Friday, July 29, 2022
I have to write a letter for Carol in Kuwait for my Mom, her hometown friend of decades ago, and Carol is a PEACEFUL "Islamic" so "I can feel you Allah around me!" (YouTube: Flyleaf - All Around Me)
Monroe piercings are cool. I have an Associate's Degree in Computer Science. I got an "A" in Psychology I with an A- in Poetry II, plus B+ grades in Creative Writing and Health I at WSU in 2005 to 2008
Previousy written:
Seaside take a wild ride in stride in the States of MY NATION, sea-side a Plantation, and of Blacks garnering a MLB MLK skim milk to garnish the olives for a turkey-day feast, her V dripping yeast of filth and waste to never lucky lickey Uncle Mickey brandishing a given-hickey upside the left-side in-stride seat of a heating pad to absorb the “Heat” of our bodies 98.6 in a Cinema Creation on-screen being SEEN by capturing satellites in space, pulling an “Ace” to bear with amounts of ample prayer over there, by the coffee table (with no coffee because they only serve Decaf here) the Elon Musk book and new Bitcoin Magazine atop the top of the able table to carry my where’s with Ernie Weiner and Betty obscene of her, and of me to grab the booty with 2 full fists, hands spread wide and to the left, to the right, we can dance in space with Allah all night, and long. With no thong on... as that was taken out by a random Trout trapped with a Lobster in a wooden care-package from more of my “Home” having visited, my Trust Fund is mine, as long as I’m not drinking wine or any-time or at any point “buzzed” from booze I choose to GO SOBER 2016! But this 3 years it took me to garner the attention of “Dana Gardner” my best friend, he said and with 1 arm around my shoulders, left and right — butts are tight- the smallest deep crevice with Crest toothpaste the misses get around to crow and mow the lawn, it takes a long, long amount of tinkling trinkling Tinkerbell on Justine’s “Dreamy” PJ’s that she had on the top to keep her warm, bees buzz in a greasy breezy kitchen at McDonalds THAT JUSTINE’S BROTHER JOE WORKED AT MCDONALDS FOR HIS FIRST JOB AND HIS PARENTS WERE PROUD OF HIM LIKE I WAS SO HAPPY and with the tall, built, exercising, lifting weights and wearing muscle shirts- that he went to the gym with maximal effort and knowing buddies at the gym, to go for a run or down the street and not at the gym because who would drive to a gymnasium and go for a walk on the streets outside ??? I mist knowing Canadian Mist in a plastic 1.5L jug of whip cream with me, and here where I looked up to where I wanted to go, pointing with my damaged but “special” left arm and wrist, that I’ve never done anything with my fist but 1 night in 2001/2002 in the winter down the street from QCC, my Saint John’s butt-buddy A TEACHER AT A CATHOLIC SCHOOL, maybe having converted to save his job, the lengthy conversation as I had him hob my knowing of twisting Trish’es dish in the sink when the awful teacher Mr. Deedy and what he did to me, IT STINKS! Then washing my hands and not bleeding, I never saw his seeding of insemination when if he had a cat to pet I would have just played with the kitty on his couch, but he has other plans when he said “Sans Pants” to my internal-confusion — and please keep in mind that my Miming to him, what did this meth of yours do to my senses? You wouldn’t believe how intense it was, like going to NETA dispensary when my MMJ card was valid like me and I’m not too old or in any way an “Invalid” because I’m able to walk and jog, but not working a job (except for my writing prodding the audience of mine to see that I am a FINE WRITER of autobiography Creative Non-fiction to the motion of the ocean, that I wanted to increase my powers as much as possible, but I stopped reading my copy of The Qur’an that I got not all the way through, and if I can keep going with this Text’s presence and “Fitness” the presence Christmas morning to when I believed in Santa Claus and I never caught my parents, planting my gifts of THC/CBD chocolate in the 2014-2019 span of my medical-plan and discounted from the peaceful elegant store, I drove there with my Mom who had a “Caregiver” card so she could come in with me and make sure I didn’t have wax or shatter or any bud too strong, our car-rides took long... but the when of now makes me think of the CHOCOLATE MILK COW! How does the hair color get dyed in the topical hairdresser’s Paste to copy a piece of Broccoli pasta one