Sunday, August 28, 2022



A Minister in Niagara Falls I hope to meet on a trip to Niagara Falls named Rev. Anne Skinner she's old and wise with her "Hannah House" Christian Church and many, many charities, I've done donated some of my $$,$$$,$$$ to, as being my friend since 2005, who I'm cool with, but I saw the following map image SHE POSTED (!!!)  of how close Alaska is to Russia, and like I said in the Title: "IT IS CRUCIAL, I SURVIVE!"

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Please be in-to me and my poetry in paragraphs, the time is Aft... sent to the E.R. for drinking a small amount of cleaner, A CRY FOR HELP! =)

Tiny and those Teenie best of breasts atop “A Cup” of salmonated saliva, flavored smegma- sitting in the sink, tiny breast milk 100% nutrition to be sipped, when I raced a Honda for “pink slips” if you catch my drift of DRIVING the pilot of a ground-zero vehicle, you know... Like I want my head in my bed, come morning, come moaning, each morning...

Coming too soon,

Coming too late-


The Feeble and federated amble professional “Prefix” of N-Y-C and the Knicks—in a dime-bag—but the Twin Towers tasting bittersweet sorry and sour at most any single sinful Arab—on a private Jet Propulsion with the explosion of Russia’s missiles, TRUMP I COULD KISS YA !!!  So if given the chance, my bicycle slippers so eager to have spoken to Mike Lindell of MyPillow “fame” I called him in Me-hi-co what a shame, of him with his buddies with white power Cocaine infiltrating his unkempt brain—while her tongue swishes the Sugary Soda, “Hey girlies, nice to know ya!"

A noose, A goose, a mother loose, like a loose lasso, stringing up the slaves on a NOOSE-MAX the news channel of Mike Lindell — famous now and previously my online friend—cutting lines after lines with so many gaggers (when you sniff too much glue, you, you gag on the powder—Gaggers of Diet Coke and Mother Hen with my $250 Mont Blanc pen, they never delivered, and Robin Quivers of The Howard Stern Show—seen the movie of my “Private Parts”—read his “Miss America” book—talk radio, no longer, for I care about SINGING and SINGLE LADY’S LIPS AND HIPS, her the one to do-do the squatting...

Sinning pre-marital tightly, and to do her right for you to see Pee-Pee, my big PIPE, for Eve’s “Apple” is ripe! 💖

Read my eyes scrolling WITHOUT "TROLLING" and my Stockbroker older cousin Daniel Besse, he has my Stocks, 40 of them because I have never "done it" with a virgin girl! I wouldn't like that! =)

Ford, you should Aspire to being and seeing the busy buzzing... “Peeing” that Aunt Donna Donohue (HI!) has a dog she says he “Goes 'PIDDLE'”! in a puddle with paws worn by the lawn growing GREEN-LIGHT MEANS GO HO-HO-HO FO’ X-MAS!

I should have my Status demanding a beautiful plump booty goodie-2 shoes WITHOUT MMJ AND WRITING “WHAT HEALS”!

Heal my vision. I see double. And I haven’t fallen or took a spilled spelling bee- them eyes- I haven’t fallen with a misses-Step (Mom) on-screen to be seen, by 18+ boys wrangling out of Wrangler Brand denim pants with creases, to cease the clumping clapping when there’s a Yeast famine family of my best love ever! Creating nothing but some lubricated injections for breakfast — all night long it took me to “Flicker Flicker Fade” like the poem I wrote for MassEd online English majored-type “Creative Writing” and it was more fun than my paste on my right Psalm in the Bible I don’t care about, I’m hardly a Christian because I know, this :::


So I say to many, “Sometimes an embryo over-me Freely Fertilizes itself, so why do you think JESUS CHRIST IS GOD!”

I ask you, seriously that I read an article on about a virgin girl giving birth to a baby in 2004 shortly before my that was a horrible “SET-UP” — I WAS “SET-UP” TO DRINK AND DRIVE WHEN I SHOWED NOTHING TO JESUS CHRIST!

Stagger swagger dance on one leg, with my left leg Disabled and Handicapped, but, all you sweetie fine ladies’ your reading this I am looking for SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE!





I believe in God 100% HIS MAJESTY !!!!!

I do not believe Jesus Christ is “God” in any way, shape, or form — I’ve been saying since 2004 and I’ve collected 70+ Sunday Service pamphlets! Yeah, and seriously, I went to a private, Catholic High School at Saint John’s in Shrewsbury, MA when I met a gay teacher and he forced me into sex, drugging me on a very hard SPEEDY Mr. John Deedy who was fired and I think I made a lot of money, BUT MY PARENTS HIDE THE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FROM MY RAPE IN 2001/2002 on one night in the winter season, and he made me wear leather and his fat body crushed my hips on the hard floor! I cried. I was crying with his average-size dick in my anus. In 2001/2002 one night only and I knew stay the fuck away from SPEEDY MR. JOHN DEEDY, who, he, him, that jerk, he was fired and now he teaches at another Catholic High School in the same city in my-ASS-a choosetts — Saint Peter-Marian — he was into S&M and he hurt me and my anus!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

“I still recall the taste of your tears" and I like younger girls now, like Justine was 18.5 and I was in my mid-20’s for $20’s

I don’t have any weapons here, and although because I briefly hated the BULLSHIT here at “Averte” I would have rather been in the hospital for a night or 2 where I would be away from the jerks here at "Averte", so I drank hardly half of a swig, ONLY enough to whet my lips... of a non-toxic cleaner, I handed to Kathy, and she called the hospital, that I was entertained, a peaceful place to read my The Qur’an that has conquered the land of Israel who ISRAEL IS OUR ALLY!

