Sunday, October 30, 2016

We can all agree everybody that I sit in a chair and peck away at my keyboard for my four blogs online, waiting for you to see what I post with a lot of mystery, so I see that I haven’t posted on my Blogspot blog


Google: alwayschillen

I write some good stuff and I had for over a year, before my WRX crash, which I didn’t write much For. . . But now I’m always writing poetry ( ( ( A- ) ) ) and Prose to make me come at you. . .

Okay that’s enough about my writing. . . and I have had my Mom do an intravenous injection of a protein-peptide to increase my IGF-1 LR3 and HGH with GH2 into the quote-unquote parietaL Lobe of my brain ( ( ( the Parietal Lobe ) ) ) just above the surface of the brain and I am hoping to turbocharge my brain with anabolic neutraceuticals to make me smarter, pouring neurons into the synaptic space along the dendrites like Little hairs, sitting there to detect sensation along the nerve endings. . . the Universe of the brain with blood-cells circulating through veins and all of the atoms, their atoms interacting with each other, building proteins with amino-acids Flowin’ through intravenous veins with chemicals being Transported to the Brain. . . 

Synaptic charges are like our Lightning we have in the atmosphere every once and a while, with myobursts of HGH with this new pill by InnovaPharm I bought from ASN Nutrition where I know the owner/manager GUY WHO’S THERE ALL DAY,  EVERY DAY ,  working a kind of job that I would do very great in order to sell the products I know a Lot about. . . IGF-1, I’ve taken a couple times, $70 a bottle of 30 pills . . . Mass Muscle Maker near-me sells it for $135 . . . For Thirty pills. . . For an increase of Human Growth Hormone, which I haven’t taken for 12 years. . .

Google: IGF-1 peptide ,  if you would like to Test it on mice it’s Legal to buy . . .

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