Monday, November 22, 2021

Shuffle-Shuffle, the deck of cards!

She’s all mine because our dancing is fine, it is so-o-o fine and to the stars and behind, grabbing her’s with my two palms divided when we back it up pack it up, I don’t smoke CBD or take THC in our silk, made from worms and my words, the slanted slingily stinging prospect of sexual reproduction, again and again, with her puffy belly carrying a feline fetus to eat lettuce and chocolate Ensure drinks each morning, for the Glory of winning so thinning with the good-ol’ SLIM-FAST, reducing weight to elongate meeting our eventual fate, the demise being the hard part awaiting another world, you’re my girl dressed fine in Ralph Lauren, shopping at Saks 5th Avenue, for you to peruse the dressables, like it’s so fun to get undressed but slowly, removing the top items brain and t-shirt, then the skirt, so much of a flirt, but never cheating with our hearts beating at a matching pace

Cum-quats squats crunches cardio being fit like a quarterback who’s FUCK MY ENEMIES DEAD TO THE END OF SPACE WHERE THERE ARE ONLY STARS IN FRONT OF HIM AT THE OUTTER EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE! unrefined at dinner with no napkins and only a fork and knife... so where’s the chocolate chip pudding ( I just invented that and pudding in small containers should within my lifetime add crunchy chocolate chips! )  when I think to the time when a phonecall cost a dime and everything was working optimal when I was born until my TBI —  aside from nights of taking DXM dextromethorphan Tussin at home in the dark alone just me and my several times, cough syrup buzz with MP3’s playing with “Visualization” programs, playing Astral Projection music and watching MilkDrop on Winamp, but not running linux; using Windows instead of calling a Teckademics Mischief3000 DVD and never GGW on disks Culminating Culprits Calling HOME YES saying I haven’t done a drug in a long time, years now and almost a full year of full Sobriety after ending over 363/365’s of my quitting all alcohol in 2016, in the past many years I’ve only had a single beer and not driving 3 times with a single beer on holidays

Tango Tangle with Tantric “Tanning Drug” teasers at the Showcase before the movie begins, A THRILLER !!!!!

No slasher film here because it’s this evil character “FREDDY KRUEGER! Who’s gonna smash you, bash you, lick you up (and down) and SLASH YOU !!!!!

How did David Perron end his life?

He had 3 beers with me having no-beer he was drinking and was hooked on opiates

But be the worst word you can perhaps come to The C Word :

My best whatever is what I do besides best writing as I come to the FAMOUS conclusion that underneath each other’s one’s clothing and shaved like I’ve been doing since hearing the recommendation on WAAF in 7th grade when I didn’t have a razor so I’d use my Dad’s and then I thought that might not be something that should ever happen again, so Oh I stole my Mom’s disposable shaving legs razor, and then one day when I was bored I mentioned it to my Mom and she said I could use one of Dad’s Gillette razor attachments with blades of it own, like “Blade: the movie” in all it’s best respects to the slain vampires, that I can’t believe the stupid Vampires Vaping show on WB remember channel 9? what happened to that? ALL THOSE SHOWS WITH B l_ acks  !!!!! The “WB” was a “Black” television channel with nightly line-up’s of Black Shows of comedy and the actors and actresses not drinking because who wants to see a drunk black on a t.v. show that isn’t Cops ?????

Flicker you little tiny Bic lighter Mini I never smoke CBD “bud” I CHEW THE CBD and swallow with water or chocolate milk or a whey protein shake from the supermarket Hannaford’s nearby where the staff here buys me things of food and for my apartment and bodily health, but no Insulin

Mystical cans of Sprite and Scotch-Tape to close off the slicey dicey of the blades of a sword from the Ninja, yeah a Ninja from Niagara Falls and HI ANNE SKINNER she’s amazingly helpful in the Niagara Falls, but she’s not a Ninja or black-belt — did you know that I went to about 5 Karate classes and I punched one of the Karate Kid quote-unquote DOJO that I trained at and I could just wear sweatpants for the beginning 5 Karate classes where I hit a guy in the face, and I gave him a bloody lip, so I felt bad until he says, “Hit me again, give me your best shot in the face, at which point I said, “Umm sir- no thank you I don’t want to hurt another human!” But he begged me to punch him in the face, a white Karate guy when I went to Studio 54 and hit him in the face, and he said, “Again! Hit me!” And I hit him in the lip and I stopped, I didn’t punch his ear or kick him in the heartbeat they measure mine here at Averte 

Of course first I said, “Don’t hit me back!” Of course lol

This “holy creation” where consciousness and the brain are so beautifully powerful, but maybe the people who endure pain wouldn’t agree, as I have no aches, I exercise, I take a lot of vitamins and Cialis most days for enhanced full-body weight loss and Cialis’es manly benefits <3 Cialis I don’t really need, I never did with Justine Ara who got me off so much, and I had a full-body orgasm with her shortly before we broke up, and nothing went “inside” me

Take and Rake for a big surprise, just wait as the lights go out and the crowd cheers, for a band is about to go onstage at the Big Top Concert Creation Hall with 4 walls on each side of you, fitted with powerful electric shocking wires and barbed Barbie wire surrounding the “Hostage Waiting Area” as the government of Nicaragua prepares to send a Buxton briefcase with $100’s and Botox by injection, with a ton of tiny pins to shoot it in your pecker wrecker down the waterfall in the Amazon Rain Forest muddy with a lot of rain I remember reading that it rains every day I the Rain Forest that’s being burnt down by shitty countries like China!

I raked people’s front lawns a bunch- one after another with the Minister and people I knew from our Charlton Federated Church PRAISE JESUS!

I didn’t need him and I believe Jesus Christ is a “Prophet” completely separate from God = Did you know that many virgins have given birth???

Oh I read about it on before I crashed and since then, scientific labs have created life WITHOUT ANY SPERM!

Divine Creation = “Parthenogenesis”

I feel like accelerating in a Tesla paid for with dogecoin and Bitcoin plus an my gift of an Apollo blue t-shirt autographed by the entire Space Crew .

ARE YOU IN ?????



I had a 3D videogame system with a few games made by NES called the “Virtual Boy” video game system

But we graduate from boyish things like I have chosen not to sell my Comic Book collection in Charlton, MA where my parents are selling my old toys and stuff that my parents bought for me and my brother Justin

My brother is important to me

Justine Aragona 2009-2013 is very important to me

I want a summer car for my birthday I turn 40 and I haven’t drank since 2016!

I didn’t need it

I’m a good driver

I dated a girl who had a TBI, too, and I really want to marry her and hoping she’s more intelligent now — I don’t care if she still loves Sponge Bob — I quit drinking and we were so great together

A Brisk man in a business suit with a North Face jacket to wear as he’s taxi taking cabs to his office that had been viewable until his apartment at TRL with Carson Daly Dali L-ama and I appreciate the good people who work with my Therapies (TBI) and CHARITIES, that I’m trying to raise money for the poor people a Rev. I know does a lot of Humanitarian work, like buying food I want to buy WEIGHT GAINERS!


What an ingenious idea by me and my parents are matching my donation

The Islamic Nation!

My perspiration containing bits of 9/11 remembrance of Lance Armstrong who didn’t actually cause 9/11 but he paid his taxes and he has helped LIVESTRONG AND LIVESTRONGPLUS+ Multi-Vitamin-C anti-oxidant but not an Amino Acid vitamins supermarket bottles of pills-pills-pills to much on with a white cracker at the cracked windshield in the John-Deere-wearing FACT-ORY WORKER AT A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT THAT I never ordered “seeds” or took opiates



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