Thick chunks of bed-side Hulk magnanimously (genes) tries on a pair of UGG’s bootie 2-shoes

Rear Ends are splitting down the vertie-middle ass-urting asserting with no pain and no protrusion,

Me always using “Protection” and for what??? But flushing the remnant was a waste, I hate the tasty

Treated to the way of writing with just and mighty tonight when I ordered a 12-pack of black gel pens

Colliding with the part-so “parchment” and being SAVED by a Parachute -shoot Misses Soldier, ARMED

Pawned remnants of a old lady’s jewelry bureau, digging for gold, a Jack in the Boxers of Joe’s Boxer’s glove

And hovering mouse-touches the clicks of the Crux... but only Fictional, and with nothing teared by an official


One by one they take a tumble going FLAT *SPLAT*

I sidishly dislike the GAT on a fo’ sho!!! Kinda “phat”

Oh whoa so here’s the get-go to the White Pony {}  to Show

(Rolling Stone gave it 5 “stars”)

When it snows you’ll catch a nipper in your slid-down ZIPPER with my lips sealed, a pussy Peeled in a Field


What moving I want to be doing with it feeling like you’re living a Beauty (

Beautiful wife with a life

Taste Foreign or taste boring, my May mourning of SUNRISE, not a supper-time surprise what a waste!

Crest on you and of you, lips, your lips ON YOUR FACE (!!!) so as not to be a tawdry page-designed for me

And Allah I see, but I don’t see what the evidential distraction of a perfect GOLD “ratio” the Nation of me

Bjork - Army Of Me (and cool as ice):

When snow gets in your boots at the top and you’re sledding on a steep snowy hill, the thrill of it

Going inside and changing socks and khaki’s at Baba Banana Trees to endure the prick-shape

A “gape”-like canyon of caners and canoe-ers when they can’t get it through their heads,

When you eat a banana it’s like putting a “unit” in your mouth and I’ve always hated bananas

And if you’re going to wear a wig, make sure it’s a “BIG WIG” ceo with economic key electric-ed

Showing the hindsight to have not connected “Google:” with my “JMRQ Heavy Industries”

Having bought a boat with $200 of my own money, purchasing Quaker... and State Senator of NH Bruce F.

He was my bestest friend, a little lower than Elon Musk (40+ minutes on the phone) Senator of New Hampshire

Hobbit’s “Shire” while I believe I am “For Sure” more of a man since knowing many Business Owners (Financial Search)

When the sun to goes straight UP,  I dig the green bars of monies’ “Candlestick Trading” with the L.A. Raiders


Always been a drunk, drinking alcohol at all ages, my 2nd grade crushed ice cubes floating, “Float On” the song, Mrs.

Stephanie Lyons a part-time “Meta” acquaintance with pictures of Lance’s yellow bracelets, getting tired of hospital

Host sip it all, nothing small like the “Insurrection” sprung out and up on CNN — I have already written “Mother Hen”

Deborah Marquis a full-time Mom mother relative with photos of her eyes wearing “Contacts” ask the “Context”

I’m in a “Complex” hospital/home where life is this is my home for the time being as such, I need a Mom called

So drive me to Charlton, MA like Dan’s assistant driving 2 or 3 hours late in the EVE, not I even BITING THE APPLE!

Invested in Macintosh, a la, Apple, my wealth, my Health — I did the Treadmill today and I didn’t get winded (or wider...)

I wrote it. It’s on

Read it if you care about 1. Self-Hygeine 2. Upper-class people only 3. Precious metals I invested in and so did Dan,

Learning about Iron Ore that there’s bad news with my money because its price has pummeled me punished punks drunks

I bet my friends haven’t gotten intoxicated for many much time- of course this going without grapes made into Wine - OH’s

Peeking behind the drapes to be the one who seeks Judge Judy’s to-be-seen loudmouth Drama Q — my Dairy Queen!

My little Dairy Queen “Stocks” are worth  $442,210.00 each

Kiss a peach to Einstein English teach when I was a Later-Skater Couch-Potato Depot being fraught with my terror of Jesus Christies- Christy and Gilmore to be a party girl, in the WSU world (on campus) in the dorms where I would wait for the Chosen 1 “Samantha” now married or maybe not, she didn’t smoke pot and I didn’t, either, then, and only then, back then, and when, when ‘o’ when to see a []D eace Treat that’s not sweet, as the problematic Auto- that’s easy peasy with a bunch of me, my hunch is, I eat the gourmet lunches- and here at “Averte” where some know I’m Mr. Ma-rquis the MACK DADDY BUT WITH NO OFFSPRING, I could sing, the ease, to me to you to say PLEASE JUSTINE DON’T GET PREGGERS! which is the sentitties sent-I-meant meaning to say, “DON’T PAY ANY BEGGARS!”

Tini Ara(b), I’m begging you not to have a child because you wouldn’t be a good mother, and I laugh! That would be a hoot!

And thanks for the photo of you eating a meal at Hooters, Tini Ara(b)

Buddy Jesus Christ

Dr. Brandi Scruggs gave me an "A" in Psychology I at Worcester State University! with an A- in Poetry II and behold this poem:

The Ladies of MaryBeth

To Dance, To Delight,

At day-time or  at

NIGHT!  hun- have fun

Baby buns in the cooker

Lady Jane hooker...

To Post -bone her all,


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Congratulations to Warren Hayden of Saint John's High School, Catholic and PRIVATE Saint John's!

