Tuesday, December 14, 2021

I'll take you anywhere you want to go, and Justine Aragona 2009-2013 always exclaimed "The Mall" !!!!!

Whimsical and Tipsy, when romancing my Tiffany completely sober, hopefully the both of us, me for sure, asking for no more, evil alcohol done with it, after throwing a Fit, when I couldn’t Drink a lot, and then I found MMJ “pot” but not a lot, which I later had to stop.

Upon living here at “Averte” they take care of me, with road flares ignited in the driveway, when I want to drive away, and returning home, hopefully near Justine in the area, not to scare ya, but I want to bone her so badly I’m biting my pillow thinking of the high heights and humble lows, this is all for show!!! While flexing my magnificent muscles and tussling my Dad’s full head of hair, at which I stare seeing no bad baldness, head full of black, mostly, hair, with some gray’s.

I will survive without a single satisfactory sacrifice, being at humble lows but only a little bit, staying Fit for longer than a Bit, coin, and “crypto-currencies” making me famous as a “Whale” and not liking costumes  or furry tails.

Parking at an intersection with much inspection, feeling the detection, the honking drivers for thanking the absence of law enforcement on a great descent, more than decent, so I don’t repent, as I feel so spent, living like the homeless in a tent, on an Indian reservation with whiskey, kitty kitten named “Cookies” with a puzzled and kooky look on him or her in the house, searching for a mouse, not in a trap, for the cat to attack.

California I mourn for ya, with NoKo’s subs in the Pacific, and they’re within firing range, in specific, without a single trick, on my part, when I wonder when a war will start, letting out a burp, the slush puppy I slurp, like a milky cool syrup to enjoy, with me to be employed, hopefully my a vitamin shop, selling Inositol to a cop in disguise, me surprised, for I hide nothing so as I’m maybe despised, to those who fail to see me as a prize, those Googley eyes, facing different directions, for a vision surgeon’s inspection, when I need Tadalafil for a full erection, of a building, whey protein is so filling, and I am more than willing, to take chocolate milk for swilling, in the jug and tug tug tug it’s a boat full of cargo to go fast like a Scarab and I like Israel, of Arabs.

Majesty of masturbation and tuning into the tunes on a local radio station, this is my Nation where I have much contemplation upon when it listen to Miley, maybe feeling smiley with a kiss on the cheek, toots, wearing boots for show, and the audience applauds the loudest, the crowd of them funny people looking on and oh it’s on, me mowing the front lawn at dawn, washing with dish-soap for this is my hope, living at home with Mom and Dad, me promising them I won’t be bad, or ever make them sad, for that is in the past, which didn’t last, for long, like the short song on WSBK that I wonder if the sound of my voice is okay, okay? as the horse eats a minimal about of hay in the meadow, wouldn’t you kn0w, it, if Miss Tiph catches my drift, happy in bed, enough being said, with kisses all over and more in store for the onlookers to endure, for more, I implore, 

Mama Mia, Tess and Tia, as per the many luxurious restaurants at rest-stops to employ a gay soldier’s handle on the GRIP of things, and get this — I dig the Dogecoin that’s accelerated and Bitcoin Cash that has my phat stack of chips on the Frito-Lay pinball wheel of racing my future 1999 Ferrar F355 GTS F1

or new 200-series Ferrari 296 sold on Ferrari.com to pass the ball to Tom Brady of Tampa (go UT!) 

Tangle Tackle at the armpit showroom of kitchen Brooms but this while shopping at Brooks with Arba Miha I found her cute living with Derek and Brian at Geneva St. near Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital of the Mum’s and the Nun’s “Hospice” with “Spice” by a new and young and fresh Campbell’s soup can puzzle I put together years ago and while wearing hats on Earth to fund the “Projects” with welfare payments of mad snacks coming at you with attacks from Hypersonic Missiles that change trajectory, Trading Joe’s at Trader Joe’s, but to Prophet from the Messiah of a mess of smoking on a pipe with a phat stack of a Nintendo 64 with Donkey Kong-  this while wearing earrings to the beach to soak up the sun on your thong with the 2 buns, which are the baker’s bread on Breaking Bad or Baker Pond, scrubbing a scumbag’s back with a thong, No, this being a LOUFA !!!!!

Inception at the intersection of massive orifices leaking greasy sebum through the Secretagory Gland of the Corporeal, For Real, For Real !!! With a half-white egg-white with some of that African flair of tossing a thick head of hair, some lady at the Boutique, possibly paying with Bitcoins and money out of my Estate, like my always-valid Trust Fund through my great millionaire Mom and Dad!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Shuffle-Shuffle, the deck of cards!

She’s all mine because our dancing is fine, it is so-o-o fine and to the stars and behind, grabbing her’s with my two palms divided when we back it up pack it up, I don’t smoke CBD or take THC in our silk, made from worms and my words, the slanted slingily stinging prospect of sexual reproduction, again and again, with her puffy belly carrying a feline fetus to eat lettuce and chocolate Ensure drinks each morning, for the Glory of winning so thinning with the good-ol’ SLIM-FAST, reducing weight to elongate meeting our eventual fate, the demise being the hard part awaiting another world, you’re my girl dressed fine in Ralph Lauren, shopping at Saks 5th Avenue, for you to peruse the dressables, like it’s so fun to get undressed but slowly, removing the top items brain and t-shirt, then the skirt, so much of a flirt, but never cheating with our hearts beating at a matching pace

Cum-quats squats crunches cardio being fit like a quarterback who’s FUCK MY ENEMIES DEAD TO THE END OF SPACE WHERE THERE ARE ONLY STARS IN FRONT OF HIM AT THE OUTTER EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE! unrefined at dinner with no napkins and only a fork and knife... so where’s the chocolate chip pudding ( I just invented that and pudding in small containers should within my lifetime add crunchy chocolate chips! )  when I think to the time when a phonecall cost a dime and everything was working optimal when I was born until my TBI —  aside from nights of taking DXM dextromethorphan Tussin at home in the dark alone just me and my several times, cough syrup buzz with MP3’s playing with “Visualization” programs, playing Astral Projection music and watching MilkDrop on Winamp, but not running linux; using Windows instead of calling a Teckademics Mischief3000 DVD and never GGW on disks Culminating Culprits Calling HOME YES saying I haven’t done a drug in a long time, years now and almost a full year of full Sobriety after ending over 363/365’s of my quitting all alcohol in 2016, in the past many years I’ve only had a single beer and not driving 3 times with a single beer on holidays

Tango Tangle with Tantric “Tanning Drug” teasers at the Showcase before the movie begins, A THRILLER !!!!!