misaligned speech, when I can’t set aside my REACH-ING beyond God, I truly did it! I am not a fraud! The Fed, Dan said, Dan kept talking about the Fed and I fed my dog IAMS at the end with its higher princes Princess PRICES WHERE MY LIFE IS VOTING FOR 0.69 cents playing the Celtics NBA with Sally Maye finances that I had a Michelob ULTRA at Chili’s in 2014 while on a low-carb diet, taking of tops off the trees to worship working hardbodies doing dips and setups on the TV dial like the soap, it is very hydrating and good for moisture in the Epidermis Ephedra now sold as Brook-aid at CVS with they have a large assortment, like every quick-busy store to be implored, put more on the floor and dance with 2 feet — I got now new shoes to day with Mom and Dad who are NOT MAD while having had a nice sweet day with me... I wanted to see them. . . to a weeping willow wiping away tears in a trash bag by GLAD I have the power of having being accepted by God and Jesus Christ, He didn’t have any kids, put a LID over the glad bag of white people plastics / polymers for sale at my great Dad’s huge business for Gillette and HAARTZ <3 <3 that’s me and Justine! Clean the strains in your complexities a special Brain, stories at night with no bedbugs bed bites at night all night long playing that “song” on my MacBook Pro’s Rev. Bill McGinnis reading “The Lord’s Prayer” I had 13,000+ plays of it and I would listen to it looping every night or nearly every night as I bought CDs, paying dollars for my in-car jam rides of walking tall with a bit of a sly-de... Stallone in Delaware without a Care a button, I put it on... but only sometimes, I would do it as a surprise if I collected Where’s ALDO’s “Krystal Fancy” ??? She was a waitress too young for me when I saw her to see the dishes of SALAD DELIVERED to my table, she was working her first job and I wasn’t hitting on her, and I told Dianne L. I liked her a lot but played it cool, minding my own business, and I liked her thin-ness I’d wear body-spray and use over a dozen “Garnier ‘Revitalizing’ Serum” but nothing by Olay, I haven’t gotten a zit for a long time, on my face, blanketed screw-side car ride with a popped tire... Must’ve been a nail, ceramics frail, demanded fail, this Fall I will have Allah’ them ‘all! Kit the cut it loose on the dusty road with a black vehicle, Trust me, David Hasselhoff never “got me off” that craving for enough and enough when Pamelya published pummeled on The Chunnel TV channel 360 friends on Facebook, that’s Fox News with new things every hour, rewinding the spitted sour sauce, give some to Pamela Anderson in tight jeans, be one of my Queens in a city when the drumming for change money-maker money taker of Donations to drum on a plastic bucket when the boss says, “fuck it” unfortunately for the Ember decree of 62 degrees in Lee jeans, like (LE) Oh “Life Extension” magazine I received for a while, my many Bitcoins- I want to eat a Sirloin! Amazed beings of countries’ continued continuity in my Disabled “Community” here at “Averte” in the hey-day of May and my Mom cleaned my sink, her Mother’s Day card- it was wall-to-wall PINK! With Dr. Candido the “Main Shrink, a Ph. D. And some awards on his wall with the Minister now deceased and Blessed by Rev. Anne Skinner I befriended in 2005 when I came home from TBI hospital and ICU extro-extronaire- extremely difficult surving a TBI to me- oh my and why did they want me drinking, after 4 bottles POURED DOWN THE SINK — my EFFORTS TO GET SOBER BEFORE MY CRASH, then ICU diaper dirty with the almost always Black, and a panic-attack of a bad person ripping out my stomach-tube I made my mom show me a magazine with boobs, a la Bitty breasted swimsuits of made-models smiling with shimmering teeth, so hot on the beach, my Disabled hand, I clutched her breast, not quite equidistant matching L-and-R perfection, not needing Trojan MAGNUM “protection” under a doctor’s decision to approve me of a girlfriend until the end of my low’s and not yet getting HIGH my MMJ card, but not quite for a while ending my cannabis consumption in 2019 or 2020 with Miley, see ????? And will I be, on the top straddled by a busty broad, but feeling bored, I have a bed-sore on my back, my sleeping so much is the opposite of a panic-attack as I sleep so “Dreamy” her PJ’s bed-suit swim-suit wearing a suit and tie, taking a limo, then I got a limo for my Birthday! I thank Hans in France “French Dressing” on seaside