I’ve got a copy ’n’ paste type Past of fishing for bass fish and shoveling food into my mouth for the rest of my life, yeah shovel me eating scrumptious morsels to the grave, with gravy and green grass growing, this while showing off my textual texture skills at any level, to the whisp, to the cusp of Custody where I will never surrender, as that’s not what I’m about-  picking the skinny bones from trout with a root-beer float, in order to “Cope” with no Queen, of course, I am meaningly referring to Justine, so obscene our beautiful love-making and taking her side with long strides, when she would walk so quick through the mall, trudging to—“Care” at Claire’s—the beauty supply shoppe with Bubble Rings-  I remember her Bubble Butt with enough tough pounding of me on top, of her’s, those “Goodies” her wearing shoe lifts to sip the sugary soda—I always wanted her to drink Diet!—although, alas, she was a lass fine with being a bit bulky and watching Sponge-Bob  2x  per day, to giggle with her waysss YES OH THOSE WAYS  this of her tantalizing me with droopy titties needing augmentation in this nation, which she who her yes those ways- of spending days and at night, to her delight, looking forward to the Eventual day where her boobies would be led astray with a public—almost pubic—silicone or saline medical doctor of examining the crevices of what’s in-between, for me to see!

See what, I’m capable of rubbing another girl her mom’s nub and buns, me having so much fun with the funk, her ass ingesting some of my proverbial SPUNK, and I no stranger to her tonsils—better brush and floss—I fucked that “alternate entry” in the shower!


These thoughts run through my head- so what to do?  Silly, you know who, of course the Elizabeth Arden, her hose to water the flowers of roses in a bought bouquet for who but My Mother Dearest who has a good time, having cut down on her wine and winning without sinning getting a buzz from the white Cristal nozzle on the Farrah Faucet running waters of steamy sauce drifting and spurting, purging the Geysers politely shining bright where TONIGHT ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, with “where fireworks are legal...” This said to Bruce Fenton who is “UP” in the Polls with hopefully enough votes to overcome the Incumbent to get a bent bumper, on the “Honda Prelude” I wanted but my Honda hopes with big fat “NOPES!” from my parents, like the Acura Integra Type-R with equal horses’ powers of trampling passengers, riding and riding and rightly so, where “Heresy” does flow... because I don’t believe in Jesus Christ much, and he suffered which I dedicated my stay in the ICU to him, so yeah  I repaid my debt, now bereft of financial mumbo-jumbo with the baseball or basketball THROW and IT DOWN THE TRASH, a painful Rash, being of MMJ “Hash” with the tag on a Macy’s “Perry Ellis” bullet to my already injured brain, and in paid — that I am a TBI “SURVIVOR” which The Pellegrini’s really loved how I recovered so much and able to drive a car, too, but not very far, this when I would always stop at a bar, but not “The BAR Exam” of excellence to pay the price of eating too many Carbs, and a should-out to Arbs108 that Arba Miha, do you read me? Ember, do you read me?

And what’s good in the hood? wearing a Hoodie, the Blacks on attack, asking for the Goodies:

And I am in-all honesty, I am worth big bucks, major dollar-ooze with these fucks, getting ass and fucking with my CASH $,$$$,$$$ that I’m a millionaire with little to show, you know??? I think, NO,  you don’t know shit... about what I deal WIT’ !!!!! I really like you all, people, y’all, my big paragraphs html pages so TaLL like I had grown 3.5” in height, come 2006+

Wall to wall nuts with plenty of bums, behind, and a lush drinking reddish Rad “wine” at where but a spot to dine, filling the spine and the SPLEEN, and asleep, if you know what I mean, such and such ambient dreaming so lovely, I be where the Rest be, like the REST of them, all igniting fires with the stroking motion of a big Bic pen, and then, and then, and then, what but nada happens off the cuff, with the best of “STUFF” the girls do, filling their brassieres with toilet tissue, and Justine—her boobs are big enough and that’s alright—Justine I HAVE ALWAYS MISSED YOU! Post-breakup when I’d sniff my snuff and sipping juice from a sipppy-cup, nearby and not far, away, and at a bar — SOBER 2016!

Misty’s butts, this one crooked missed me eye-balls to the wall on which the graphical goodness (my post-era posters) soak up the sun, Mr. Deedy couldn’t have an orgasm in my mind, I mind, I really mind what he did to me with drugs and nude-era 2001/2002 HUGS — that I love the girlies sipping Twizzzlers dancing swiftly swirlies, yes with the on-screen DVA “diva’s” swallowing a man’s cellular creatures, crum bum I proclaim the typical waste of yadda-yadda-yadda, I don’t want to be a Father, but I once went FARTHER and FURTHER unleashing unrelenting penile pen-in-schooler like a tike in grade school, later in High School, working “Shop Class” when the fainted tainted teenage girls crave trips to “Shop”. . . at the mall, at all, and times of day when I say, Free of Dismay, dismal w/o a Chiming Chisel and painting my many paintings (yeah I’m TaLenTed with brushwork...) including a great self-portrait, Free to Display the artwork of my cranium (and face heh “head”…) but instead of focusing on my TBI, I sigh, a sign, yes a SIGNAL on a date so I’m no longer SINGLE !!!!!

Cold and caught-up the twinkle tips pump at the dollar store, pumping in more to implore my Dad’s “fishing lures” of antique intricacies at home, my real home in Charlton, MA — and if you know anything about my Stocks and/or my business Google: “JMRQ Heavy Industries” please do tell and all will be well — well I wrote “A WILL” at Dan’s and I’m maybe taking everything to the grave, that the digger has a Jigger of fine wine — I don’t whine about beer I swear I swear the wheel at a 90-degree angle — Disco Tangle Crater Face Fucks, and the pictures of lake-side The Mighty Ducks, their CLUCKING chastity where I love soft warm KITTIES!

*ahem* with a Ladies’ mammies and Mannie’s sweet spot, a treat to feast on the slope rise in the pelvics prefix of 508 on my phone so give me a call while standing tall and don’t fall, down, when “out on the town” with one glass of wine too much, and Mr. Pelosi made an oopsy I see on Tee-Vee with a turtleneck sweater on when my pelvic prefix is long and insulated with Insulin shots to that wooden a lot... of watching Girls Gone Wild, seeing the 18+ commercials as a internal quest to sell “Merch” to y’alls...