No slasher film here because it’s this evil character “FREDDY KRUEGER! Who’s gonna smash you, bash you, lick you up (and down) and SLASH YOU !!!!!

How did David Perron end his life?

He had 3 beers with me having no-beer he was drinking and was hooked on opiates

But be the worst word you can perhaps come to The C Word :


My best whatever is what I do besides best writing as I come to the FAMOUS conclusion that underneath each other’s one’s clothing and shaved like I’ve been doing since hearing the recommendation on WAAF in 7th grade when I didn’t have a razor so I’d use my Dad’s and then I thought that might not be something that should ever happen again, so Oh I stole my Mom’s disposable shaving legs razor, and then one day when I was bored I mentioned it to my Mom and she said I could use one of Dad’s Gillette razor attachments with blades of it own, like “Blade: the movie” in all it’s best respects to the slain vampires, that I can’t believe the stupid Vampires Vaping show on WB remember channel 9? what happened to that? ALL THOSE SHOWS WITH B l_ acks  !!!!! The “WB” was a “Black” television channel with nightly line-up’s of Black Shows of comedy and the actors and actresses not drinking because who wants to see a drunk black on a t.v. show that isn’t Cops ?????

Flicker you little tiny Bic lighter Mini I never smoke CBD “bud” I CHEW THE CBD and swallow with water or chocolate milk or a whey protein shake from the supermarket Hannaford’s nearby where the staff here buys me things of food and for my apartment and bodily health, but no Insulin

Mystical cans of Sprite and Scotch-Tape to close off the slicey dicey of the blades of a sword from the Ninja, yeah a Ninja from Niagara Falls and HI ANNE SKINNER she’s amazingly helpful in the Niagara Falls, but she’s not a Ninja or black-belt — did you know that I went to about 5 Karate classes and I punched one of the Karate Kid quote-unquote DOJO that I trained at and I could just wear sweatpants for the beginning 5 Karate classes where I hit a guy in the face, and I gave him a bloody lip, so I felt bad until he says, “Hit me again, give me your best shot in the face, at which point I said, “Umm sir- no thank you I don’t want to hurt another human!” But he begged me to punch him in the face, a white Karate guy when I went to Studio 54 and hit him in the face, and he said, “Again! Hit me!” And I hit him in the lip and I stopped, I didn’t punch his ear or kick him in the heartbeat they measure mine here at Averte 

Of course first I said, “Don’t hit me back!” Of course lol

This “holy creation” where consciousness and the brain are so beautifully powerful, but maybe the people who endure pain wouldn’t agree, as I have no aches, I exercise, I take a lot of vitamins and Cialis most days for enhanced full-body weight loss and Cialis’es manly benefits <3 Cialis I don’t really need, I never did with Justine Ara who got me off so much, and I had a full-body orgasm with her shortly before we broke up, and nothing went “inside” me

Take and Rake for a big surprise, just wait as the lights go out and the crowd cheers, for a band is about to go onstage at the Big Top Concert Creation Hall with 4 walls on each side of you, fitted with powerful electric shocking wires and barbed Barbie wire surrounding the “Hostage Waiting Area” as the government of Nicaragua prepares to send a Buxton briefcase with $100’s and Botox by injection, with a ton of tiny pins to shoot it in your pecker wrecker down the waterfall in the Amazon Rain Forest muddy with a lot of rain I remember reading that it rains every day I the Rain Forest that’s being burnt down by shitty countries like China!

I raked people’s front lawns a bunch- one after another with the Minister and people I knew from our Charlton Federated Church PRAISE JESUS!

I didn’t need him and I believe Jesus Christ is a “Prophet” completely separate from God = Did you know that many virgins have given birth???

Oh I read about it on Time.com before I crashed and since then, scientific labs have created life WITHOUT ANY SPERM!

Divine Creation = “Parthenogenesis”

I feel like accelerating in a Tesla paid for with dogecoin and Bitcoin plus an my gift of an Apollo blue t-shirt autographed by the entire Space Crew .

ARE YOU IN ?????



I had a 3D videogame system with a few games made by NES called the “Virtual Boy” video game system

But we graduate from boyish things like I have chosen not to sell my Comic Book collection in Charlton, MA where my parents are selling my old toys and stuff that my parents bought for me and my brother Justin

My brother is important to me

Justine Aragona 2009-2013 is very important to me

I want a summer car for my birthday I turn 40 and I haven’t drank since 2016!

I didn’t need it

I’m a good driver

I dated a girl who had a TBI, too, and I really want to marry her and hoping she’s more intelligent now — I don’t care if she still loves Sponge Bob — I quit drinking and we were so great together

A Brisk man in a business suit with a North Face jacket to wear as he’s taxi taking cabs to his office that had been viewable until his apartment at TRL with Carson Daly Dali L-ama and I appreciate the good people who work with my Therapies (TBI) and CHARITIES, that I’m trying to raise money for the poor people a Rev. I know does a lot of Humanitarian work, like buying food I want to buy WEIGHT GAINERS!


What an ingenious idea by me and my parents are matching my donation

The Islamic Nation!

My perspiration containing bits of 9/11 remembrance of Lance Armstrong who didn’t actually cause 9/11 but he paid his taxes and he has helped LIVESTRONG AND LIVESTRONGPLUS+ Multi-Vitamin-C anti-oxidant but not an Amino Acid vitamins supermarket bottles of pills-pills-pills to much on with a white cracker at the cracked windshield in the John-Deere-wearing FACT-ORY WORKER AT A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT THAT I never ordered “seeds” or took opiates



Friday, November 12, 2021

The Subaru Solterra behold~


Mother deaf and dead Dave with no love, but perhaps from Above, liked the likely lie of David on fire, with Satan, the red dragon takes the wagon to Hades in an SUV by Bacardi's Mercedes-Benz automotive trends and likelyhood for something sugar sweet all around Allah, it is so good I say, THE BEST, doing pushup's for my big breasted milk-fed chest!

