Thursday, August 24, 2023

Dullard Willard-ly

Up and Stepping to who but Nate Stebbins- the worker at my Dad’s company and then unto now Google or Facebook with a fish who’s been hooked lastly, Wayne Marquis, my Dad, he comes in first and never lastly- him happy to be of joyous millions USD in the Treasury of my “Trust Fund”—hiding my fund of millions USD, Dullard Willard-ly when I crease the yeast of what amounted—I mounted a Mountain—of jokes... to stay chilled find it—fine and right with what amounts to Bills to be paid, Mista Mista—Ferrari Pista when I choose not to eat passed the pasta of yesteryear—this prior to my great weight, as per Low-Carb with the cards all shuffled in the Bicycle Deck—never eaten a SLIM-JIM of what could be a Docie Dough in a draught lifted right and aways to Willardly Ways of Wayne “Marching” Marquis—to be eaten so scrumptuous seeking such, a formal refinement—Mom’s nightly and single glass of her whiney wine-time to toss up the fluke, me unknown Lukey-Who, came to roost with Turbo “Boost” when what CoVid-19 leaks out the spinners


But times change and rhyming to do, filling LCD-screens... non-chalant but chanting the spare pocket-change giving to the given bookstore browser, all in an effort to stay silly with the Dullard enchanted, exchanging Bitcoins for a hefty sum of what happens along the ways of “A Will” I wrote up in 2013 or 2014—millionaire next-door!

I love you Dad, and I love you Mom! 💁

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