Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Rev. Anne S. of Hannah House

All of the people at the scene of my wrxtbi.com asked why are you holding up your right arm? Well because the left one was paralyzed TBI, and so I could only reach towards the Heavens with my right arm, and I believe in God -- but not nearly Jesus Christ (one of many virgin births "Parthenogenesis"...) so I know God intimately and so Infinitely that I reached beyond Him after Allah left me with God "The King" He is "The Creator" and I'm not sure if Allah is my "God" I know Allah and my prayers, my wishes, and my supreme devotion to a beautiful girl named Justine, well she will hopefully have my hand in marriage -- I told her parents that SHE would have MY hand in marriage, and not the standard "A wife's hand in marriage" that I knew she was oh so powerful with her injury -- neither of us are at fault for our handicaps and disabilities! -- so she is my #1 choice to be in a Holy "polytheistic" marriage, and Anne I've been writing so much I've seen the time flash before me, which means I'm late on my anti-anxiety medication, but I feel so great right now, that I thought there would be a war starting on this American Pride, American Privilege, AMERICA #1 I'm so happy there was nothing with Russia, or China, or North Korea, or Iran in the news today!

I held my only working arm straight up to the sky, The Heavens, knowing I should be with Him -- I believe in "heaven/hell" and "An Intermediary State" and "a 'sleep' before 'A GREAT AWAKENING'" -- all in all, I want to be with Justine Aragona again and buy a really, really nice house for us, which of course would be near MY DEAR PARENTS -- paid for with my John Deere stocks -- I hope my Dad didn't sell any of my investments, but even if he did sell, say my precious metals and $10,000 in TD Banks in all of New England, there $10,000 in TD Bank in each state, along with that or more in NYC and California, I'm feeling generous but have little money that needs to last the month, and you're one of my few best friends -- so as we've never met, you're my third best friend, that Elon Musk is #1 because he said it was fine with him for that, then Dana Gardner -- he hardly ever picks up his phone -- maybe because I felt so incredibly powerful about Elon Musk in 2005 and forth, he doesn't forgive me for announcing to him, Elon Musk is my BEST FRIEND, and you're #3 -- Anne you're my best friend #3 because we've pleasantly talked about our lives and God -- I've heard plenty about Jesus Christ, forgive me -- that I ordered your books, sent you a donation, when you said to me, "Donations are rare and I don't even know you YET!" -- well I want to meet you and buy you a new vehicle with 4WD or AWD or a Tesla! -- really I kept you in mind when I invested millions USD and opened a "Bank of France" that my Dad cancelled it had a bunch of Euro's in it -- I want to but a (hannah) HOUSE near my parents because I want to be closer to them and get to know the new Minister in Charlton, MA -- Christian Protestant with me being polytheistic, like me attending Jehovah's Witness meetings on Zoom -- it's been a long time since I've attended one, probably because Peter, well, because of Peter and him taking my phonecalls -- and as always, he doesn't call me since I moved 3.5 hours away and I don't think I'll see him again, but I have business with C. Boothe of Saint John's High School one year above me, he opened up an MMJ business, planting seeds and growing CBD TREES!

Ottawa Motorcycle Gang Contraband: 

I included "Hannah House" in my "Public Ledger" and "Private Ledger" and I saw this posted on Facebook, that remember, the Motorcycle Gangs, oh the, SHAME ON THEM!

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