 Mother Dove of Faith to God Himself The Father — let’s take a minute for Jesus Christ who suffered for me, I never saw Jesus, I am delighted with, to be alive, without lice — those creepy criminal cringing at having his license taken away me I don’t drive here out-of-state EXPIRED MMJ card, I don’t need, or want — I’ve never had lice and I am clean, and has John Coz been well ???

I care about him and his son, like I care about Daniel M. Besse who wants to make money with me!

DAN’S SON, but maybe I wonder “What’s in it for me?”

Mommy D. I just want you to be, happy with me!

So happy to see you with the Clinique Astringent gentlemen of the Marquis Family, and I conquered the name of “Elegance” with my writing when I remember, you use Estrogen and I applaud that or maybe some other pill, let’s see Brady in Tampa, I want to see “Mannie” with her husband who I would like to meet this man, let me just say:  hats off to Nick D’Amico if they’re still married, and I wanted to think, “Did Danita really think she was really dating, “I’m Mom’s favorite!”

Dad is your favorite, ever since you met him, that’s so special you two were looking for marriage, to take your hubby to bed and wake up in the morning before millionaire Dad when Mother Hen Mother, “Mother, Mother, indeed like no other and let’s not forget to take sex too far, enjoying the looks on the face of one another... I was friends with Elon Musk — I believe I asked for Facebook on the phone to be friends with Elon Musk because my Dad was a millionaire, so I became his friend and called him on the phone when I wanted to tell him how lucky so super lovingly loving the Church Service, and we all taste the Body of Christ, as I have been so blessed to attend a Christian Private school for high school when the Saint’s would pray over us the students I love Elon Musk I want to buy the Minister a Tesla with Cardano I’m going all- in, on, I’m on, I’m On, I’m On, I’m NOT ON THE SPOT many years since my MMJ

if I were really suited UP  with a suit and tie and a BOW tie no less, in a bed in a nice hotel Suite — sweet whoopee woolly wool while I’ve never peed in the pool here, not HEATED at 70 degrees who sits on the throne, Whoopie Goldberg in “Sista Act” I took acting class in HS and I didn’t often get high there as I haven’t acted mean to anyone but Jesus Christ who I thank Him and Rev. Anne Skinner I thank with me having a Suite overlooking Niagara Falls with Sweet Justine (SJ I WENT TO SAINT JOHN’S)

My MMJ card ended and I’m going to buy Mom the whole entire “24” series when my Crypto Profits come in that are going up all-in with Tesla, increasing revenue over many years in time to CLIMB MOUNT VESUVIUS SUE B. family of 244 carats with a side of carrots and sell the Tesla Sedan with more than enough oomph to throw Ripley a bone and she would chew it, years in time since my MMJ card expired, three, years, ago… but look and go to Tampa to be with her for a light lunch at a cafe if she’d like — but the fact that Mannie now a “D’Amico” Mannie in Spanish I at WSU, friends for years, to see her and see her again, with Manny then “Mannie” Rotella on Facebook at WSU — Danita didn’t know why I wanted her involved, but for a short time I was FRIENDS with her, sending her the video of when Ross Kisses Rachel on FRIENDS-ONLY I never went to her room but I saw her one day when I was outside of the dorms, Dan knows, I’ve done nothing wrong with her, and Dan didn’t teach me at Saint John’s but how to later grow that I now take a bunch of Calcium Citrate strong bones like James Bond! Because he would want his kid’s inheritance invested in Etherium


And Cardano that I hope to either own a new o oh  o o o I want a new car with the profits from Etherium and Cardano, but not much growth in Bitcoin that had a small dose ???

) MOTHER DOVE ( a ship sails John Coz to the pier where he parks his new Volvo outside of the Pier 1 wooden boat


ISN’T (1. A DONKEY ??? 2. DELIRIOUS ??? 3. SNIFFING DUSTER ??? 4. Or this meeting getting torn the fuck out of a printer I don’t have here, I haven’t printed anything here or with the staff

Let’s listen to Dad talk about his second-career, bass fishing, and Dad never gambled, you allowed my buying cheap and expensive scratch tickets, when I won $250 on a Pinball Wizard ticket, but not a Traffic Ticket

Toots, with booty buns for me hun!

Pass, the sugar sweet of who but you,

Who, tantalizing treat a tall tree 3,

Hey, viva la vida especial a la Allah,

God, you are the greatest feat of a

Whoa, the hologram of Him You God

The, dearest Father complete I met

Facebook, Meta- shopping at NETA

Paris, France, my eventual location?

Money in France, I dance in my pants

Like Lance, the loser doper, a dope,

Smoking in 3’s, I haves these, trees,

Say I, can say the word of the Lord,

With TextEdit not Microsoft Word!

This feeling is what I know- commencement comments on Facebook, showing Miley Squatting at a beach at night, there was no light, gentle and coastin’ from coast to coast, eating. Buttered Toast, with a real “toast” to the almighty Wayne the millionaire holding onto his “Cash-Cash” not smoking butts or Hash, generating grey ash, so dust to dust, I’m on the Cusp, drinketh drinkers like Derek Langlois his toast to roast, occasionally sipping wine with his AZN wife, I hope she shows him “strife” =/

Karma complete, I have 2 feet, and 7 inches below, I stow and I stay while watching nothing “Gay” sensing no attraction Subaru Outback XT with Traction, slipping in the snow, tilted reflection... and in the puddle of RBC blood, with an Insulin interjected injection, the “tilted reflection” needs inspection with Sr. Gadget of a grey TRENCH coat throwing grenades above, and while drinking Gatorade a Dove sails the sky, I’m not high, I like the Zoloft 3 times a day, so I will stay and talk nicely to E. E. Webs galore with Weebs drinking warm beer on this cold outside night of touching Syllables with the Bible staying idle, liable for Jesus’ adoration, a Prophet, says in The Qur’an, “Jesus Is My Homie” t-shirts I’ve ordered galore, more in store, for a can of Campbell’s Soup with chicken and seller-ie (Celery) along plus “Seltzer” of savage Savior Jesus Christ, my Prophet — sorry I don’t think Jesus is God, because I have experience with “GOD” I know him and His Divine Presence at the edge of space, my place, to be with Him and my tight belly drinking Perrier from a glass belonging to Krystal Witterall, on Christmas Eve, the company/business of $36.5M owned by Great Wayne who knows I’m not insane, to say the least with honest thinking about positive honesty that the jerks on the phone that made me hit a telephone pole and not a TREE!

