Thursday, September 26, 2013

The title hasn't come to me yet...

What’s on the mind of a good man who’s had a Traumatic Brain Injury, well I’ll just say that everything is a little more difficult but I think I’m doing okay as I go along.
I just love my Mom and Dad so much, and Brother Justin is a great artist...

YES FAMILY COMES IN AT  # 1 FOR ME !!!!!!!!!!!

What do I have troubles with ::: well speech and memory, but I can “CONCENTRATE” just fine... enjoying learning, etc. etc. yet the whole damn experience makes me so sad to think about all the missed time in my 20’s and losing a good bit of potential—so valuable—but I’m always looking forward to the next cool thing and I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll meet a girl at QCC !!!

I’m not looking for a beauty-queen—but I just want my girl to be trying to look her best and wearing sexy clothing always thanking me for being so sweet and great...

Yes O’ Yes – girls and sex are of utmost importance to me !!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Creative Writing 0001


Beautiful blonde hair, a touch younger than me—just as I prefer—and she’s the sweetest doll who answers phonecalls in the front office, she is a real cupcake, like the best-tasting one ever here on planet Earth !! ~~

But I’ll make sure this taboo article will never see the light of where I work—the company that my dad used to own with 3 other “partners” of the business, ECM Plastics, Inc. – Rest In Peace ~~ ( sold for 36.5M )

She’s into Poetry JUST LIKE ME and writing and she likes to work out too...

Her name is Tiffani .

She wears this sumptuously SHORT SKIRTS and push-up bra’s !!!

OMG ~~ not like Oh My God ~~ but more like Oh My ‘Goodness’ ~~ because maybe we should leave the Lord out of this one !!! amen !!!


haha Mr. Wilcox I sat down last night and wrote that, and I thought it came out as something poignantly sweet as written by the heart of a single man. . .

Which is me, Jeffrey Marquis, Like JEFFREY MAR~~KEEEEEEE !!!

And I’m always there to help a woman out, advocate a female, aid a lady, etc. etc. ...
because after going to a Catholic High School – Saint John’s, I’m very nice .

If you know any girls who like nice young rich sons of millionaires, well please do ‘drop my name...’


I just have a really hard time with the opposite sex because of my TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury...) and I sometimes alienate girls because I’m thinking of some nonsense...

Monday, September 9, 2013

Mental Strategies: Updated

Now is the time and place here for our capacities to be maximized, like stretching them to the limits as we know them.
And maybe we’ll learn some new things about the Universe we live in – right ? – wouldn’t that be cool ??

“How fast is the speed of light in comparison to, say, a Saturday morning jog through the neighborhood?,” you may ask yourself.

With your wife and kids at home eating cereal – they’re puttin’ on the pounds with those loopy Fruit Loops while you’re focusing on the Bee-Pee-Emm’s your ticker is putting out. Oh that’s right !!

Yes but that was you so long ago. So long ago, so-so long ago. You know?? So go with the ebb and flow, and your wife and kids, they’ll tickle your toes !!

Back to strategizing.

Maybe you should write things down – people always say “You Should Write More.” Grocery lists and things to remember. Pick up a pen or I’ll make you surrender !!

So write down what you can, for leisure, not like the stupid TPS reports at your job the boss needs PRONTO... no no no unless you’re getting paid for it !!

Speaking of which, which one of you kids put the I.O.U. note in Daddy’s wallet ??

Give me an answer or there’ll be no Applebee’s tonight !!