Would anyone like a free “JMRQ Heavy Industries” t-shirt and polo hat ??? I could design them... and they would be really, really PHAT!!!!!

Alx Neas and I were together like butt-er and toast to roast the intense body heat of ersatz F-ing in the hospital years ago, allowed to share the same bed!

Funnel cat and a Tunnel cat with that “funnel” for gagging down throatfulls of Pilsner poured by a nifty Mate at the Frat Fest where Campus Security causes a fuss of up ’n’ coming Master’s Degrees students drinking—I’m SOBER 2016—the swinging swill to swim with Adults and getting that bikini chubby babe on the beach but aware of the inherent adhering to the “Watch for Sharks!” with Baywatch blues lit up flashing (bystanders) siren blue top-lights of a po-po vehicle, big Crown Vicks (vapor) when Nancy Pelosi’s husband is stranded, the DUI has LANDED with Dogecoin “to the moon!” holding onto my stuck and stubborn Stocks, selling the as many as 30 Stocks, off in the distance and not SOON! when the babes here I swoon, and me hoarding spoons in my kitchen, a smitten-kitten kitty amount of four chocolate chip muffins I received (revived and alive...) when the From: and To: fields say, “Deborah Marquis” like my info has arrived and many pages THICK I have a protrusion with the on-screen “Step Mom” her inclusion, of digging the dirtiest spot, I have no MMJ “Pot” since over three years ago! so that and I’m not allowed to of ordering the wayfair chemical HHC that would be sifting arising and drifting on my porch, the absent smoke in the air — I have CBD gummies that are Pure and from a legal “Dispensary” store in Massachusetts when I tame the Irish (Times) Setter with me the Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin, xcoins, Bitcoin Cash, et cetera on the tip of the THICK and thin to hardness the goodness within the big balls, shopping in Malls like the Bitcoin White Paper on my kitchen wall, so my TV stays on Fox News and CNN—which only, yes ONLY THE 24/7 “NEWS” PLAYS ON-SCREEN—with my preferential properties on the highest of all SEAS, to check the double double vision. vision. included and all to be seen, when now and forever, maybe... Justine should be My Queen, spending all night doing something my parents think is “obscene” and seen on-screen at my favorite of girls wearing thongs while hugging the tugging gets me gritting my teeth and strongly GRIPPING the hymen RIPPING, to cast a stone in a well, so swell, water down-bottom RIPPLING, with a Tall “Tube” of Pringles Sour Cream & Onion curvy chips, they parch my parted lips, that David Cronin married to my dyke cousin Lisa, yeah, this because HE’S GETTING A VAGINOPLASTY-  how does a married man get a sex-change ????? MY MOM’S FAMILY IS PITY-FILLED UP WITH LIQUOR AND BEER, although drinking at home (in the morning and throughout each and most days...) so while Not-Driving there Cars to a far off land of Lake Mississippi with my Dad’s new Ranger boat, where he goes very fast to a bass fishing spot, my Dad hasn’t used “pot” in 40 years (and he has no use for 40 V’s) with his wife my Mom: Debbie M. who taught their way third-grade to attend the Home Old Day parade, up-town (girl) <3 Billy Joel singing about who started what but a female flame fest, of festering abrasions on the Muslim wife’s CARNAL intercourse, of course, because that is how it should be done at night, for LONG HOURS of longing for Justine and Alx Neas (PICTURED) the “Domina” girlfriend of mine, my last girlfriend, albeit in a mental hospital for some months of living with her, my emotions, they were stirred, her beneath me, laying flat, a skinny girl, right hand under her playing “Flippity ‘FLAPS’” with most days an oral-attack at the helm of my not crying or crying or help! I dislike being kicked, usually off of Facebook to look at Alx, having returned to France and to Dance with men’s dingle-damned Damsel Alx, short and petite, jumping up on me in the hallways, I remember that night of Sheik condom wearing, Me, so proudly to spend the “two hands full”—count the hours on both hands, and into sunrise, I returned to Kissimee and a hug farewell, assuming no further contact, when I should have made her sign a Contract, like on my “” letter in the mail, a Playboy Bunny’s backdoor tail, going slow so as not to erupt, like a lazy Snail and me the Male generous with ample organ underneath the white sheets, when I “RACE” (FOR PINK-SLIPS) of two pink lips and a sensitive spot above, a little nub, and that’s where the girlies get their Jolly Ranchers off, with the Woo State University (I went) “Lancers” their teams, when I would walk the track and observe the rough ’n’ tough Touch-Ball “Playa’s” playing SKIRMISH until it hurts, that Justine didn’t mind a bit, when we would smooch and swap spit, front-size SLIP on the icey walkway to walk around the shoveled snow, I know you know, and unkempt the bereft DRAGGERS at the Truck Stop gay truckers sizing up the sucking on a tail-pipe muffler while sipping Guzzlers and never having alcohol as one TRUCKER-HAT (I invested a lot into John Deere... all because of the immense popularity of Trucker Hat(e)s in oh-where, say... maybe Haiti with the long-ago “Elian” needing USA citizenship or something, I forget and I forgo the brews and bed when I doze on my couch (LOVE seat) so neat and tidy with the non-drinker of Tide bleach, when tonight and this week my parents are at a cottage near the beach of An Atlantic Ocean, that my parents make the most of their LOVE for one another, with a back ’n’ forth motion, and before you Judge me, I’d like to man up to the “Motion” as per my lawyer Mr. Philip Stoddard who I thank for my CLEAN RECORD! 😃

Sunday, August 21, 2022

I just added Justine's Mom on Facebook and I hope she accepts me, SOBER SINCE 2016 and severing paths with Justine in 2013...