Salads in Cape Cod, praying to God, save me! and my HTML files to store in piles on a pitiful Dell computer with windows and not the true hue of my baby blue, Mac’s not susceptible to attack, aside from draining bandwidth through satellite dish, 1 alone, with the signal to hone, to “home” here at “Averte” when I would listen to “Sway and Tech - The Anthem” ( feat. Eminem, RZA, X-hibit, etc. for you to see, the link I sent ya, et cetera exhibits of public pussy to be seen with Marilyn Monroe inspired piercings on upper lips in bright red shining light of a tube of LIPSTICK, when driving a stock stuck stick-shift with a shitty shirt and a girl in a mini-skirt, seeking to Flirt, a la the Boyz of hoodies sweaters pull the string and I sing, you suckers, the eyesight seaside plum of the bum of the Plumber TONIGHT! to undress a brassiere of brass- and metals surrounding the Nation, gold in Alaska, and diamonds in the Peruvian Mines, my Bitcoin miners with NO MINORS! as I don’t want to have kids with my eventual wife, my one wife for life, my wife for a life of sleeping in one bed, not a Bunk and “I am a hunk.” The toilet seat stunk with trash in the waist-paper barrel along the end of my kitchen counters, I’m the one to Mount, my wifey, so c’mere I’m here in my strange small head, I should have made my thighs bigger and better with Insulin pins and water to soak the protein-peptides for Anti-Aging (and AA...) Soggy sods bring me my money NOT ANY “GREEN” NO MMJ I DON’T NEED WEED! while drinking water at bat, the baseball game, and after a couple’s baby-batter all spattered on rear’s buns of I’m now you’re #1 hun as I’ve got you reeding, and I’m not breeding, bereft of sex here at “Averte” where I don’t need to be, with any Lady as my righty-tight does it at the highest height of most nights, feeling no fright from friends, I want to go home to the bare end of Lincoin my Bitcoins so many, Lincoln Point Road at the piquing of interest to buy a house in Charlton in Mass. I want to show you some saucy sassy salty girlies’ ass with much “Sass” and “Seed to Breed” needed kneaded bread in bed with the clean sheets so cozy and John “Cozzy” of my President my Dad the Company President with more than enough $$,$$$,$$$ I LOVE MY PARENTS who they pay the $20,000 per month RENT a boat at the beach to paddle-row on your tippy-toes where the Emeralds grows up hefty as in the old hag’s clutch bag, clutched tight in a Manual Transmission Car Driven to extents of extended distance, this after a FILL-UP of Philip Morris selling sweet chocolates perforated around the edges, to clip the Hedge’s with Jenner’s Hedge Fund profiting, when stocks are up and Wall St. is for them all bodies businessmen in swaying wool fabrics sport coat and Full Suite, but in a hotel and away from the screens when Bruce Springstein’s “IT” was needed to be seen on a screen and but not that thick thick-ness BOOK by Mr. Donald King, the Stephen in me sings, writing like a Rock-Star AUTHOR I adore, me myself and away from everyone else, the messed up people here, I don’t think there are any Queer’s here, when I dislike minorities of population in this my USA NATION, like the homo gays, but aired girls’ pubic hair, I don’t care, but I don’t like a full President Bush, his W. the DUBYA with D’s on your needs to plant oak tree seeds to spawn a forest, for the rest of the, Naysayers, I am a Taxpayer to my wonderful government winning the advancement of the judiciary placement of difficult High School and QCC classes, I never met a student at QCC for a lady-relationship, I wanted with only 1 girl at my school, I would listen to Tool with a teenage girl on the phone, I called her at her home, I have known, I don’t associate with any Teens now, and How — would I like to meet and greet a girl next-door to The Sole Proprietor I remember wanting an Apartment near the best restaurant EVER, showing no restraint at the fave-restaurant when Laurie I had my eyes glued, to haunt the women on the dancefloor, on occasion, this USA nation of God’s “Creation” that’s still going on and Eons away with Elon Musk I just bought an Elon Musk Book about the great world’s richest man, I had a plan to ELONgate my legs and buy my mom Musk perfume... and that’s how I found Elon Musk in 2005 chatting often and him surprised at the Facebook posts when I talked to him for the most of an hour, our convo was never icky and sour, the power of an hour or so when I