Friday, August 5, 2022

Squirming with delightment and excitement for "The Enlightenment" so near, with no fear, as Israel is a great Monthly-'Friend' to The End.

Exceed to the the discomfort of a laid ladies monthy-bleed, that time, when you’ll hear her whine (no wine!) as per massive abdominal pain, needing Midol, on oh my you ‘all blown-up kitties with them 2 inflated Titties, absorbing the Tantrick locks of love-making and S&M with a Mont Blanc pen, to sign a Consent form, before being internally, billowy, worn... and sore in one chosen Spot, snorting narcotics instead of smokin’ Cheeba (Shiba Inu) POT and negroe kettles HOT, fresh off the stove, my many Stocks-  they’re trading ferocious, with a fresh gallon of 1% chocolate milk, of Silk with some slimy worms, my words refrain with my “Time of the Month” now on the 5th to PLEASE MOM AND DAD, GIVE ME YOUR $$,$$$,$$$.99 the Restaurant with Golden Fever Wings, there’s Mom in her Subaru Legacy, showing her shin-bones, she sings, “I love it, I love it” but not crashing her car into a Bridge of Tarabethia — that Bethany got married and she’s happy — after being cranky with a Yankee Doodle, my limp noodle felt a rise with the Surprise of me having grabbed greedily at her Booty-straps, and Lil Wayne—he raps the lyrics to “The Carter III” CD I bought at a store, FYE, in the Auburn Mall when I would walk with the shorter Justine Aragona, she isn’t overbearingly TALL — like Ember here, the Such ‘a’ Dear to sizzle with a red Twizzlers rounding the round pouty lips on one’s face, and not that other place, being down South to the Southern Sun

The song is fun when I want the singer to “Feel Me” as I “Feel Her” emphasis Empire situation of extrapolation in my U.S. Nation of lending Taxes — the government is on top of things, that’s where the “Facts Is” and on the News channels, I check with the “WSU Panel” of educators in the Higher Education of lovely ladies so young, being pre-“21+” while my friend Peter another TBI Survivor Jehovah’s Witness, he takes the Worcester Bus, and without a car — I hope to buy him a used Honda Civic — he wouldn’t drive too far, getting groceries, he is what the most-religious be, Jehovah’s Witness “Meetings” on Zoom, that I use a vacuum cleaner and a broom, to clean my upstairs huge room... Allah = Boom!

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