Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Political dissident and party-favors running Rampant,
Like who can blow the candles out on this cake ???
Let the birthday-boy-or-girl-it-doesn’t-really-matter, it-could-be-either,
But gender-equality is just how God created it when life began. . .
Women have the babies and tend to the Cave,
while the Man does all of the physical Labor and []D rovides for the Family of orphans. . .

Yo, dats whack—you are what’s whack—and I’m going to whack you upside your dome, kid, if you don’t behave and show your mom some appreciation like making your bed and fluffing your pillows ( but I am not a Fluffer. . . )  and making sure the comforter lays evenly like Saran Wrap over the dish from your homecooked meal of grits ‘n’ gravy like mashed potatoes and french fries…

Those are your starches and I like how the Dry-Cleaners will ‘’’starch’’’ your shirts, if you please, if you pay, if you play – do you want to play the game, like this is the Matrix or something and I am Neo, we should play and PRAY for all of the Goodness coming into my Life. . .

Se7en, six – no stop right there for this is no countdown before the ball drops,
Five fingers on my Left hand and also on my Right and the same with my Toesies. . .
For this is the day where everything goes RIGHT for me,
Thee beautiful princess where art though ????????
Too many people get caught up in the small things,
Won the Civil War we did, and there you go.

Intrinsical circumstances making the best for all,
Moderated interminglings,
Exasperated breaths like breathe in. breathe out,
And the phone goes dead, the engine stops and we all just quit  (((( except for God )))
He never throws in the towel, He never gives up,
For He is all-powerful, here, in the Universe,
But I am ‘’’running-the-show’’’ and I think I’m doing an EXCELLENT JOB !!!!!!! =D

Oh-La-La I like your Tushie and I invite you to Touch me like it’s our first time with fingertips exploring. . . For this is our Exploration of the body of the opposite sex of your girlfriend of your dreams, of magnificence who, of, what, there, you, who?, you & me & bring to the table sex-talks with the ‘rents at dinnertime and here we go with the cavemen again, bcoz who may subsist on nuts 'n' berries not just me myself but anyone in the village, and what happened to those gay-faggots, The Village People, who must be PILLAGED with pills pills pills galore and you’re swallowing them all FisTFuls at a time, down the hatch like an invasive maneuver by the God of this Earth and the whole Universe. . .

Sorry to poke ridicule at the gays but realy now come on do you think God created the male and the female to make babies, SO, what if the XX cell fucked the XY cell in the ass anal-sex ALL THE TIME and they had no offspring. . .

I feel no effects from the Ecstasy in this situational orgasm of Love & Happiness & Pleasure where two Lovers CUM Together, now, y’all come together and sit around in the circle of people passing around a MEDICINAL substance with the inhaling and the smelly smoke enlivening our Lungs ((( but don't smoke 'butts ))) ~so~ Turn Your Head and Cough says the Wild Doctor ~ coughing up joyous, odorous, odious marijuana smoke, and I pulled out my catheter when I was in the ICU. . . ouch !!!

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