Thursday, July 6, 2023

the Bible says Jesus Christ is "God" and The Qur'an says Jesus Christ is "A Prophet" and I voluntarily suffered in the ICU for a month, to repay him, and frankly I think "Parthenogenesis" where many VIRGIN GIRLS HAVE GIVEN BIRTH! well I don't believe Jesus Christ was anything more than a plain man!

Did you know that many human babies, males and females, HAVE BEEN BORN OF VIRGINS ????? It's called Parthenogenesis, that I read a tell all Time Magazine article about A BRAND NEW VIRGIN BIRTH IN THE MIDDLE-EAST IN 2004, ALL NATURALLY, which is done in hospitals now -- so why would I believe in "Miracles" ??? Noah's Ark I mean COME ON! I mean, it's a medical FACT Google: "Parthenogenesis" -- sometimes but not usually the babies born grow up normally -- it is called "Parthenogenesis"= NO FATHER! oh but it goes further, I thank "The Creator" God, who is merely a real "Illusion" like a "Hologram" at the edge of space staying the same velocity as the speed of light, Allah is "Pure Infinite Velocity" I know from A Revelation when I reached THROUGH God's real "Illusion" at the edge of space, I pointed straight up with my Disabled left arm, said "Justine, TAKE ME TO GOD" and I went what I called, and ALWAYS ACCELERATING, "a million billion trillion lightyears per millisecond" when I accelerated in a laser straight line, advancing upon the edge of space, accelerating and passing through solid matter, planets, stars, galaxies, and the Big Bang -- OH THAT WAS INTENSE -- and eventually, hours later, I reached beyond God and His universe -- The Qur'an (I stopped reading it months ago when it had printed, "We have commanded people to be good to their parents. Their mothers weaned them." And that is what I live for after THE "SET-UP" when people formed a group and encouraged me to kill myself, November 2nd, 2004 -- when I had a 64 mph (my -- so as I've read 7/10th's through The Qur'an, easily my favorite book -- I've learned about the Afterlife which is "heaven/hell" and "An Intermediary State and "A 'sleep' before 'A Great Awakening'" -- yes, I have proof that my SAINT JOHN'S HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES LIKE ME, I and We thank Allah for showing us God's universe, I wanted to be with God, who resembles "King Triton" from "The Little Mermaid" white beard He's older a real "representation" of Him

Only foreign stars are in front of Him and they will burn out eventually, but the Big Bang will re-charge them in all their glory, the Big Bang is Holy and it's continuing, so I have nearly finished The Qur'an -- the best book ever -- that it says "Jesus was A Prophet" and what's great about my about how I WAS "SET-UP" in 2004 to drive so fast in my WRX sportscar, I well, I well, I didn't experience Allah in all of Allah's great glory, but then later after collecting 70+ Christian Protestant Sunday Service pamphlets, despite not believing or trusting Jesus Christ, The Qur'an says that Jesus Christ was "A Prophet" I was into God and I met Him in 2013 turning out to be a great hologram surrounding His universe, I reached through God and I consider myself a Prophet after doing a lot of things like making $1.2B with my TEN BITCOIN WALLETS from 2013 or 2014, putting the "19" in a virus from China with "Corona" the beer I GOT SOBER IN 2016, only several drinks since, predicting Fentanyl the epidemic, that "FENT" I befriended Bruce Fenton the $$,$$$,$$$ "Bitcoin" Investor -- I got in with crypto-currency because I Googled: "cry" when I was so injured and in pain, and "CRYpto-currency" came up that I have at least $1M in TD Bank my parents control -- I have 3 lawyers -- I'm the son of a plastics/poymers ECM Plastics, Inc. Father who is a millionaire many times over, and hmmm, when I reached beyond God's REAL "Illusion" like a hologram, I felt Justine -- she had a Traumatic Brain Injury also -- we are "TBI Survivors" went out 2009-2013 and I want to marry her -- I've never done hard-drugs, aside from ONE TIME ONLY in 2001/2002 I forget the year, but I was abused, my entire naked body, an older man Mr. D who taught English and Theater at Saint John's High School ($5k tuition each year) and in school he seated me in the front row- with me noticing he would wear "rings" on his penis and he had both pierced nipples, so yes he did bad things to me and my friend A.K. who was gay to begin with, wearing thongs, getting tattoo's and piercings, big into "hardcore fitness" with his chemicals and a milligram digital scale,

That so and so, he was into it while I was crying and thinking about my Dad and my family, how disappointed they would be -- doing the drug and trying something gay -- it lasted so many hours when I WASN'T OLD ENOUGH TO DRINK YET! -- he abused me I have PTSD from and this Mr. D was fired from Saint John's and still teaches at another Worcester, MA High School SPM where girls are present as students, so I BET HE HAS "TRANSITIONED" TO BEING WITH WOMEN NOW !!!!!

How else would the shamed man get a job again?

I kept all of this secret aside from my friends who, the night or two before my happened -- I AM HANDICAPPED AND DISABLED FOR LIFE! -- because of what awful people who corroborated with the Police in a small town where a friend lived, he was involved, I knew the cops were following me and such, so up until November 2, 2004 I wouldn't drive drunk UNTIL THE AWFUL PRESSURE FROM SO MANY JERKS TOOK OVER... and they almost killed me, A.A.A.S.D.M.C. and J. they almost killed me, 1 month ICU, when I was unable to swallow liquids -- 3 weeks feeding-tube drilled into my stomach I have a scar from -- I have many scars -- I was shown how to completely disregard Jesus Christ because I suffered for him, a plain old rare but regular "science" and natural pregnancy WITHOUT A MAN'S "SEED" -- I've got ten Bitcoin wallets from 2013 or 2014 with my older male cousin Daniel Michael Besse of CT who hasn't talked to me since we invested the millions USD into "Crypto" and Stocks like Tesla -- because Elon Musk ON THE PHONE when he was at the airport, I looked him up on Facebook, unaware of his thousand-so Twitter followers -- I didn't use Twitter -- I looked up "ELONGATE" because I was in the process of growing 3.5" taller with 2" longer ELONGATED arms that I've been shrunk back to size by doctors,
Elon had about 500 friends on Facebook and I was one of them he clicked a few times -- or his assistants did -- Elon's phone number was listed -- he took great interest in me and I've met him once or twice, but not a third time when a Lamborghini driver claimed to be Elon and I said, "YOU'RE NOT ELON MUSK! I HAVE KNOWN AND APPRECIATED TALKING WITH ELON MUSK ON THE PHONE!"
I went to "Astro Camp" and I saw Elon's link to what was the beginning of SpaceX in 2005 -- he wanted to know about space -- Elon was big on Dogecoin in 2013 or 2014 and I wondered if he had a pet dog, so with my CSME older cousin in CT, we called one of his residence's parking attendants, thusly learning he had a "Shiba Inu" we checked the crypto and what money I put in from my $,$$$,$$$ "Trust Fund" well it went up 80,000% I have my own Google page -- in addition to 3 of my own dot-com's and 2 free blogs -- my ENG w/ Conc. in Writing (WSU) -- Google: "JMRQ Heavy Industries" -- yeah I have a special Google section -- I have attached a resemblance of Allah -- God's Holy "Device" I call Allah "Infinite Velocity" and ALWAYS ACCELERATING!

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