Yeah my drinking. Well I just had to drink so much potent beer (8.4% ABV) to steer clear of any sadness or melancholy (!!!) that ends in 'holy' so I attended Alcoholics Anonymous not once or 3 times, BUT SO ONLY TWICE! to get me SOBER! 2016 it took me 3 years of sipping STEEL RESERVE BEER, I gently coerced my parents into allowing me to get a beer buzz every night, and then I went to A.A. only twice, which was nice, they were all nice to me, so I said to me, "Jeff-rey, this is no way to live by habit with their Bullshit thought "A higher power controls us and praying to Jesus Christ, I don't believe in Jesus Christ because he was simply and easily one of many, many (Hi Mannie D'Amico! <3 ) "Parthenogenesis" examples when a mother gives birth to a baby without a man's seed!

I have CBD "bud" I take by mouth at -- yes, but I don't get high ever (!!!) it's CBD-ONLY! and I don't smoke it! I chew it and swallow the legit and lab-tested for cannabinoids' "chemical profile" never above 0.3% and only less of that tee-aych-cee I don't be have the high from CBD, so am I against alcohol? Yes, I don't support anyone drinking alcohol because it damages the brain and it's why so many men have large amounts of Abdominal Obesity, so plus then, too, and While a Bitcoin Whale I was, being that I'm also frowning on fatties galore, at the gas-station 

Are you willing to rock out with a concealed and carry of a Mrs. Molly Polly Jingo-Jango “Jelly and Jam” to cram with not little pickles but instead, some hip-hop honking Taxi driver HEROIN BRICKS, in tow, him or her to “Stow” and driving, dreamily so, he or she meandering through the lingo of junky jumbled (Michelle Munt, Hi-ya, of karate classes, and her in a bungle, with a Porsche Boxster S I would laugh reading, “Bunghole Exhaust Pipe” in the rear and center for a Mrs. “Missy” pushing a tried ’n’ true Delivered for you, a baby boy in blue Onesies pajamas like an in-shape PJ's for a girl who's at moment like CURRENTLY SPEAKING OF COURSE, not then, so now one is in a Supermarket (Hannah House, Hi-ya, at the market: “Hannafords” down the road...) Hannahford’s Supermarket Shopping CARRIAGE when I’m just a phonecall away sitting, lazy, but standing to Tinkle with memoired fabrics of Tiph, her memories of me “A Creeper” online on NASDAQ: FB that is “Meta” or just “Face-book” with a stack of William Faulkner nonfiction credits to his name, so that and also the hours-long companionship of a Krispy critter named “Bismark” a Westie, owned for years of treats my Aunt Donna’s Westie poodle, he eats the Ciao!!!

You should read about "Theism" because I believe in many Deities with or without kitties, that, meow...

Absorbed to score and sop up that leaky mess- my Miss wearing a bow-tie dress, lower lifted and lips GLOSSY this dame so classy with that ass in heels on all 4 wheels of sticky tire, those rubbers, rubbish in the getting “trashed” in the Trailer Park... think about that for a dime of your and my time like TIMBER IT’S “TINDER” I’ve never used to meet a Lady at the diner on the corner, let’s all mourn the bitch who got “got” in Russia, a put-in ally and married with children, I don’t want to be a father!  I’ve said many times because I don’t think my Mom’s evil genetic alcoholism would fare well with any offspring, so and Plus I have a “moderate/severe” Traumatic Brain Injury — my Aunt Donna gives me hope of reuniting with my best girlfriend ever, maned man A WOMAN “named” Justine who introduced me to:

Friday, August 19, 2022

SOBER 2016! with NO SIPS IN 2+ YEARS!

In 1992, Tish gave birth to her third child, Miley Cyrus (born Destiny Hope Cyrus), with Billy Ray Cyrus.

Live to lick and loving 5Mannie-Tranny stick to shift pre-TBI, pre-injury when my left leg — now Disabled — it would click the kill switch on the clutch and pressing the pedal on the patio for furniture and no furnaces or stoves, tho those have to go, they had to go, come playing in the snowfall during winters and woodies can give you slivers, shivery surely and surprisingly, this doesn’t daze me to the end, like how when I lived in Oxford I would drink at the bar across the street “Days” or “Day’s End” in might much time I would drink drinking until the end of the midnight as it was time to take a retreat and my bed I would meet and green-light to off to sleep, so soundly but snoring, with no ZMA my dreams are sort of boring, with no single dream of wetness, when my dreams and no-zits and I sit on Santa’s lap to wish the fortune’ for X-Mas Mornin’

The loot comes by a wise and swinging swindle, to blow out a candle, “jmarquis710” is my handle, at any angle of the proverbial Stow-aways in SHIP’s (State Head Injury Program, my TBI) with Salmon Rushing lost an eye, my TBL

To thrill the door-knob with a drill, to drive, showing such Manly “Drive” that in the nude-girl videos I thrive with the girls shopping at a “Thrift” sto’- for more of what I implore the facial experienced expressions of fumes, at the gas station to be a  so tempting with the temperate atmosphere floating around us, drifting along the Camisole ( Capri’s but to think-  what Comes?

Klingons to cling on to LIVESTRONG with a hard-on and a tampon and a sky blue day-  and to say Hey on Saturday a Sunny Day, so “HEY READERS!” And in my Missus May carrying a hospital tray of chicken and mashed potatoes, that this she knows: the patients and their patience, waiting in line and breathing fine, when just then, the Mother Hen nurse lets out a cursed fragment of sewn-in fabric, “The Nation of Islam” it’s patented- talking “Allah”  this and that with a black top-hat, and to top that, she’s Chinese, and the Corona disease... my vaccine it’s been seen a total of 3 times with me just fine, with a good haircut and admiring a woman’s butt being her bottom, with socks worn, knee-highs and I’m not fraught with the smoker-of-marijuana affliction, with the dereliction of at the discredited and discrete — gas stations don’t sell it anymore — The Hustler and “BoA balance buster” — to muster the chiming of dainty pussy WRITING, THIS ALL AT NIGHT  -ING !

