Arriving dissuaded and oral-templates shiny laden put shrimp and broccoli in the strainer, a la zero pain needs no refrain but roof-top shaded from the raining weather, a duck sifts its feathered fallacy of pooping on the beach, or on Eli Lily- them lily pads sitting certainly like Circular the 360-degrees underwater bass fish at ease, the fisherman teases, a worm, and a bobber head-knocker knowabout the way to “fly fish” hooking a big ol’ Trout to say, what about?
Steer clear of financial doubt,
the again what about my on-screen clout ???

How about Wayne’s boat, it keeps afloat for about fifty-kay ($50,000 for a freshwater boat) again, AFLOAT like the Modest Mouse song Dana and I would groove to with a soothing 23 ounce mug of Pub 99 Sam Adams, when, I now SOBER 2016—that seat in the lounge moreover, I now choose a water, and with lemon&lime—my Marquis lineage and More Miley On-Air, my rich parents I admire, with how they live their lives frugally and without the whiskey—I drank many years ago—paying my measly amounts but Tipping BIG on occasionally at The Sole Proprietor ( of long meals to eat stuffing my plump face, wishing to again- journey Space of God’s universe, holding it at the edge, clutching my best lover’s ever’s her boobs, as I proceeded to reach my arm past God... yes and His great “Illusion” of Him being “The Father” of His universe I advanced, along with the Cialis (Tadalafil) kind of pill I’ve been taking for years—that long without any beers—I enjoy the skinny girls with my small stomach, Ron and Ben, here at “Averte” where I enjoy them with smiling faces—I’m seeing stars but no “tracers” of the psychoactive aspect to envy a plethora of those who’ve supported me and my TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY!
Read about my great injuries—near-death severity—at 👌
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