intrigued E.M. with my TBI and double double vision vision right eye, to squint, swishing an O.J. “Screwdriver” of the County Clerk at a police-record store for the wife-beater who left his heater and his beaten-wife SO SORE! I want no more bed-sore on my back, to lay in bed pondering valued thoughts of timing knots at sea so seaside with each stride of my legs one lifted with a “Shoe Lift” I have clipped my bangers and MASH on television about the army with no girls and only mostly Vet’s watching a tale of the old days Marching on the 20th to turn 40 years old, a piece of bread at peace with no crusty crusted brushed with Crest instead, with the bread, old and moldy, my stocks haven’t sold so 2023 I’m getting to be the holder of two boulders Mount Vesuvius with Willam Blasius on the banter of our telephone chatter, when, Bill, our conversations mean a lot and I’m willing to put up Collateral (what does that mean?) on the extension of hair-plugs for puppies and Pugs, with no bugs, and no Tick of a watch-cloth battery to once again: chatter over the waves, this “Chatter” among the oil-rich lands, where the deserts of sand go in my hands with a protein-cookie, I be where the good food be... Seaside with wide hips, chattering teeth under lips, up top when the ones are on your face, and to KISS108 with Miley and Gaga the discs I picked, to be lifted in spirit when I hear you! And I hate to “break the bank” but I’m worth millions of dollars now and in the past, my Associate’s Degree I PASSED! Now holding a candle to the handle “alwayschillen” to pick up a rake and eat a Sirloin steak, when I won’t take a break but to jerk it, where the word “Twerk” had went, to not be uttered like the Days of Yore with NYC and Dana who be my best friend, hopefully staying with him, again, my best friend! Not to mention Elon I have a new book about him, and I pray to HIM! A la the Hymn songs blaring out the enlarged heart of mine, so big, from what I did, in 2005 and 2006 with protein-peptides replaced, sometimes, by someone of another race, I figure, a N-word to pick up the Zest, but DON’T DROP THE SOAP! Quaker Oats and OSX Notes of so many quotes…
Friday, July 22, 2022
Blame for writing about "Parthenogenesis" and A BRAND NEW "VIRGIN BIRTH" IN 2004! (note: Fennesey, Cormier, Lambert, Hays)
I was the Assistant Manager at a GNC before my "moderate/severe" Traumatic Brain Injury in 2004, having worked hard at GNC in 2003 and 2004, and I was an Intern at for a night in 2013 or 2014 when I pumped millions of dollars into "CRYPTO" I would study the numbers of their PRICE TO PAY FOR MY LEGAL BILLS MOM AND DAD, but stay together in love and marriage, I'm giving Aunt Donna Donohue some of my great WEALTH in "Dogecoin" and because I talked to a parking attendant at Elon Musk's apartment, I poured money into Shiba Inu -- IT WENT UP 80,000% IN VALUE! -- and Elon Musk has a Shiba Inu I once knew the name of, like Aunt Donna Donohue's Westie "Bismark" I am splitting my Dogecoin and "Shiba Inu" wealth 50% when it finally comes 2023 I chose to sell my many, many, many Investments because of the Miley Cyrus hit song "23" that Jenner has SportRadar maybe he's giving me stake in his worth, and my Dad had the company "Worthen" as a customer of his $36,500,000 quarter-ownership of in his "ECM Plastics, Inc." plastics/polymers business in Worcester, MA where I've lived in 2 apartments RECOVERING FROM MY TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY that Justine Aragona 2009-2013 had a severe one and she can't drive a car her in her 30's years-old or years young like Ember here I am an American Citizen and Taxpayer, that I would have given the Government most of my Euro's because I started that Bank of France account in 2013 or 2014
Remember, I Googled: "cry" and "crypto-currency" resulted, and then I saw Bruce Fenton's "Bitcoin logo" I bought him some Bitcoin shirts, I know, he gave me his address after knowing this To-Be-Senator of New Hampshire... I'm not trolling and Dan got my collection of Troll Dolls because he put $10,000 in a lot of states for me to pay Christian Bale of his protein-peptide and exercise Clifford Regimbal KITCOMAN79 on AIM with his recommendation to ACE Poetry II A- Dr. Kenneth Gibbs at WSU has my 4 long Soliloquies that were "A quality" prose and poetry with my "English w/ Conc. in WRITING" of 2006 on but not onward because I don't want to have to go to the hospital for an 8th time!
