Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Please read my with new content!

Artisan of the words carries on with the herds of cattle with a kitty-cat Kit-Kat bar, at a bar with gymnasium workers pumping Bar Bells jingle jingle the Amazon is the jungle for an uncle and his wife, oh what a life, to need not work a job, using the treadmill as advised through wise advice from Dr. Candido Ph.D. main man big name prestigious doctor and his wife as Secretary Secrets in Y2K we all thought the government was planning something big, bigger than a few computer screens systems crashing as per 19/20

Pages 19 and 20

About Carina Ricciardi (19) and About Jessica Tocci (20)

I wrote 100-200 pages, mostly in size=8 font, about my stay with them in the mental-hospital for 23 days of our “Trio” of spending all day together with our 3 chairs pulled together so we could spend many hours talking about our lives and what we wanted to accomplish in our lives, when I said I wanted to write a book.

I got an A- in Poetry II at WSU and a B+ in Creative Writing, with Dr. Walker and I had to use a walker and then a cane for my offset balance from my TBI in 2004.

From whence the mothership landed, I believe my sperm was STOLEN from me in the ICU when a nurse jacked me off to collect my sperm for a couple girls to have my children, but you all thought I would have to declare “Bankruptcy” that I hope my rich parents will pay most of it, and then I have a lot of money in a French Bank that I plan on paying the necessary taxes when I import the $120 or $140 from when I paid Daniel “Cuz” Besse, who is a relative, when I slept over his house and invested in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, XRP, Stellar, Dogecoin, etc. that cost so little when I got a deal to buy shares, that I think my Dad gave me money out of my Trust Fund to invest, who, I thank my Dad and Mom and this wise man Bruce Fenton who is a public figure, for his advice to invest my money into “Crypto-Currencies” which I earned working at my rich father’s plastics company that sold for $36.5 million.

I believe Allyson Drucker-Hodgkins and Tiffany “Tiph” Desrosiers had children with MY STOLEN SPERM!

So kiss me my darling as the wedding-ring diamond called “Ice” is brilliantly sparking, dedicating myself to Justine and the Tantric Trip to God Himself The Father at the edge of space, and on the FAR-end, yeah the distant edge of space, not this bullshit with Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos reaching the very beginning of God’s universe, that I accelerated all the way to the FAR-end where there are no planets or moons or galaxies I traveled in a straight line, on my journey to God that Blessed night of anal orgasms for me and the tingling sensation to meet and be in a Divine Paradise in the universe where I was free of Gravity having launched off from my bed at my home in Massachusetts where I would go to Church every Sunday as I’m a proud Protestant who did well at a Catholic High School for $5k/year when I would drink some beer at parties and lucky enough to have a sober driver friend, on the nights I couldn’t sleep over at the party house where I was a guest friend and beer drinker, so who could have guessed I’d be with God Himself The Father with my greatest lover ever named Justine Aragona and Oh how I want to replicate that experience when Allah took me to God Himself The Father at the far-end of space, where I found my “place” along the hours when I ended up being inside God’s cranium when I’d look through His eyes — one at a time because I couldn’t be in two places at once, when He was like The Statue of Liberty! I am the greatest American taxpayer who abides by the law, never drinking alcohol, like I haven’t been to a bar in a very long time, when Abstinence is all mine!

Sing the nothing song and feel fine, as I don’t plan on reaching beyond God again, but that’s maybe just me, and I would implore my peers not to be queers and mainly please the vaginas of their girlfriends/wives for the rest of their lives, of living straight and forward, yeah STRAIGHT like “The Path” of Allah and maybe I went in a straight line the whole way because I pointed to where I knew I would meet Him and spend hours of pleasure with Him, and God:  I only saw his rear end not bent over or anything sexual, as God resembles The Father of His universe I never curse, reading and rereading verses of the Holy Qur’an on the John, and Psalms in the Holy Bible I pray to, but I don’t believe in “Heaven” alone, as I know we should appreciate the heaven/hell that maybe some of us endure and excitedly make our exits where we all “exist” in this Saint John’s Class of 2000 for me, in all I see, having traveled for 40 minutes twice a day for some higher learning of Jesus and Islam with the Catholic Bishops Blessing the entire school, I wish I was more athletic, maybe playing a sport after school, I was cool.  And I got it right at night when I would only envision beautiful bountiful fucking girls bouncing and trouncing with hallucinogens and then getting in trouble, them, not me, for I saw the light with Tussin containing DXM I’d get my buzz on, my parents fussed over one night when I drank too much Tussin sold at CVS and Walgreens and Walmart, maybe giving my brain some rare “Olney’s Lesions” that occur with too much “Dissociative” drug use, but that’s all in the past as now I see I can benefit from CBD and CBD only without THC I don’t need, but I’d like to space out and smoke legit MMJ that I HAVE A CARD FOR, but I haven’t had my MMJ in many years, like I don’t use Delta-8 or Delta-10 and I only have CBD!

I have very little money in my Bank of America account, but I might have hundreds of thousands of dollars in a bank in France!

I invested my money into “crypto-currencies” that I read about when I cried, in pain, in 2005, when I was gifted with this great idea to become a millionaire, as per the BitTorrent = Bitcoin belief I trusted! And I want my Trust Fund back through my Dad and Mom!

“I’m way up, I feel Blessed!” =D

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