I don’t “Smoke Trees”

I don’t drink

I don’t wear Mink,

I think, I think

I don’t wear pink,

I don’t puke in the sink,

I call this weak, you hum



 Bang Bang banjo dingo dangling a dangling with a feather pillow smattering along with Her, my Darling oh we sing —  Madam for you I have a right tight ring for your leftmost pinky, eating a Twinkie with

the Pinkie up, and miss drink of your cup, the pathway of the Nissan “Pathway Finder” Standing right aside her- noticing by chance to dangle and angle off the angel, rainy clouds, being Loud and not

Shroud Stroon Spoon Shrewn Sherwsbury Catholic School for 5 grand a year, pay the lunch lady land with the mop on her hand of a simple pickup, take the Truck, and the Tank, with Hank, him to thank for ‘a’ my, my oh my, a Paris pizza pie, at my Bank in France overseers harvesting the happenings of white barren wombs of wombats and women when I add them the Adding Adidas and additional ad - vert 

ramp, on some Tini Tize-ments Tinkle Tower at this very hour, or an ornament adorned with the owner of fluffy grey hair, the one who is to care, looking down unapprovingly of wet sticky hair, in the

sink... and wearing a Mink fur of hairs with an EMT who really cares, no death for me or me the He of the Leicester matter, sleeping on a mattress to rest on one’s eyes after with your and My credit-card declined, of bullshit hacked purchases, what gives? I don’t want to have any kids!!! Barren tomb of a bleach monsoon down south, Trident in my mouths, to feed, with my need... and with a single seed 

the gift of fruity, dancing goes the black girl named Roh-die on TV in the dark, be careful where you park, nest to a violet-cranberry Cadillac, hit the gasoline, we’re sitting sighting and but SIGHING instead of “Signing” on the dotted-line hot off the bench-presses we’re a malignant mess, with a receipt signed by Jess. a madam new to Tocci and with capered sushi a TV dinner we have a winner in pink, soap on the bathroom sink, with EZ Clay Spray to the Wildest of may adorn a bedfellow biting the pillow, hill of hills with vertical drop-shoot spills the beans on the Gluteus Flutes in Nissan’s sure serif, singing, if, and only if, with a thin mother Tiph white hen a beckoning with balls I’m breaking them seen on to Green! Go! Light circle of a Gumby storage signal, comfotrting the sullying Saleen Musgtang  twang in between the bosoms of my Mother Earth, I wouldn’t like to ever give Birth, out of a peter-petri dish if you insisted, on the inside, I swallow my pride, of a Bitcoin(s) investment in 2013 or 2014 premature

Maxima’s arriving late today’s current reciporical repository to get the Respiratory long story an STi on the road, my lawn at my house, Dad keeps mowed, with a Mode; Model Mold Mod off and be a cat in the house meowing and whole-cowing it, to Tip one soon, Alice, to the moon of Maternal Madness Gluteus Glutes and with gowns down to the Maximus, of this precipise of spice on the riff- put out that Lit Spliff, with Tiph to tantle longer than the high-past hour, forlorn and worn, miss the coffee drinks, pouring hot water down the sink, so it doesn’t stink to the stuck mother fuck in the freezer a la an old Geezer, while listening to Weezer on the Chantilly Lace for a man to embrace, and a long song, belief with 100% bequeathed be wine belonging  to the owner of Palestine, with Jesus Christ the Monte Cristo watching Spice, inhaling Spice, but tonight do It twice, for a double bereft of a shotgun sawed short in baseball,  the bag, and stop, I am not a licensed cop, applying the Wily choke hold, while in the November months it’s cold, all of them,  to be about announced, and Anonymously- this is the shining light of my princess hun (Justine Aragona) I have won!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Brain Injury Association of America - BIAA - nice people I've met with TBI's, like my Justine Aragona has one worse than my own TBI from 2004!

I squack and I swung a Homie being handsome not “homely” in the least, lay a feast of activities to bribe the bridesmaid at a Lucky Day Parade, continuing down the 5th (avenue) I’ll plead, when a girl has my “seed” inserted to a baby-spot, is it true? OR NOT ????? I don’t know the Dodge Ram on “shorn” road near me, not near Sak’s 5th Avenue, with a Hefty bag in the trash, lining it without whining when you have to toss ‘em in the dumpster out back, I’m anxiety-free and not having a “panic attack” like year 2001 when I found Klonopin and it made my own Planet spin, to rotate, with Brotha Nate and Tiph Desrosiers, they’re the losers UNLESS THEY READ MY WORKS! I cannot tell you how important Tiffany Desrosiers is to my life because she’s the last girl I loved before I got my TBI, and seeing her that morning, that day, in 2004, it made me say, “Hey!”

Needless wants and Tiphle thoughts of making dazzling and daring sex all night — but not in public, that’s stupid

Pornhub in the minds of their insane brains, and because I have a TBI, let me just say, Pornhub is the only adult-website I visit!!!

“Here I come to save the day!”

Eat your Wheaties, also known as Weedies, chew the seeds of the pot plant and put on a pair of bearskin hemp pants, stomp on ants in the house, and set mouse traps in the cellar, as I take a Caller to put on the air, in here, the boardroom beer-bar Playboy Mansion in-store sales at Sales the store, the more the sales the more the SCORE!

I stuck it right in the V entrance of undefeated underwear victory of sorcery by the Witchardry of her Majesty

Search “Justin Marquis” on Etsy.com, and buy my Bro’s artwork with many paintings and other artistries of our fantasies!

Marquis, Deborah, my Mom I love her,. I love Justine and my Mom, almost as much and just as a touch, to your heart, I hope we never Depart! with Miley Cyrus!

Mom I write so flagrantly, terrifically, wonderfully, honesty, autobiographically and brilliantly — don’t you see?

I’m with a special brain, a TBI, that needs no refrain.

You’re perfectly, sweet fully, plain, with autobiographical “Zane” as in zany-ness zane-fully as sweet as a bee without the Stinger, and I am not yet a “Bread Winner” like Dad — the greatest of all Wayne’s he is also free of “Zane.”

Dad is sorta plain too, like you, Mommy boo!

Keep up being a good housewife with my saying please, laundry and dishes while Dad catches fishes for you two to morsel on, night after night, you two never fight, and I am so glad, you met Dad — a keeper, like you Mommy, who, you too are a fine catch like the Mermaid in Splash!