Creme brûlée or snacking on the jiggers of conversations, jumbled, Michelle Munt and her “” my friend across the see,

to the sea, the Atlantic Ocean (America #1) where I hope to be... with a stay at The Moonstruck, my family Ford Explorer was a great Truck

in the 1990s! Yes, an SUV where the 5 passengers will be, and 4WD for winter of months I have a Sirius Satellite radio with Swaggy Sie

But then, there’s ever even more to rock the insider occupant of course wearing pants — to where, to now and how?, to not read the Jesus

text, as “Parthenogenesis” has rocked my land, in Israel being with all of the sand — The Sandbox “crypto-currency” I predicted it with Squints 

or “The Sandlot” I forget which, but I invested in both of them, so as not to switch, reading the words and me not absurd about the stream laden 

Trout of the forest fishes, obey my wishes — for a Bitcoin dream, with profits obscene and yet to be seen — come 2023!

Today I'm finding, unwinding and un-winded while whining with what wondrous wonders of what I do well, and I believe in "heaven/hell", "An Intermediary State", and a sleep until "A Great Awakening" with Allah and God!

Ticket on the clicker’s clink so dump and duck and jump with KY Jelly and Ham, that thank you ma’am and girls wearing tight thongs — crotchless panties when I be where the seditious Disco Does Deliver one’s Mother Hen whining when signing an official U.S. Postal Poetry, albeit when I haven’t received my $225 dollar PEN to the window-SILL of my enamored “chillen” even still (and I really owned for a couple years with my own PHP BULLETIN-BOARD called and named "The Poetic Voice...)

Micro-Thongs singing songs of Magnesium Concentrate and focus, the fields are full to fun flocks of Locusts saying aloud, and proud, the low notes of one cussing with A BIG MOTHER AND FUCK!  With no wifey in that “Micro-thong” (really look this mention, those miniature thongs, Google: Micro-thong”…) But beware “Black Demons” Treating the temptation of NO I WON’T FLEA THE PLANTATION!  Singing a song of that micro-thong, wifey mowing the lawn’s forlorn Wedgies in those Panties of a huge distraction of eating food to the mack-daddy esophageal contraction when I NEED SOME GIRLS WITH PILLS TO SHOW ME THEIR THONGS to appeal as if a minor distraction gets me Na-Da “action” when the Subtraction results in a factual facade, when this my Distraction, to a once-in-a-lifetime contemplation, “Can I go with Allah when I die???”

Mister Minister so kind and sinister, Sincerely, ME-  I find perplexion in the inspection of a parking ticket, that you can’t see the Rhyme & Meter of kind-bud with NO SEIZURES for a 3rd or 4th time, when Sheldon dropped a dime into the Pig’s blank of E.T.s comforting me, and Seriously, happenstance of my Dancing in Space with Allah as I think there’s going to be a war soon! =(

“Can I go with Allah when I die???”

And to clarify, I mentioned that my Ph. D. "Therapist" Dr. Dominic (MISSING HIS MIDDLE-NAME) Candido who's once again, high-up Ph. D. he's an "Agnostic" so he believes in God but doesn't follow a Religion, albeit with beliefs in God, that I believe in what I call: "God Himself The Father The Creator" Seriously and Really, I reached beyond Him at the edge of space, with Tantric love-making she saw her Mom do it on videotape, and MOST OF MY CATHOLIC SAINT JOHN'S CLASSMATES MOSTLY THE MARRIED ONES, THEY'RE INTO ISLAM!

"Can I go with Allah when I die???"

I think there's going to be a war soon and I'm getting sick of it here ME, NOT QUEER-EYED AND SHINY sparkling, drifting with under-pinning fantastic fan maid or not made to check my Bank of America balance, the monthly allowance, of medications spent on anti-seizure on a tank labeled with a "Z" I see, and on TV with "Aviators" on the autismatic dys-phunk-shun shining bright and breezy when this now in silence no music spinning and the double double vision. vision. I have with incorrect lenses, Justine had her small "menses" the man, Me, says instead, in what was the sheet on my bed... ALL RED!!!

I smiled, I laughed, I giggled, and why did she do it?

Fiddle gagging Vampires... I should just retire with Yokohama ES100's 7.5" wide taking off paychecks primed to fix, the AWD slippage that I was 23 when I had my

"Can I go with Allah when I die???" 😃

Thursday, August 18, 2022

"Enemies. I've gotta lotta enemies. People trying to drain me of my energy." -- Drake

Russia and China have more advanced hypersonic missiles and there's North Korea so I have my heights set on spending eternity with Allah and God, that I am Islamic, and I only believe in "heaven/hell" with "An Intermediary State" or a sleep until "A Great Awakening" because I've accelerated with Allah in a perfectly straight line up to the edge of space with God, and I reached beyond Him at the edge of space... Him, He is a great "Illusion" like a hologram that He resembles King Triton in The Little Mermaid and I miss the acceleration of Allah, Allah gave me "Supreme Velocity" that I miss being with Allah which was made possible by the Holy power of my "Traumatic Brain Injury" and I pray to God and Jehovah... but never, ever Jesus Christ because I know a lot about the many "virgin births" known as "Parthenogenesis" -- so I don't think Jesus Christ deserves my worship BECAUSE I SUFFERED IN THE GREAT NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! when I was in the I.C.U. for 1 month, and even though I'll have many millions of dollars in my TD Bank come 2023, I wish to be with Allah and God because I'm so special, and that's because of my HOPEFULLY "FUTURE WIFE" Justine "Tini Ara" Aragona who has a similar TBI to me

