Sunday, March 5, 2023

For my birthday I want a few thousand USD in $BITCOIN on PayPal that I want 99.7% to go to me and 0.3% to go to Rev. Anne Skinner of Hannah House on PayPal (0.3% THC's LIMIT in pills sold in stores, is why I want to pay like Dan B. is getting 0.3% we signed together in 2013 or 2014!)

A 2005 on friend with a Christian Church in the beautiful Niagara Falls!

Best of all, she cares so much about all of us, and you, and Jesus Christ too!

I remember in 2005 I sent her a letter with over $21 but promising her I didn't drink at all, this after seeking a Christian Charity and place of worship, her "Hannah House" now years later hoping to buy a really nice house in Charlton, and a new or used Tesla... vroom-vroom!

How did I first read about her Church ?????

IT WAS ALL FACEBOOK!  I searched "Angel" because I was listening to the Aerosmith song and it has the lyrics, "Save Me Tonight!"

There was an Angel M. with her Church actually in grey text of, "Hannah House" in tiny print and I made an surprise call to Rev. Anne Skinner who was delighted to hear from an ICU and Rehabilitation Hospital "SURVIVOR" that she knew I was in need of her prayers!

Recently for XMAS, I’ve contributed $48.01(out of my spared 50-bucks on PayPal out of my Bitcoin wallet #11) and my parents sent her $100. But those many of you who don't donate and don't attend a Christian Church, I want to urge you to believe in The Greatness of God and all people on Earth (but IMHO, be a little racist though, my advice as I hate dark criminals, committing crimes...) I have so many Euro’s, which foreign currency mesmerizes me. Taped up on my refrigerator:

2015 Bhutan Royal Bank Set of 1 & 5 Ngultrum UNC Genuine Billetes Rare for Collection

Bhutan — Girls' butts tanned, and an “ATM” SHAME! that my bills are from Bhutan... And with Tini Ara, well her FAME!

Like my precious metals and “Iron Ore” 2013 or 2014 purchase, and with two 24k gold grams in my billfold packed through, a lot of Silver close to Spot price JM = Jeffrey Marquis =)

My gold necklace from my dearest Aunt Donna Donohue and the late & NEVER FORGOTTEN AWESOME UNCLE MICKEY! — I have his 1 of 2 gold necklaces, which my Brother Justin has the other one Dear Justin wear  now. They are in my Holy Prayers, so if you want to do something I ask of you, to generously make a donation to out of the good in your heart! <3 Hi Reverend Anne Skinner, I Googled you so you'll get more donations! 😁

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