanking my crank, getting my jollies off, etc. etc.

Hi Everyone Watching !!!!!!! and I know I have many-much-more people watching me at what I post on my Facebook "Wall" like "Wait" you all who read and re-read my posts on websites like a "compulsive addiction" to my sweet-sweet words as if they're spoken from THE MOUTH, THE LIPS, AND THE SOUL OF GOD HIMSELF !!!!!!!