My Dad's employees work for Google and Facebook and Apple, Eve bit, and women are sinners BUT THAT'S ALRIGHT WITH JESUS CHRIST BECAUSE, WELL, LOOK AT THIS "FACT" that has completely turned off...
Google: JMRQ Heavy Industries
I have employees here from 2013 or 2014 when I arranged Google: "JMRQ Heavy Industries" after buying so many Bitcoins and Stocks in Tesla, John Deere, Amazon, Dairy Queen-slash-Geico ($400k) and so many other investments -- yeah my Trust Fund had $,$$$,$$$ because of my Dad's great wealth -- I've been worth so much for many, many years now -- my own profits in Bitcoin, Stocks, Metals, etc. that maybe I even have property I own but it's kept *SECRET* and it was so easy, I had a NDE in 2004 with my "wrxtbi" and then reaching Beyond God with my Disabled and Handicapped left arm that it was all very REAL BECAUSE I AM 7/10 through The Qur'an and I have "jmarquis710" as Gmail and at Yahoo!
Elon. Bitcoin. Senator Fenton NH. IGF-1 LR3. and Hundreds of hours on Treadmills at WSU, Boost Fitness, Gold's Gym, Sim's Health Club! $$,$$$,$$$
My Dad wrote a paper giving him 49% of my as many as 5000 Bitcoins, we both signed, and when he looked at Bitcoin -- THANK YOU BRUCE FENTON! FOR SENATOR OF NEW HAMPSHIRE! -- I did a video chat with him a few times and I was ENTRANCED BY HIS BITCOIN OBJECTS ON HIS SHELVES BEHIND HIS DESK! We had many phone-calls, even on his vacation, he left his phone connected to mine all night long because I requested he not hang up and I would keep him on the phone for about 10 hours of silence, that I only knew him because of "FENT" for Fent-anyl I predicted in 2005 many things like CoVid-19 and Space-X and Tesla I have Stocks in -- but later my Dad said to me, "I WANT 50%!" and I didn't shake his hand! And because Bitcoin is now permanent I'm selling them at $100,000 that I have about ten "Wallets" in New England, New York, and Florida!

Thursday, July 21, 2022
Scandalous treatings at "Averte" from the stiff staff who're APT to trap me in MY STOLEN MAIL !!!!! ~~ Google: "JMRQ Heavy Industries" that's me and my own business here, address and phone # check it
I'm great with life, although the jerks here at "Averte" will endure their low pay with me being right and rich, that is RICHER THAN ANYONE HERE ($20,000/mo. rent!) ! Tesla, Amazon, John Deere, Dairy Queen ($430,900.00) yes that much I own (Dad Wayne, he holds my money because he is my "Health Proxy" and Deborah my Mom) Berkshire with Geico -- my investments, I know- and in my Dad's hands he won't be BANNED because I love my Dad, and my Mom is very, very, very BAD -- but now Sober only drinking her white wine on weekends -- like my JW friend "Peter L Sargent" -- he feels awful about his Alcoholism -- so he De-friended me! -- and him a Jehovah's Witness drinker and sinner, he blew me, he and I jerked j/o him off, and then we kissed, in the parking lot of The Sole Proprietor ( I would come to once in a limo, and Laurie Griffin with a glass of wine, allowed, I "dined" seeing one of her nipples that she revealed, but she told me to keep my lips sealed, even with kissing, her face- it I'm missing along the longing for the contact of her eyes, her Divine, and a couple years older than me, unfortunately being married- that didn't stop me from stopping at her house once to give her a Charolette Russe gift-card, in the limisine I was playing HARD and to "get" HER I ADORE when hopefully I live at home with "Climate Isis" the water levels rising and a temperature taken orally, Ally2683 Hodgkins with babies (!!!) MY SPERM WAS STOLEN FROM ME, and although I give to some Charities, her beautiful (not anymore!) face is foreign, to me, like the dealings of buying Bitcoins, then, in 2013 or 2014 I have millions of dollars in TD Bank, Dad and Dan to thank, with a hand shake of a seizure notation, the doctors, my vibrating sensation of internal stress, my Mom doesn't often wear a dress, but my Justine Aragona did wear the plentiful plenteous collection of KNEE-HIGHS -- flossing the in-between of her thighs, with thongs, and thoughts of things to make me sing, don't count on it -- I'm not a "Marla" Singer stirred stitches from MY BEAUTIFUL BITCHES!