Worth a lot of cash, I will need more money soon, in my sink, there lays a spoon, and I want a sweetie to swoon, like Ember, I want her every morning of December, to bring my thrills as I forgo the many “Pillz” ((( yeah Mom did you know I haven’t taken a med in a week??? OH THAT WOULD BE WEAK!!!

Please oh Mom I tease!

Fun jokes for all, written on my Facebook wall

Easy does it with the posting, and creating Mannie a profile I was “ghosting”


But not here, and have no fear, I am not to be with her any time near!

I had dreams of Samantha “Manny” now “Mannie” Rotella-D’Amico, but those days are going going gone, as I sing a song

“Mannie my sweetie, you must never beat me!”

Mannie on the recall, in Tampa, Florida you are near to Danita, big sis, so please give her a phonecall, for all is well, and Florida must be hot as hell,

But I hope you are well well well, Debbie Z. looked so thin and wonderfully!

I’m not crazy and I make sense out of nonsense, these words in my head, they will produce tasty “Bread” when all has been said. Thank you for keeping me free, you do it so wondrously!

I write on my www.jeffreymarquis.com too!


Monday, September 6, 2021

Jeffrey Marquis the one of French Royalty!

So sweet our love for each other the Marquis greatness shining bright like a luminary Southern Sun of eating buttery baked buns on the beach in a tropical climate: Topic, Global Warming - that Dad says isn’t a big deal, my dear Daddy, remaining resolute that the water level is many years off from reaching its peak, birds swimming in the water looking for a big dish of fish, and then flying in the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN0FFK8JSYE sky, so high, that the CBD doesn’t “lift” me, which is similar to how I don’t have any weights of iron here to pump up my biceps, being unequal from when I wanted a bigger right arm made possible by protein-peptides like IGF-1 LR3 sold online in many online carts, and my Cookies kitty will occasionally let out a faint fart, eating snookie treats that’s all she eats, that I want a female cat, hence “Cookies” but not “Nookie” for that is for my only crush here at “Averte” — it’s Ember I want to marry Justine Aragona for my birthday in March, but if she’s gone I want to marry Ember in December on Christmas the 25th of the month, and how many years and months have I been here in Vermont, but that my real “HOME” with my “Health Proxy” Mom and Dad, is located at the distant topography of near and far “Massholes” on the Pike and 128 and 495, I took 495 often when I would jive in my sporty AWD Turbo Japanese vehicle, I miss so much, now planning on importing my riches from my Bank in France, paying the required taxes to have Domestic access to my riches!

All because I was so injured and damaged and sad when I would cry at my computer being hacked by my enemies, and I Googled: “cry” and that’s how I learned so much about “crypto-currencies” that weren’t in circulation yet, but in 2013 or 2014 many of the small stocks listed here ((( https://www.cnbc.com/cryptocurrency ))) were so cheap!

I could have owned coindesk.com, but I believe I’ve only invested some money in order to profit!

I thank Dan Besse my unofficial stockbroker cousin, but he showed me so much intense pain when he turned off all the lights, had a somewhat hidden lightswitch in his guest room where I slept until I felt such a strong painful sensation in my bladder and I had to get to the bathroom really quick!

Dan locked the door and there were tons of boxes and bags down the hallway so I couldn’t get to Dan’s other door to the bathroom!

It’s the worst pain I ever remember or recall, worse than when I pissed my Dockers in Health I with Mrs. Waskevich at WSU when I had to do a presentation and no matter what she wouldn’t let me use the bathroom!

I remember all those joyous girls smiling so wide, grinning while grilling me with their beautiful eyes WIDE OPEN

They were so Heavenly “enthused” but they didn’t laugh even a bit — no they were in disbelief

Mrs. Waskevich should have let me use the Men’s Room!

I called Dad. I said I pissed my pants in front of the whole class. He said he’d either drive me home or had a pair of pants my size at his huge plastics and polymers business that has made him worth many millions of dollars! He had pants that fit me.

I’m most proud of my Dad for being a Bassmaster — that I Googled: Wayne Marquis earlier and he’s on a Bassmaster website — actually it was something I posted on Facebook many, many years ago, like I signed up for Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook in 2006 with my worcester.edu email through the University I received some good grades at, so I saw the decade old link to Dad on Bassmaster and it reported his earnings through his professional bass fishing, he now has a $40,000 Ranger Bass Boat!


Dance in space with Allah and me,

You dreamed a God up,

And called it “Christianity”

I was good friends with the very, very wealthy Brandon Hom -- https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/legacy/obituary.aspx?n=brandon-m-hom&pid=3335128&fhid=3085 -- who sat at my lunchtable at Saint John's that he was kicked out of our school and not graduating from our Christian High School, for doing so many bad drugs and driving only new sportscars, but I lost track of him on purpose because with his opiate abuse he was going nowhere, and he overdosed on heroin REST IN PEACE DAVID PERRON! -- Should I donate to Addiction Recovery ??? ((( I'm not addicted to anything but the meds they give me for my TBI and I feel no pain, but I realize that David worked a difficult job and faking sobriety, driving me around on an opiate and getting a beer at the restaurant, I refused to pay for his beer, so he paid for it himself a 16oz of I forget what beer, but since quitting drinking in 2016, oh boy did years before enjoy the thickness of Guinness once I stopped buying "nips" I'd sneak into our home to drink them at night, that you and Dad put an end to, checking my pockets, and I'm sorry I stole a bottle of Bailey's mudslide when I was a student, but I only blame George Gleick for my previous drinking, and the pain from my shattered left hip in 7 pieces from my wrxtbi.com that I run four other blogs, that hopefully won't be switched, I HATE GOOGLE FOR SWITCHING MY AMOUNT OF CHURCH PAMPHLETS I'D COLLECT WHEN I WENT TO THE CHARLTON FEDERATED CHURCH WITH JIM CHASE ON HIS PROFILE, who has defriended me on Facebook because I know about "Parthenogenesis" that there have been so many "Virgin Births" before and after Jesus Christ, who I didn't allow him to suffer for me, even when you took me off painkillers in the ICU... because Jesus Christ was innocent and a product of "Parthenogenesis" when a woman becomes pregnant without a man's sperm -- that's kept secret by people who urge believing in Jesus Christ, the world's biggest religion, that Islam is the second largest religion in the world, and many Saint John's graduates in my Class of 2000 are Islamic now, that they recommended in some Masses at my Catholic High School I got 1080 SAT's at and was accepted to Northeastern University in Boston on Huntington Ave. where I had severe Panic Attacks and had to come home to our small town of Charlton, MA that I felt comfortable there as apposed to the big city where I didn't have a car, but after I left Northeastern University, I took support-group classes to combat Social Anxiety which went well, and I got my first ever speeding ticket in 2001 going 84 on The Mass Pike, that I had the fine reduced!

