Wednesday, July 14, 2021

My Dad and Mom are my "Health Proxy", and what's this about Britney Spears' "Conservatorship"? -- my millionaire Dad says he doesn't have that power over me, but I love my Dad and he gives me advice!

Cat pounce as we all bounce to and fro and hither nether, nei-ther, over there standing up straight and behind the tree, so don’t you see ???

You have to use your imagination unless you’re a telemarketer, oh what a chore, would you like to save 25% at a store ??? Or more

This and that with a rat-tat-tat of the laymen in line to get a nifty tat’ at the Taboo Shoppe, with bondage, Bond’s age, bong worthy?

21+ for recreational special physicals for the elders of the elderly like the white-haired women in the Clergy ,

Toot the flute to the tune of a Sirius radio XM song as we go along so to proceed and you give me what you need !!!

Stay on track or the MMA fighter will give you an upper-cut smack, he or she is on the Attack, of panic like I’m Manic — I’m the man with the planet in transit translucent traditions terrific sweetie-sweet-pits, of applied anti-perspirant, but don’t make me go off on a Rant... or up the ramp onto the highway when we all go my way, too high up I don’t think so with one lonely city of itty-bitty (Hi Betty!) hemp from the farm -yes- a phat stack of CBD with absolutely clean of debris... the CBD... ABSOLUTELY NO THC!

This wavelength of prose for professional pro’s reading this prose (when I’m famous), but it’s like they say, “Come one, come all” oh I love it-  it’s great anyone reading this is white as in Caucasian and wealthy being worthy of a laptop with an internet connection, I have no infection, under the radar, with no detection, but not being “a sick fuck” in any way shape or form of coming once or coming all, with Frito-Lay chips I am free to get laying on the beach, in full, as we twiddle-dee and twiddle-don’t, with Double-D ’s and Christmas Trees

On December 25th waking up with Folger’s in your Cup of a couple cupcakes clean in the case at Starbucks where “Can you spare some change?” maybe some bucks for the lively bucking Bronco’s-  as we see Orenthal-James Simpson in his white Ford one, with a beat up wife and Kato the layman we do what we can to keep the zipping lingo as you should check your “Fly” says the airline captain with a missy-miss-miss Steward-ness of the Loch Monster under lock and key I want to be free to come and free to go Frito-Lay-O benzinga bending backwards in the psych-wards, circa years ago, with a copywriter typewriter chatting at the camber of the vehicle’s suspension, compensating for the pot in holes, a la divots in the road, with Divorce? I hope not, but Tini Ara sign this pre-nup!

I wonder if Justine has her nipples pierced, or somewhere down south, like Georgia The Virgin state soon-to-be open to mate!

Some Daiquiri Justine I hope not, dazed, and never drunk, she carved a her face in my heart, why oh why are we Apart?

Brace for impact of teeth whitener decaying my poor enamel, as I spell my name, with the R-E-Y  oh we are hopefully about to soon press “Restart” not having a babies, our TBI’s may result in a “Retard”!

I treat her to Kid’s Meals at UNO’s don’t you know? I recall the days of yore and baby your body I cannot stop staring, so naughty

Nitey-Nite Nick at Night we just might play Sponge-Bob Square Pants or wear bracelets of the disgraced Lance, although LIVING STRONG with a yellow tint, my Spider-Man #365 is Mint — the first appearance of Venom we spit words with a disagreement as per the rampant drinking alcohol consumption of what this hither Junk-SHUN “with junk in the trunk of a Honda Civic Si or preferably an able bodied body with a sweet lass plump cheeks on her ass, plump cheeks on her face, hopefully not drinking or O.D.’ing on smack like Dave, never been to a rave, with good reviews on the Cinema Previews: colossal characters looming overhead, hauling overboard, on the Starship System of aliens galore, with “life-forms” in store, they’re waiting at the door for more-more-more!

Ring the bell or knock the wall, down the front-stairs I didn’t fall — ever since November 2004

This of you I implore: don’t waste space in God’s universe we’ll be outta here soon and in the back of a Hearse, do you read my Verse?

You might think I’m suicidal, as I sigh oh me- oh my- that I’m content with the contemptuous contemporary and hopefully only tempted by the delerium tremens from my Trauma of a brain injury a phat stack of poker chips and Bitcoins!

Scratch tickets you make me itch, like this bitch at Kinney Drugs scratched off the “VOID” bar and now it’s worthless like that old wench, just “ratchet” with Rachael  Michael  Seal ,  this I can feel, pinching and twisting the twisted killer kneels before the capo japo Walter as he Falters from the top of the staircase at the bottom to make a great “catch” it’s Reverend Chase!

As D-Rock hits the pedal to accelerate, he glances over at his date... now it’s not too late!   

But this has gotten long enough and I’m sure you’ve had it — had it a bit? — have a bite ? NITEY-NITE!

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