Double story house and words being released from my one’s mouths, tingle-tingle, The Tings, tasty tongues with their tasty Cinnabon’s of what one to emerge as a great and greater- the greatest man in all of the land, “O” Lakes when baking a pantry $CAKE so scrumptious cylindrical “Tical, Tical” divers diversity—and a Dumpster Diver falling flat on his oh oh oh or HERS when once come a burden of a muffin in the over-done oven, witche’s coven in the particular pin-point of playing the veinous video-games old video game and “Pong” to sing a song of a wratched old wench, sitting still, bench-laden for some floozy bar-side stinky drinker of Dunkin’s moist muffins and buns, for you hun, the skylit upper-side windows to peruse the cumulonimbus MTA with a valid driver’s license up to date—but wait I’m getting a new Vermont Identification Device to keep in my own pocket... to Sit on it the information The “SIT-uation” of Jersey, hmmm now SURE with what washing wayside ’n’ sea-side Coroner’s Virus (I rule) not drinking so absolutely NO LIQUORED LIQUIDS—eating Octopus at The Sole Proprietor—my meal-time destination of eating at the greatest restaurant All the Nation of this our United States of America #1 the taste of politics with lingo—but who knows??—cackle at the Crows and Crowns of Royal empresses the buttons on the switches, of my fingers finally finished, and FINDING the text to type when the peaches are ripe and cushy-gooshy sipping the spit of what The Pit?? I can get them both to be bathing and shaving in the country’s Mausoleum, opting to be an optician of special medications state-side of previous MAGA “Pride”—but to be fucked-with and carrying Shivon and on and on, a “shiv” ER in the under the weather sky-up with enough stuff to play the piano keys, or these keys in front of me—we will see the get-attem suede saddle of some horses being gathered into a Herd—U-Haul’ing the words of a wonderous Poet that...
I’m now knowing it, Dancing in Space and buying “A Place”—yes a pristine palace to live near my best pal, Cousin Dan, lend me money to Invest in Bitcoin, saying please, and that’ll be on PayPal, fo’ sho’ with the immigrant population tuning into the CNN or YouTube Station: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr83RNbBkNs

Read my www.alwayschillen.com with your own eyes- set straight—at a great weight like me and my Mom and Dad, yeah me too, having read a great book I gifted him and Mom with named “Eat To Live” staying fit and providing the ponderance of how to Extend Life—like how I would get a monthly maganesium heh magazine, quick zine to be soon seen—named “Life Extension” but mostly selling products such as their own line to walk it straight and Sway (Tech) with what a way to—SAY, IT LOUD AND PROUD, I’m of French and I’m not only talking about the Dressing coming in bottles to swish and squint and this watch and of Paris—eating LETTUCE—bested by Motel Most-Hated mad-hatter (MAD HATER) when what’s with the wait-er delivery of it taking to long, 4 or 5 minutes in a song, usually, that it’s got to be more and free—to set the stage at least 3 minutes long in an everyday radio kinda song, sifting through Subaru at “Long’s” or Lundgren with the yellow Integra Type-R with for $25k, hey you get the one hundred ninety horse power to cruse and use the perusal of a sailor ship with Rip and jeans torn totally taught to Taters, the scars, them Tattered, being stretched through the Spandex of dared to bend what-over?? Slimmer in slimey spoken LANGUAGE of loving my Dancing in words, seeing them scrolling on a screen, me remaining complacent but never screaming, that—they have great chocolate ice-cream here at “Averte”—it’s where I reside NO RESIDUE taking noting of me actually “Quoting” the meaning of my meandering down thought up and throughout my deep non-relenquished bottle of relish—Mom and Dad had hot dogs for dinner—them living as average but worth much more with their RICHES that the hot dogs are sirloin and expensive bitches—the Shiba Inu—UP 80,000% news—that’s a great deal of money, for me buying you presents mattered much-ly when to be, oh “AS IF” blurted banging of pot’s and pan’s with the internet connection here, The Lay of the Land, like you, one who uses computer machines with Chardonnay and Charolette Hornets’ “Larry Johnson”—and the Austin team’s “David Robinson”—my enormous comic book and sports cards collections worth so many delightful currencies, now and currently—the same—I have a TBI and Lance was shamed—bye to the International Sports Committee—I’m not playing ball or playing with any bolts being nut-crazy for $$,$$$,$$$ “CASHEWS” when the elderly lady drinks a 16 ounce bottle of booze, and then falling asleep—snooze-ing...
I'll cut it off if you come at me because I'm a real "pecker-wrecker"
I print it on paper
CYA later! 👀
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