I collected 66 Sunday Service pamphlets, after attending service every Sunday morning, I stopped saving them because my home is 66 Lincoln Point Road until a few years ago, and once with Justine Aragona my most recent lover of 2.5 years, I leaned into her ear while sitting in the pews and me saying, "We're gonna get married here!" She breathed in so deeply with our love, staring at the alter, and then we kissed! But it's too bad I drank in 2013 at her house when I didn't throw up but her parents or ever give her my low-carb beer -- I weigh 160 lbs. when I once weighed in at 235 lbs. when I drank, but thanks to me and my low-carb eating, I took off 30 lbs. in one month, with minimal exercise. I would drive my Subaru Legacy to The Sole Proprietoy and drink delicious waters with lemons and limes, out of glasses, like I think some jerk here switched my double vision glasses so I want new lenses, because people want me to be more Disabled than I already am -- WHILE BEING A TALENTED AUTHOR!

No one writes as great as I do!

Dave shouldn't have inseminated the two girlfriends he didn't marry either of them even though they had children together.

I remember Dad gave him money while he was alive, to pay Child Support while he didn't have his license from a DUI, that I can't believe he drank a beer and was high on an opiate when he drove me around AND I PAID FOR HIS ENTREE, BUT NOT HIS BEER!

"Stay with me as we cross the empty skies."

Bitcoin is expected to reach $100,000 at the year's end, according to experts' forecasts, which I have 1 of or many, many of them! www.bitcoin.com www.bitcoinmagazine.com https://www.cnbc.com/cryptocurrency/

 I want to survive

I want to stay alive

I want to Thrive

But not here at “Averte” with these crooked crooks planning things for me while I’m reading my many Amazon books, but nothing graphic or with horror, alcohol is a distorter that I stay far away from, after hitting a deep bottom, I am here to Blossom like a Cannabis bud’s Bosoms, and of Justine, she tried to be a D-cup and I told her it wasn’t working, she was often twerking, her booty, not working a job, just going to Center of Hope where I didn’t go, nope, never, I was onto greater endeavors, like becoming a poet oh you know it reading my words of whimsical wonder, I wonder how my damaged brain is working, but typing so fast my data-entry job in the President’s office, my Dad, pecking at the keys and begging on my knees, “Dad buy me a new Subaru XV Crosstrek” but that I want one of those no longer, I’m rarely somber (but Sober...) so I now want a new Subaru Outback XT “Limited” having once bought beer and scratch-tickets at Ted’s in town at home  but not here this Bradford, this town, it’s not too often that I frown, with mostly good food here, the Colatina is near, I enjoy munching on the entrees, without “The Munchies” as my MMJ days are on pause for now, I want to see my Justine Aragona in a white wedding gown, but if she’s somewhat heavier I’ll get her short body “Fit” with a womanly physique every day of the week, that I am strong and this textual eloquence will go on and on and on, tapping my clean fingers with my nails always trimmed, I remember Alx Neas the last girl I made love to, and I got Rimmed to smithereens the door was closed all night and our unison was not seen, like her breasts she showed me in 5 minutes of meeting her, pulling up her shirt, not wearing a bra, the fact that she liked me from the beginning, our friendship of 6 months to a year (LOCKED UP!) but with her I was/am winning!

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Notes coming out of a Trumpet and not Trump, the resounding sound of a gentle BLOW that I’m sure Steve Jobbs would hear the world’s finest musicians

Becrowned like King Wayne the bass fisherman to the sound of the powerful motor a 2-stroke with hundreds of AYCHE-PEE’S as the sound resounds through the luxury carpeted interior with 2 tall up seats in the front&back that allow Dad and Randy to appear taller while taking deep breaths of the freshwater, and talking about nature and their all-natty wives, Sweet Debbie and Buckwild Becky lol jk Philips and their 2 boys Austin and Trevor who love their parents so dearly, I could tell you my Dear with a John Deere trucker hat put on backwards, like in the Hood

Some people wear hoodies in the winter

They take my clothes here, like the one Justin bought me showing money and reading, “Stack & Brag” that they took!

Not note-tunes in NotePad but really real harping coming from the harpist, pleasing the ears of the Experience at the opera, and thanks for taking me to that upper-class concert in Boston with Justin, and plus thank you for getting my best lover ever, Justine “Tini Ara” Aragona, tickets to my favorite band: Taking Back Sunday — I have seen so many great concerts like U2 with my stockbroker who I should call about my “crypto-currencies” investment that my 1 Bitcoin is now at $50,000 being predicted to reach $100,000


I knew something big would fallow the restriction of BitTorrent and it was BITcoin, like Ripley never bit me hard on my wrists when we would play rough, but not too rough!

Now about the Path it is a straight line as accurate as an advanced laser, like I remember playing “Laser Tag” with Jared Donisvitch, my old best friend and may Ray Rest In Peace!

As well as David Perron, who I looked up Brandon Hom who died from heroin, like Dave’s withdrawal he killed himself!

But speaking of opiates, I’ve never done OxyContin or Percocet or heroin or Fentanyl

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Look up "Parthenogenesis" online and on Wikipedia that I learned about through Time.com about a "Virgin Birth" -- THAT MANY, MANY, MANY VIRGINS HAVE GIVEN BIRTH TO UNSPECIAL BABIES -- I don't believe that "Jesus is The Son of God"!

Static so soft with the attributed Aristocrats using the clothes washing machine, the bleach to be see BUT NEVER IMBIBED or imbibing the bribed Bride, marry me Justine Aragona with Peter Pan Pajamas and Tinkerbell was a fairly pretty fairy, with low body fat and with wings but not like on Lockheed Martins Marquis, Jeffrey the man of the hour with all of the power, coming at you late night and being somewhat nocturnal in an effort to avoid the staff and patients here in this bullshit-home for mentally retarded with low abilities, but not legitimate “Mental Retardation” like the one guy I saw at an “Averte” which is where I’ve lived for 2 or 3 years now with no car (!!!), he was a legitimate retard that I hated how he was part of this “SET-UP” in Bradford, Vermont which is 3 hours away from my “Health Proxy” parents (!!!) who control me and my medicines and my mental state and the food here with the nurses being told how to act around me and even lines of speech they memorize to say around me!

