Anne you know I love Facebook -- I have Invested and I knew a Developer in 2005 when they bought a house in California -- plus seeing The Social Network in theaters 2.5 times that I paid for 3 tickets to the great movie, then buying the Blu-ray -- I have a PS4 with some games at home in Charlton, MA not here at "Averte" -- the games were way, way too complicated with my TBI and I hate the complexity -- HOW ABOUT MARIO BROTHERS AND RACING GAMES! -- I miss those, that the 1 game I liked was a racing game
BUT ANYWAYS, I found Angel McAulriff who led me to you, always been one of my very, very few "friends" -- Elon Musk told me on the 40+ minute phonecall in 2005, "I can be your best friend every day if you want!" then I said, what about you? And then he said, "I already have a best friend." -- and I wonder who his best friend is -- he wouldn't tell me but he said he was a Banker
I want Angel to do well in her life and maybe get Invisi-line dental because her teeth stuck out, and you said, "No Angel has great teeth" to which I said I'm a millionaire and I wanted to buy her braces -- I remember very well, I said on my first or second phonecall to you -- THAT WOULDN'T IT WORK OUT THAT WAY:
1. Listen to "Angel" by Aerosmith and "come and save me tooooo-night!"
2. Type in "Angel" on Facebook to see the photos and info
3. notice a Christian Church association, being that I went to a Catholic High School, Saint John's in Shrewsbury, MA
4. Add that "Angel"
5. First words, "Wow it's a Miracle! Who's the leader at your Church???"
And I sent you $20 in the mail, waited a couple days and gave you a call, excited to visit Niagara Falls -- but you didn't get the money yet -- I swore to you I sent it, and I was happy Recovering -- you didn't understand TBI and probably still don't, but my writing is my biggest TaLenT lol "talent" -- as evidence, I don't understand the PS4 I got for Christmas a few years ago and all I have watched in the past couple years is Fox News, and the 2 solid years before that I watched CNN 95% of the time, why? well I want to know about how I changed the world with my legitimate "Propheting" like the Pandemic -- I picked the name CoVid-19 -- I emailed China and labs there -- I also got in with Bitcoin in 2005 -- a lot of other things have happened to let me know "I'm Spiritually IN-TUNE" half of my brain died and well it recovered some, but MY GENERAL ABILITIES RANKED 4/15 "Glasgow Coma Scale"
I value my life. I value my $1M+ in TD Bank. I value the relationships running strong with my Mom, my Dad, and my Aunt Donna Donohue. I value Justine Aragona! 

Anne, you're one of my few friends... because of my TBI and double-vision I had 2 surgeries on my eyes and I still wear glasses, BEST OF ALL: I'M SOBER 2016! RARELY GETTING "HIGH" I MISS DEARLY!
So I pray to go to Heaven, and I pray to God and Allah -- the two of them are working together -- yes I put my knowledge and reading of The Qur'an -- one of the several books that have changed my life, "Dear Mr. Henshaw", "A Bridge to Tarabethia", "Fight Club", and "The Qur'an" -- the Bible doesn't offer me any "reward" and frankly, the Bible offers me nothing ASIDE FROM THE SIMPLE, SIMPLE "Psalms" -- I want you to read a Surrah (chapter) of The Qur'an maybe "Luqman" that has the line, "We have commanded people to be good to their parents. Their mothers weaned them."

my parents and
Aunt Donna Donohue
you too, Anne! 

So and so, I'm hoping to buy a small mansion in the same town as my Mom and Dad, purchase a Tesla -- I told my older "Cuz" to put down $50,000 on a Tesla Roadster (250+ MPH WOW!) -- so I'd have a house and a car -- continuing with MY SOBRIETY and Low-Carb Dieting -- and using MMJ I have 2 expired cards for but not having gotten high off of THC in over 1 year... so umm the people here are mad that I've written so much to you, me the man who's interested in Islam, The Qur'an and what they think about the Afterlife -- "heaven/hell" that's their first belief that I think maybe I died in 2004 . . . "An Intermediary State" I'm not too sure about what that entails . . . "A 'Sleep' before 'A Great Awakening'" those are the 3 Islamic beliefs of the Afterlife, that I don't believe people only go to Heaven because I'm quite sure there's a fine combination of Islam's "heaven/hell" -- I told you, I'm not bitter at all, especially with you, Anne, but there's a line in Vanilla Sky the Tom Cruise movie, "The Sweet Ain't So Sweet Without The Bitter" up's and down's in life, in marriage, in friendships LIKE IT'S ALL A HOLY WAVELENGTH!
I encourage you to research The Qur'an and keep in mind, there's the truly Holy figure, Allah, but you'll probably keep worshipping Jesus Christ -- I'm immune to him because I suffered in His place for months, that I'm still suffering from a TBI and near-death injuries, I'm suffering now with double vision and poor speech you don't notice -- everyone who knew me sees me as a fragment, a fragment or a "shard" of the able-bodied drinker until 2004 on November 2nd, when a group of hateful people actually tried to have me get so drunk -- their orders -- they knew the jerk lineage from my Mom, she drinks a glass of wine every single night, her family is a hunk of junk and trash and garbage, heroin, lesbianism -- BUT DAN AND MATT TURNED OUT OKAY! they're normal and not like the junk family of a heroin/drunk P.-family
Anne I'm not sure what to do but I love Facebook and Low-Carb Dieting, I'm a quick typist and I like how I have an extra few seconds to plan my next line of text, unlike my Speech -- you don't notice because you didn't know me until 2005 when I sought help from your "Hannah HOUSE" Church -- I want to buy a house near my parents, I can easily afford any house on their street! -- I want to talk to Elon Musk or Bruce Fenton again, it's been such a long time since I've heard them on the phone, which reminds me, we haven't spoken on the phone in a while and I should give you a call in the near future -- I paid to see the movie by Pixar "Up" twice in theaters that was a sweet story of a couple I remember a man with a grey beard and a wife with grey hair, but that's all I can remember, maybe something with a hot-air balloon? I'm not sure, but the sentiments it conveyed were very heart-warming, like "A Bridge to Tarabethia" -- the book, and "Dear Mr. Henshaw" the book, The Qur'an is more than a book, like Islam -- it's A Way of Life. Cheers to Allah, Jeers to Jesus Christ, and I'm not sure about Jehovah -- you see, I had intimacy with Peter L Sargent in a dark parking lot -- he's a sinner according to his JW church and he hates me now, he had a homosexual experience with me that, to me, it was no big deal and I really, really needed him to "Take Me Higher" (
He lies about what happened, and he doesn't include me with JW "Meetings" on Zoom I would attend religiously -- Jehovah (Jah) is barely in the Bible -- GOD BLESS THIS GREAT NATION OF OURS!
USA #1

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