And a fraction of NO REMORSE, the old man new and now dead, leaving a better bitter-sweet sullen CORPS. of the U.S.A. Marines surviving (!!!) with Brian McNeil nowhere to be seen, but with his wife whatshername “Julie” — that she hands me a gland of extracted organs, good fool for good once but AGAIN... upon a Transplant to “Paul Oakenfold - Tranceport” of “The Game Master” providing with provisions of whimsical Thanksgiving Turkey, the brown meet — the legs, the DARK MEAT — with albeit some white skin like all of my Marquis-ONLY family kin and ignoring the heroin drunk, David Perron, shooting his veins with Fentanyl, that loser punk, who I prayed at his funeral but not for what you might think — he put my risk at life drinking and on heroin, taking his shitty old car for a SPIN the magazine with Kurt Cobain — David Perron’s drugs affected his brain, and making him insane, craving the delinquent drugs — his two toddlers giving him hugs, and being now worthless, with his sins his Mom gives him a KISS 108 FM, his mother hen, not the smartest, cleaning my old house, what a lousy family, one dinky daughter with a husband who HE’S GETTING. A SEX-CHANGE (!!!) Vaginoplasty and reminding me of the plastics my Dad sold, making mllions USD, in the USA Treasury, that’s where he be doing the best, brushing with a thick wig to fake having hair — he looked odd but I didn’t care — I would STARE...
Do you have stairs in your house?
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Thursday, July 14, 2022
MY MOM'S OWN WORDS FROM 2005: "If you don't kill yourself with Mom and Dad there... you have to live in another state!"

<3 Wayne Marquis <3 Aunt Donna Donohue <3 Justine Aragona
Did you know they stole my sperm in the ICU in 2004 and got Tiffany Desrosiers and Allyson Hodgkins to have abortions and/or babies with MY STOLEN SPERM ???
I care about YOU, Bill, but I refuse to believe Reverend Jim Chase of our Charlton Federated Church -- I collected 70+ Sunday Service pamphlets, but my EVIL, AWFUL MOTHER THREW THEM AWAY when I attended our Christian Church in Charlton, MA, really *died*, that Charlton, MA is where I'd like to buy a house with or near MY AWESOME DAD "WAYNE MARQUIS" THE $$,$$$,$$$ PROFITED *GREAT-WAYNE* AND MY AUNT DONNA DONOHUE I LOVE HER SO MUCH AND SHE'S GETTING THE AUTHORITIES INVOLVED !!!!! <3 Aunt Donna Donohue! =D
MY WWW.WRXTBI.COM ( I owned for a year because it would have been switched for COURT! )
THE FACTS: EVIL JERKS LIKE MY OWN MOTHER, SHE SCREAMED "KILL YOURSELF IF YOU'RE INNOCENT!" IN 2004 THAT I DON'T WANT MY 3 DOT-COM'S AND MANY BLOGS THIS GOOGLE CRAP SWITCHED FOR "COURT" I AM A MILLIONAIRE AND I'M ALWAYS BEING "HACKED" (Google, Facebook, Apple, AT&T, SAMSUNG, etc.) I'm worth so much $,$$$,$$$ and I want my Mom to split from my Dad in a divorce, because she's not worthy of MY DAD'S millions of dollars, and so like, I have a million USD in TD Bank or far more because having talked to Elon Musk in 2005 when he saw my ruined car -- ALL PART OF A "SET-UP" MY ENEMIES MADE ME DRINK AFTER 2.5 MONTHS OF SOBRIETY -- when I was so sad about withdrawing from Calculus I at WSU in 2004 when my happened and these are important too, very crucial you read:
AND SOMEONE JUST DELETED MY "JeffreyMarquis1" account!
