Transfixed Tracy pegged on a la the Male Nanny (buttlord butler, BUTLER THAT’S BUT-LER) of the house, when without the ways of pinned displays of LCD on-screen to be seen, Hail The Queen of Cambridge- where my Brother Justin Marquis takes a dip in a hot tub, greasing the (Marge) Geary absentee of an individual—me standing a-so proud in the Quart of 1% one dollar holler—like Melissa would say—feeling the dismay of to the Heathens of Heather breatheing deep all week long, lucky husbands So Lingering Longly with palled around Palsy—and Paisley from the Dow Market but no basket at Enterprise bringing cars from afar, in Detroit- elbow joint swinging back and forth sweeping up a street’s litter but only figuratively, the insurgency of one Dick Tracy in a trance, fuck Trans Nursery of fags I see, marched up Rainbows and pithy flowers, none of my Followers fallacy, no daintiness of men attracted to-be disheveled and used needles... all that pink lips in pin-pricked with the vehicles running on ELECTRICITY!
Doldrums from the sum on the, of thee, your “game” so lame and peptides-petite a weekly treat of hyper-oxygenation throughout the Nation of Islam to scram, in the Circuit City to get the best of me—bare of Hard ’n’ Icey Cider, so the sidelines wink at the Players—popping bub in the club, the Monet Chardonnay causing a “sway” (and a stumble) walking in order of rules coming first carrying a coffin to the Hearse, being remorse two done stepped into the delicate ways, of when one is buried in a grave and stoned, the aught be upright and tight, with a rose up top—pretty petals when the red, red, rose (and wine) be it stomped on the gasoline pedal, mouthful of metal cavity caps, so aft, then where a long duration passes, trapped in time and space—we travel through space and time—and that’s a phat rhyme, Author drinking liquids of liquor to implore, he or she remains assured, coming clawed (and glowing) that the show must go on, Rook takes a pithy Pawn—to sell the used items like JEW-elry in Israeli occupation of Holy “Creation” shampoo’d smashed and glitter—I’ll take a cutesy li’l critter Kitty Kat to the one sweet place called Home, cat then, in the zone of what be my own—somewhat sultry apartment coming with cleaning—Sandy’s classy ways, I am saved of doing dishing dashing DISHES of Tricia’s online gamble bubble-gum purchasing some when seeing the minty-crisp, Cleft Pallete with a Lips-sunk lisp and teeth to be shone
a subtle shade of yellow!
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