Funnel cat and a Tunnel cat with that “funnel” for gagging down throatfulls of Pilsner poured by a nifty Mate at the Frat Fest where Campus Security causes a fuss of up ’n’ coming Master’s Degrees students drinking—I’m SOBER 2016—the swinging swill to swim with Adults and getting that bikini chubby babe on the beach but aware of the inherent adhering to the “Watch for Sharks!” with Baywatch blues lit up flashing (bystanders) siren blue top-lights of a po-po vehicle, big Crown Vicks (vapor) when Nancy Pelosi’s husband is stranded, the DUI has LANDED with Dogecoin “to the moon!” holding onto my stuck and stubborn Stocks, selling the as many as 30 Stocks, off in the distance and not SOON! when the babes here I swoon, and me hoarding spoons in my kitchen, a smitten-kitten kitty amount of four chocolate chip muffins I received (revived and alive...) when the From: and To: fields say, “Deborah Marquis” like my info has arrived and many pages THICK I have a protrusion with the on-screen “Step Mom” her inclusion, of digging the dirtiest spot, I have no MMJ “Pot” since over three years ago! so that and I’m not allowed to of ordering the wayfair chemical HHC that would be sifting arising and drifting on my porch, the absent smoke in the air — I have CBD gummies that are Pure and from a legal “Dispensary” store in Massachusetts when I tame the Irish (Times) Setter with me the Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin, xcoins, Bitcoin Cash, et cetera on the tip of the THICK and thin to hardness the goodness within the big balls, shopping in Malls like the Bitcoin White Paper on my kitchen wall, so my TV stays on Fox News and CNN—which only, yes ONLY THE 24/7 “NEWS” PLAYS ON-SCREEN—with my preferential properties on the highest of all SEAS, to check the double double vision. vision. included and all to be seen, when now and forever, maybe... Justine should be My Queen, spending all night doing something my parents think is “obscene” and seen on-screen at my favorite of girls wearing thongs while hugging the tugging gets me gritting my teeth and strongly GRIPPING the hymen RIPPING, to cast a stone in a well, so swell, water down-bottom RIPPLING, with a Tall “Tube” of Pringles Sour Cream & Onion curvy chips, they parch my parted lips, that David Cronin married to my dyke cousin Lisa, yeah, this because HE’S GETTING A VAGINOPLASTY- how does a married man get a sex-change ????? MY MOM’S FAMILY IS PITY-FILLED UP WITH LIQUOR AND BEER, although drinking at home (in the morning and throughout each and most days...) so while Not-Driving there Cars to a far off land of Lake Mississippi with my Dad’s new Ranger boat, where he goes very fast to a bass fishing spot, my Dad hasn’t used “pot” in 40 years (and he has no use for 40 V’s) with his wife my Mom: Debbie M. who taught their way third-grade to attend the Home Old Day parade, up-town (girl) <3 Billy Joel singing about who started what but a female flame fest, of festering abrasions on the Muslim wife’s CARNAL intercourse, of course, because that is how it should be done at night, for LONG HOURS of longing for Justine and Alx Neas (PICTURED) the “Domina” girlfriend of mine, my last girlfriend, albeit in a mental hospital for some months of living with her, my emotions, they were stirred, her beneath me, laying flat, a skinny girl, right hand under her playing “Flippity ‘FLAPS’” with most days an oral-attack at the helm of my not crying or crying or help! I dislike being kicked, usually off of Facebook to look at Alx, having returned to France and to Dance with men’s dingle-damned Damsel Alx, short and petite, jumping up on me in the hallways, I remember that night of Sheik condom wearing, Me, so proudly to spend the “two hands full”—count the hours on both hands, and into sunrise, I returned to Kissimee and a hug farewell, assuming no further contact, when I should have made her sign a Contract, like on my “” letter in the mail, a Playboy Bunny’s backdoor tail, going slow so as not to erupt, like a lazy Snail and me the Male generous with ample organ underneath the white sheets, when I “RACE” (FOR PINK-SLIPS) of two pink lips and a sensitive spot above, a little nub, and that’s where the girlies get their Jolly Ranchers off, with the Woo State University (I went) “Lancers” their teams, when I would walk the track and observe the rough ’n’ tough Touch-Ball “Playa’s” playing SKIRMISH until it hurts, that Justine didn’t mind a bit, when we would smooch and swap spit, front-size SLIP on the icey walkway to walk around the shoveled snow, I know you know, and unkempt the bereft DRAGGERS at the Truck Stop gay truckers sizing up the sucking on a tail-pipe muffler while sipping Guzzlers and never having alcohol as one TRUCKER-HAT (I invested a lot into John Deere... all because of the immense popularity of Trucker Hat(e)s in oh-where, say... maybe Haiti with the long-ago “Elian” needing USA citizenship or something, I forget and I forgo the brews and bed when I doze on my couch (LOVE seat) so neat and tidy with the non-drinker of Tide bleach, when tonight and this week my parents are at a cottage near the beach of An Atlantic Ocean, that my parents make the most of their LOVE for one another, with a back ’n’ forth motion, and before you Judge me, I’d like to man up to the “Motion” as per my lawyer Mr. Philip Stoddard who I thank for my CLEAN RECORD! 😃
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