I trust you and my Dad and Aunt Donna Donohue! <3
Thursday, July 7, 2022
This is real... and I don't want anyone to get "killed" because I have RENEWED MY FAITH IN LORD JESUS CHRIST, with me also attending Zoom "Jehovah's Witness" Masses on Zoom every week!
My 2004 Traumatic Brain Injury I.C.U. catheters plus a drilled-in FEEDING TUBE I HAVE SCARS ALL OVER MY BODY!
...and with my 2013 or 2014 communication with France, that a Bank in France (but not Paris as that ‘Hilton’ girl became a disgrace to me and my American Family “Marquis” yes that’s “French Royalty” on an elevated level...) to dust to dust, that my Dear Deceased “David Perron” — I tried to save him! — this after he was high on heroin and drinking 4 tall beers with HIM DRIVING and my Mom ordered me, “DO NOT DRIVE HIS CAR!” being after I called the local police and told them I didn’t feel safe with him driving, that he probably had his heroin/fentanyl/oxycontin in the car AND ALL THE POLICE SAID WAS, "WE'LL LOOK FOR HIM IF HE'S WEAVING..."— after I said to my Mom when he arrived to my REAL HOME IN "CHARLTON, MASSACHUSETTS me the college graduate and also "SAINT JOHN'S PRIVATE, CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL: Class of 2000, that I was so worried and I told my maybe evil Mother Deborah Marquis 508-517-2416, “He looks tipsy and he’s wobbling talking slow!” AND MY MOM MADE ME GET IN HIS CAR WHEN I BEGGED HER “IT’S NOT SAFE TO BE WITH DAVE!” Who he had babies with 2 separate girls to get money from the USA government and unable to work a job at a store or anywhere, so he paired up with his heroin buddies to travel around hoping to have heroin or opiates, FOUND, and he was FOUND DEAD HAVING KILLED HIMSELF! So I went to his Funeral, wasn’t sad — BECAUSE I TRIED TO SAVE HIM! — my Dad wouldn’t hire him, because, in the words of my Dad, a millionaire many times over, he said this bad Nephew of his, he was “TOO MUCH OF A LIABILITY!” And he said I shouldn’t quote him on that but there’s so much SABOTAGING ME HERE AT “AVERTE” WHERE MY ENEMIES WHO CAUSED THE EVENTS OF MY (that I had for a year...), me fearing, my enemies’ SET-UP to do further damage and I hate my Mom’s family, but not my older Saint John’s cousin Daniel M. Besse, I’m not allowed to talk to since making hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions with Bitcoins, Tesla, Amazon, and Dairy Queen STOCKS in 2013 or 2014 and this whole
SECOND TIME I’VE BEEN “SET-UP” when the first time my enemies caused my SEVERE INJURIES which had me unconscious for an entire month I WAS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT IN 2004 FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH!
Here’s the first time I WAS “SET-UP” TO DRIVE DRUNK, after I dumped out all of the bad alcohol of my parents and a bottle of my own, I DUMPED THEM OUT! I NEEDED TO GET “TREATMENT” AND MY MILLIONAIRE PARENTS WOULDN’T SPEND ANY OF THEIR VAST AMOUNTS OF SO MUCH OF THEIR MONEY TO GET ME SOBER — that bad alcoholism runs in my Mom’s bad family of having a DRUNK SMOKER ADDICT MY GRANDFATHER!
No one was sad at his Wake, and I don’t believe Rev. Jim Chase ever had cancer, LET ALONE DIE WHEN IT WAS *HIDDEN FROM ME*
Now continuing this Prose text, I got an “A” in Psychology I at Worcester State University in 2007, I believe, with Dr. Brandi Scruggs who was so fascinated by my injury to my brain you can read about on my
I’ve never done opiates; I don’t drink as of 2016 with A.A. only twice; and everything in my life is being hacked!