I don’t talk to the people with problems here,

I only associate with the staff, who some of them are evil and they do bad things to me causing a little anger, but being completely nonviolent I pretend not to be very upset with this “SET-UP” from when all of these acquaintances of mine tried to kill me in 2004 on November 2, voting day, when some jerk criminal VOTED IN MY NAME IN MY HOMETOWN OF CHARLTON, MA WHERE I’VE COLLECTED 60+ CHRISTIAN SUNDAY SERVICE PAMPHLETS FROM MY GREAT CHURCH IN MASSACHUSETTS!

My Minister had someone at Facebook change my post ON THE FRONT OF HIS PROFILE from “60+” to his bullshit “50+” Sunday Service pamphlets!

Why would my Minister who I’ve gone out to lunch with about A DOZEN TIMES do that to me ?????


Tuesday, August 31, 2021

No such thing but success, blessed!

Do you count the days, maybe coming up with new ways anyways to sway and stay, or do you say “Hay is for horsies” in more morse code beeping instead of buzzing that bumblebee’s collect pollen but sullen when it’s raining away the chores of the day coming up like the moon-lit sun on “Fire and Ice” the Beantown restaurant, everyone’s desire their attire on which they've splurged, to they gorge on delectable treats with the sweets for the ending, or maybe your hunnybunny sitting across the solid table in front of you, calling one another “Boo” like baby this and baby that take your magic hat and sit on a tack, scrunching them temperature-controlled buttocks in luxury cars have “wheel locks” heating a couple buns in the warmer seats for wintertime, with snow tires I always use, I say “The road is mine!” Because I’ve never crashed or had a fender-bender with Blizzak snow tires, I highly recommend for the incliment weather of the winter in our North-East climate

Unbekempt toolshed harnessing power tools with Tim The Tool-Man Taylor on TV where Gilligan was a scrawny sailor, and with Mary Anne on the show, I’d bang her, but not with a hammer in the toolshed, grooming the linoleum floor with a broom, an old lady sees her doom, then her Tomb, maybe having given birth with her Womb, shaven, not needing a comb or an Abercrombie lotion for this incredible locomotion with GPS pin-point locations being zoomed-in-on with the satellites, thousands (!!!) of satellites in space, did you know? I searched it online to give it a go, but that my Dr. Dominic Candido, Ph.D. gave me a slight and subtle hint that there are missiles in space FOR DEFENSE! when he said, “Those NoKo nukes wouldn’t make it 100 feet off the ground!” He shared with me, at which point I recited information from Google: “Kim has about 100 submarines with missiles in the Pacific, and I refuse to believe they can be tracked by satellite, so I want Dana to move out of California and live close-by to me that would be my fantasy but only if Justine “Tini Ara” Aragona could live with me and sleep in the same bed every night, making sweet love, my TBI partner of 2010 to 2013, but I drank way back then, way back when in 2013 when I didn’t want my nightly drinking at home to be seen, and I’ve quit in 2016, along with the help of A.A. when I had a sudden awareness that I wasn’t like the junkie addicts there trying so hard to go without drunkenness, and I simply stopped drinking soon after attending two A.A. meetings at my church in Charlton, MA where my parents — who are my “Health Proxy” — they’ve moved me 3 hours away to a new state not needing to work a job as per a wise investment in 2013 or 2014 with a stockbroker named Daniel Michael Besse!

He told me there’s nothing wrong with keeping money in other countries!

And I’m pretty sure I own many, if not all of these “crypto-currencies” 


I would pray while crying alone, God put me in the zone, when I Googled: “cry” and “crypto-currency” resulted that I knew I would become rich on my own, that night with my stockbroker sleeping over his house in another state, the cheap price of these brand new moneys were on my radar (since 2005...) and I promised Daniel Michael Besse of CT that if Cardano goes up enough, I will buy him a car, so I say thanks to Daniel Michael Besse now that I have a fortune in a Bank in France, that my Bitcoin(s) are scheduled to sell when they’re worth $100,000 or $250,000 each and I have 1 Bitcoin or 100 Bitcoins or 250 of them, because I want to buy a 1967 Ferrari 250 GTO, like my poster of one on my wall in my apartment 3 hours away from my “Health Proxy” parents who control as much as they can about me, getting me to quit my MMJ, no biggie I have CBD they buy me pills of and I don’t smoke any CBD!

I quit drinking in 2016, except 1 beer on Christmas! EIGHT MONTHS AGO!

I’m pretty sad and lonely here at “Averte” in Bradford, Vermont where I don’t have a car, but I deeply fear that if I had a car here I would start drinking beer at a local restaurant, so unless I can afford a 1999 Ferrari F355 GTS F1 — MY DREAM CAR — with red paint and a tan leather interior, I shouldn't have a car here, or a job, because I might have a beer alone at a restaurant nearby and that could turn into a habit!

M.Z. has an AZN wife and two yellow babies!

I think there's going to be a war soon in The Middle-East along with North Korea and what do I know?

I ran Cross-Country running at Saint John's Catholic, Private High School I graduated from in 2000

"At least 60,000 US troops are deployed across the region, encircling Iran."

New Orleans is trashed with floods, so their tourism there is ruined for years now! hahaha!

My Minister who Baptized me and was at the scene of my many life-threatening injuries (he was waiting at the Leicester Police Station with my family, my relatives, my friends, and my co-workers...) -- when I WAS SO INJURED, but I'm loyal to God Himself The Father --- but I care absolutely NOTHING about Jesus Christ who is simply a product of "Parthenogenesis" and "Virgin Birth" that there have been so many like him and he's not special like the "Parthenogenesis" offspring aren't special, but I collected 60+ Charlton Federated Church Sunday Service pamphlets, he said "Don't contact me anymore" since I put my enemies in Hell permanently, because all of the two-faced fucks who are responsible for "THE SET-UP" of breaking my sobriety and threatening to have me kicked out of my home in Charlton, MA -- where my motherfucking parents moved me 3 hours away THEY ARE MY "HEALTH PROXY" and they control me completely, so while I will always love my Dad the super-rich millionaire many times over, I hate my Mom and her drunk awful family who injured me with broken bones and a TBI that put me in the ICU for a full month in 2004 when I almost died!