You're all fooled thinking Jesus Christ is "God" because there have been so many virgin births, that I once ordered a compass to know where Mecca is, but my parents broke it, and I'm almost done with THE QUR'AN, THE GREATEST BOOK EVER! 😃
Yeah I dedicated the suffering of my TBI to get "Beyond Jesus Christ and onto God!"
I went to a Catholic High School for 4 years where I did well in my classes and I have "a million dollars" in my TD Bank, I can't access it, after I invested some millions into Tesla, Facebook, John Deere, SO MANY "CRYPTO-CURRENCIES, precious metals, I kept in my Bank of France that I had canceled by my "Health Proxy" Dad, Wayne Marquis, who, he won't be my friend on Facebook -- I've spoken with them when they were only just beginning, in 2006 with my .edu WSU account and I found Elon Musk (40+ minutes on the phone) and Bruce Fenton who he is running for Senator of New Hampshire and he got me invested in profiting, all from one night at my "Cuz" the stockbroker, Daniel Michael Besse from CT who is mad at me for having put on paper 0.3% of the total profits -- hopefully getting them in 2023 -- because I put "Miley Cyrus '23'" in my Bitchain, that night when I had flashbacks to that one night of about 7 to 9 hours of Enlightening "Tantric Sex" that took me to God at the edge of space, when before it all happened, I prayed with Justine for 45 minutes to an hour of reading my The Qur'an and researching Islam and Tantric Sex online, with my 2 Bibles, 70+ Sunday Service Church pamphlets in bed, alongside us, and she was really into it, sticky vaginal smegma like a puddle on my sheets, and this was in 2013 that prepared me for profiting from Stocks, Crypto, and other investments with my $,$$$,$$$ that I had already and I have a Private Ledger and Public Ledger through Dan and his, first: Pacilio Wealth Management, and also Merrill, all because I was in so much pain from my and I Googled "cry" because I was crying in pain of my shattered left hip in 7 pieces, double double vision vision and "sheared brain tissue" and "crypto-currencies" was suggested, so I was so into Bitcoin from 2005 onward... I've followed Crypto so incredibly close and detailed since then, when in 2005 I was into it and that has endured, to this day, even now after many years since 2013 or 2014 when I put so much money into Crypto- I'm an expert and I hope I'm worth so many millions of dollars that it's kept secret from me and I thank Bruce Fenton for Inspiring me.... Like I Inspired him to run for Senate, with some video-chats and him pouring a beer down the drain because I said, "I want you to be a Senator and you should lose some weight and be SOBER, like I hadn't drank for many years, and we're in contact, that I'm giving him some of my profits -- having sent him $250 for his campaign -- and not to mention a 40+ minute phonecall with the great Elon Musk in 2005 -- because I wanted to "ELON"-gate my legs and arms by 3" I did and buy my Mom Deborah Marquis some "MUSK" perfume, and I know space, I know Allah, and I've also talked to the MyPillow guy Mike Lindell in 2005 and he was doing drugs in Mexico, that I told him pillows could be better -- I also talked to some people at Facebook in 2005 and then I saw "The Social Network" in theaters TWICE! and buying the Blu-ray Disc of it, and I didn't care when the Solar System blew up as I was far beyond it, that I looked back and thought "I didn't do that!" Yes it was Allah that had me take Allah to God -- or did I take Allah to God ??? -- Anyways when I was with God's real GREAT "ILLUSION" like a hologram of Him with a white beard and Illuminated so when the stars burn out -- He didn't create the stars and neither did the Big Bang create stars -- and when they all burn out it won't be a problem because God's figure glows white and blue, with a beard, and when he walked into the shower with me seated in front of His desk -- I owned for a night in 2013 or 2014 -- on my Ledger -- and I told Dan to put down $50,000 on a Tesla Roadster (Hi Elon I remember you called me!) after seeing a photo of my ruined WRX and he thought someone died! -- I posted on his Facebook in 2005 that I went to Astro Camp and he wanted to know about space, that I experienced, always accelerating with Allah, and in a perfectly straight line, that I passed through solid matter, and I replicated what Justine Aragona showed me -- THE ENLIGHTENMENT! ALLAH THANK YOU FOR TAKING ME TO GOD! -- that was with Justine Aragona and it didn't happen with the one girl since Justine Aragona ❤ because I had a Trojan MAGNUM on, my Mom brought me in the mental hospital the last time I was in one -- that I definitely feel "heaven/hell" that's what I'm at now, hoping for something with HYPER-SONIC missiles of me not wanting to be so poor -- less than $300 in my Bank of America that I'm allowed to use -- but I have a million or many millions USD in TD Bank and I want most to be with Justine "Tini Ara" Aragona ❤ AGAIN IN MARRIAGE!

I sometimes feel as though I'm an "Atheist" like my prestigious Ph. D. Therapist Dr. Dominic Candido, but I have felt through God's great "Illusion" where only stars exist, yes, beyond the Big Bang -- but what happens when the stars burn out ????? Once again, God is "Illuminated" shining and showing off His face, that I saw God's "Illusion" and I saw His rear end when he took off His towel, walking into the shower, with a towel on, and I didn't see God's dick... I just saw His rear end!

I'm not gay. I don't want to have real sex with a man, again, and I'm so wise that I called Elon Musk's neighbors and parking attendants to learn he had a "Shiba Inu" dog (Dogecoin was hot and I searched through thousands of Crypto's in Bone and Leash, etc.)