PLEASE read my www.wrxtbi.com

My Dad's previous employees got jobs at Google and Facebook so they could change my text and fake shit in my name, that I have a hacked cellphone, and 3 laptops -- that some fuck changed the password on my Dell last year and it's covered in dust -- along with these 2 MacBook Pro's that are tapped by my enemies, as well as I'm on a "SHARED INTERNET CONNECTION" with the fucking mentally inept losers here and who I don't associate with any of them, and the staff here (my parents bribe them...) they lie to me about my medications, like they forged a signature saying I had 3 Klonopin tonight, when I only had 2, yeah I was saving the 3rd for around 11pm and the fucks here do shit to me, so I want them to go to Hell when they die, maybe soon from a war with my great country where I pay all of my taxes, and I will pay any necessary fees when I import my great fortune in France of Bitcoin, Stellar, XRP, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, etc. etc. that have risen significantly ever since I invested in them through my stockbroker of previously Pacilio Wealth Management and now Merill-Lynch, named Daniel Michael Besse, who I don't care what happens to him because he showed me the worst pain I've ever felt when he purposely locked me out of his bathroom!

Currently, there are 13,900 evacuees at the Ramstein Air Base awaiting travel onward


Saturday, August 28, 2021

I hate Alexander Kozlov for introducing me to gay sex!

Seemingly being of the Holy decree, I wish to always be free to do what I want, my writing prose and shame on those who are against me, for this is to be seen by me — my parents who are my “Health Proxy” and evil in their attempt to make me suffer, but what’s there?  Only the stars in front of me in God’s brain, looking through His eyes, I made it to Him courtesy of my greatest lover ever, Justine, once a teen, legal of age 18.5 when we began our precious prize of loving in the fullest, sucking on her chest, the treasure inside, I want her to be my future Bride, before the incoming “certain” attack in Kabul the epitome of evil with ISIS, The Taliban, and Covid-19 I loved Justine Aragona of all of the year of her being 19 of a full year together when I drank very little, before my parents went hard on me, then thirsting for beer and nips of vodka, I hated the all of you, for making me so sad and taking my things, causing me such anger, and our world is in danger, a la Islam and NoKo with nukes, I am a man who never pukes, being free of alcoholic-temptations I pray to The Nation of Sheiks and geeks, but without any Tweak, yes only caffeine but no ephedrine for years now, no, I don’t take THC or any GHB (Alex would order from Mexico) that loser taking an old man’s penis in his anus, not fussing about it-  he had so many full-body orgasms from the Tantric Sex it put him in Heck and having to spend years in mental hospitals, then getting a job an hour away from his home AT MY BLOCKBUSTER, but after seeing him behind the counter just once, I never went back, in fear of his legal attack, with me the innocent bystander who seeked to spend a night of reminiscence with my Saint John’s Catholic High School teacher, he had ladies I wanted to meet them, but after John Deedy raped me I escaped his powers, but unlike Alexander Kozlov he did what he wanted having gay sex with multiple men at once, so long ago, and getting a tattoo and piercings, John Deedy wanted to have him in a grande “Show” of anal sex and anal orgasms putting Alex in a trance and saying to me from Mr. Deedy’s bed, “I’m in Heaven!”

But that’s what the gay faggot Alex wanted a penis in his anus, put in a trance with the Anabolics to get so huge, his P.O. Box was full of many, many uppers and downers, that made his sister Michelle Kozlov frown for hours!

Friday, August 27, 2021

What is a Tomhardy drilled-in Canker-sore so swollen, the gushing blood is stolen, albeit from an “Internal” vein, of massive mouth pain, making love to the swishy-squishy feeling of a massive cut, maybe on your finger with a steak-knife oopsie, the opposite of a proposed proposal plan for a mayday Marriage if the kind of kin who make you want to drive a heavy drinker home before he or she gets nodded off at the neighborhood Applebee’s, Jay-Z singing aloud, and for a mighty crowd, those passing by are the passenger’s-bye on a Delta-8 or Delta-10 astral plane smoking the MMJ that’s mostly legal, I would love a gal, to make romance with her my sweetie sweet-stuff, with her tied up in ‘cuffs, chained in her cage, and I’m particular about age, at least 18, like Justine, she was my QUEEN, naughty antics, totally obscene, but by my eyes only, not Tony!

That impotent TBI fat fuck didn’t stand a chance, throwing up liquor when he slept over her house, after her parents convinced me to stop drinking all alcohol.

Besounding besides resounding the culmination of my mental-improvement I thank the racetams for 1. Helping me quit drinking beer and all alcohol, this many years ago when I found a bottle of the powder belonging to Justin, that made me not want to get drunk, he ordered but didn’t find it useful for his art and thinking… 2. Aiding my brain so much- I find it improving to Herculean extents being composed and extra-polite here with the staff and the residents, these drugs developed since 1950 are improving my comprehension, my understanding, my communication

I take Focus Factor and Focus Formula hours apart, as I have all day to ingest these “Nootropic” drugs that improve focus, clear thinking, and improve my mood!

I also take 100% of the calcium requirement that’s an anti-depressant with Citrical and Calcium Carbonate (that they stole 4/5ths of my last bottle!)

I like the anti-estrogen Arimistane because I WAS GIVEN WAY TOO MUCH ESTROGEN AT HOME AND AT THE DOCTOR’S OFFICE!

Speaking of which I purchased Microsoft Word online, but unless it’s on my old laptop, I don’t have Microsoft Word on this my latest newest computer!





Please swish the sweet Colgate Total on your pink Tonsils then spitting it out, maybe using whitening mouth wash by Crest… and catch a wave (HI GUYS) in the ocean on a boogie-woogie body-board at Cape Cod, where I want to catch some rays, but without using Melanotan II again, wow I got such looks from the WSU girls!

“Where did you get your ‘special tan’ ??? — what tanning salon do you go to ???

I ordered $117 on a bodybuilding store at a great discount, but I am fine with it being sent back AS LONG AS I GET A REFUND!

They steal from my apartment and they didn’t get me my groceries today !!!!!


Alas, with the few problems here, I thank you for paying “Averte” a hefty sum to keep me safe and happy!