And I miss being at home where my parents gave my previous dog Ripley a whole sofa/bed that she liked milk bones and I always took her for walks of 1 mile or more before my Asst. Manager at GNC, getting into work at 4 pm.

VOTE BRUCE FENTON FOR SENATOR OF NEW HAMPSHIRE! (hi Bruce, hi Elon Musk please call me at 508-596-4311)

Elon Musk was so caring when we talked and he was waiting for a plane being 40+ minutes on the phonecall, that he said to me, "I have all I need from you and this will be our last phonecall..."

My parents are my "Health Proxy" and they don't tell me a real lot of really important things about my finances, and I'm fine with Russia and the few Ukrainian Nuclear Facilities because Bruce Fenton my friend who I told him "You'll have to be SOBER to be a Senator, so please dump out the 1 beer you have tonight and I want to hear it dripping down the drain!"

Ask me about how I ordered 250 N95 masks in 2004!
Ask me about how I ordered 250 N95 masks when in the year 2014 or so, when I saw people in China all wearing masks, and it's because I told my Mom, "I want there to be a Global Epidemic." And she said it's called a "PAN-demic." I had also ordered 250 N95 masks in 2005 when upon receiving them, I emailed China and some Labs that to name it "Co" because of my super successful Dad's "Co"-mpany ECM Plastics, Inc. selling for $36,500,000

Then "Vid" because I liked YouTube and girls on my screen

"19" because I was much younger then in 2005 when I wanted to be with a beautiful 19 year old girl and I then met Justine Aragona <3 when she was 18 and a half, my best girlfriend I want to marry her because our Union was so Holy, I took her to my Charlton Federated Church in my hometown where my parents have a nice house on Baker (banker...) Pond and I want to buy a mansion in their town, my old home, where I got a speeding ticket once, in a 30 mph zone, and coincidentally it was where I pulled over right away, and being in front of my DEAD MINISTER'S HOUSE yeah, but I don't believe he's really dead, but he swore to me he'd go to Hell for all of the people of his Church AND I THINK PEOPLE LIE TO ME!!! AND HE'S NOT REALLY DEAD!!! HE'S JUST RETIRED!!! HE DID A BUZZ-CUT AND FAKED CHEMO!!! I knew him very well with plenty of full paychecks for the Church Plate and volunteering to, both, rake people's yards in the Fall season and spend time with volunteers of my Church at a Soup Kitchen!

Jim if you're reading this, I believed you had cancer when you told me, BUT I BELIEVE IT WAS A BIG LIE!

The people I knew tried to get me a DUI with me crashing my car, them yelling "GO FASTER!!!" and it was all a set-up because I pulled over minutes before with a cop driving by and I jumped on his hood, screaming "HELP ME!" and he got on the loudspeaker, not even rolling down his window, "GET BACK INSIDE YOUR VEHICLE!"

Alas, I'm "Disabled" and "Handicapped" for the rest of my life, which, I think something International is going to happen and I pray to be with Allah (and maybe God... but He is boring...) for all eternity!

Many of my Catholic High School, Saint John's, we have a strong lead in "Islamic" Graduates of my Class of 2000 -- I know, and it's probably because they made us take showers in a room after "Phys. Ed."

I WANT TO CO-HOST "SWAGGY SIE" XM 43 my HIP (hop nation) was shattered into 7 pieces and I love Hip-Hop Music, like "Cardi B's 'Bodak Yellow'" and "Big Sean's 'BLESSED'" that I wear 2 BLESSED bracelets and 2 yellow LIVESTRONG bracelets each day, and 2 expensive gold chains, which I also invested a lot of money into "precious metals" but no diamonds yet because I'm waiting on Justine "Tini Ara" Aragona!

And my enemies are in Hell, probably drinking alcohol every day and night getting fat -- I hate fat people -- and I hate my enemies so I hope they suffer always, for making me drink and drive which was ALL A "SET-UP"

I've never had sex with a virgin,
I like girls in their 30's years old,

Oh and I didn't pleasure myself last night when I was really into the news with Trump -- when The Apprentice came to an end, I emailed the webmaster of a or something and said he should be President, yes in 2005!

If Dan kept my Investments I'm worth $$,$$$,$$$ yes more than 10 million dollars but I know I'm not a billionaire.

Google: Bitcoin, Tesla stock, Amazon stock, Facebook stock, John Deere stock, them being 5 of my I believe, THIRTY STOCKS THAT WENT UP IN 2021 *I PREDICTED* because of the legal drinking age and my I'M SOBER SINCE 2016 with no sips in 2+ years!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Elon Musk sells nearly $7B in Telling you all I TALKED TO ELON MUSK FOR 44 MINUTES IN 2005 when he was at the airport on a friend's jet waiting and hoping I'd call him to tell him my TBI "Recovery" was great and I was okay and no one else was in the car with me!

"Alive With Pleasure" - Newport an Ad for my homeroom at Saint John's High School in Shrewsbury, MA with my Class of 2000

East Coast with tippy-toeing through the tips fuss-a-roo!

Vitamins are the smiles of shiny teeth in men and women abundantly cheering on my Prose-y amounts of see the men's and their vacation to a carnivorous implant of a Bitcoin wealth of mine, that I'm single and meddling in the Google-verse of my PROSE AND POETRY FOUND ON JEFFREYMARQUIS ` ` ` DOT COM =D

Tickle tic-tac’s tattoos of those time-taking ovals the oral anatomy of a catastrophe with the icky and sticky stench of Welch’s (elected) and KY ERECTED!

Writing in cursive, how do I do it on a slow day or a snow day so no Saint John’s High School for another 24 hours the show with Keeblers the keeper shoe-sy Cobbler of the keys that strokes from a brush on my self-portrait

and many other paintings! I sings

And I waves