And although I have CBD, I don’t use MMJ for 3+ years now!
But the mentally-retarded new girl here — I’m so brain injured TBI — I can’t even remember her name, and there’s all these dumb screwup’s here at “Averte”
I’m a millionaire and I want to buy a house on the same street as MY OFFICIAL “HEALTH PROXY” PARENTS, then buy a Tesla with my Tesla stocks — having talked to the great Elon Musk on the phone for 40+ minutes while he was waiting for a plane at the airport, and he was so interested in my TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY with the many “SEVERE” INJURIES TO MY BODY AND BRAIN ` ` ` and then once I have a nice house and I hope a Tesla Roadster — I told my #1 favorite Stockbroker of mine, Daniel M.Besse of CT — to put down the $50,000 “Reservation” on me buying a new Tesla Roadster — because I knew Elon Musk and he liked me, that I kept him on the phone for 40+ minutes in 2005 or 2006 when I also befriended “Bruce Fenton” running for Senator of New Hampshire! I talked to him for hours and told him he should run for “SENATE” honestly, no lie, because we chatted for I believe 5 nights in a row of one hour phonecalls!
Read this my 1 of 3 dot-com’s
And please read this post on my free Blogspot account
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Justine Aragona 2009-2013 MY BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER!!!!! =D
Back at my wishes of my to-this-day, bearing and accustomed to wearing the smudged smeared name of Lance and his LIVESTRONG digestion of Dogecoin and Trump’s “Insurrection”
There’s me flaunting a lengthy ELECTION, a noticeable one, unseen and it “LARGE” when being not unsheathed, as I’m on-leave from Charlton, Mass. thighs suited for INTRA-internal sex, I’m bereft, even before, I CAME AND HERE AT “AVERTE” flaunting my “swerve” of slinky silk 1% chocolate milk and a Sheik condom, my unopened and SEALED BOX OF TROJAN “MAGUMS” I require for the testosterone desire of the PornHub “Wires” listed as popular in WIRED the Magazine, online dot-com (I have 3 dot-com’s and 2 other blogs...) with me writing a LOT of THOUGHT and I like shorty’s with stories of my long-gone BEDSORE that weebles wobble me not nearly “Feeble” said KB’s “Elves” and Justine’s step-dad, Dan Pellegrini, he listens to Elvis that DAN PELLEGRINI I’M SO SORRY I WOULD DRINK THE BEERS OF MY GENETIC-ADDICTION... to evil alcohol... but that was only in the Days of Yore, and your step-daughter my Justine “Tini Ara” who is unfortunately nowhere to be seen! With my now knowing of keen senses to abandoning the alcohol consumption that caused me and my poor TBI brain “madness” and without the few beers of 2010-2016 each night... I FEEL ZERO SADNESS WITH ME FULLY SOBER AS OF 2016 ` ` ` I quit to win Justine for MARRIAGE because I truly love Justine with my nearest-heart, my own, me in the proverbial “Zone” of living without drinking ALL MY WISE CHOICE, and now not “high” in a whole non-elated normal “state” of WSU I got a deal with something like a scholarship as per the TBI of my own, when I would “Care” for Justine, just a “teen” she was 18 and a half when we met and frankly I was sad about the great injustice of her injuries, separate from my own, we both lived at our real “Homes” of Mum ’n’ Pops who Cardi B sings wearing socks with flip-flops that’s just silly, and what’s with the MySlippers ???
To the very Every Night I SLEEP ON MY “MYPILLOW” providing me with TBI relief when to you, I bequeath, my own internal non-internet bearing of pairing — NEVER WITH THE RETARDS HERE AT “AVERTE” — a retard home where two on-scene have quote-unquote “Special” sorts of debilitated genes, when I wish, here, they would not be so near ` ` ` where I eat low-carb foods, and I had a bad attitude when I was moved here 3 hours away from my home and Justine Facebook: “Tini Ara” she has the loving Care of me, who her here I would love her to see, HERE HER, here right now or soon like ASAP cheerily smeared shit all own my self but not her PU$$Y that rich girl, I wish she was technically awarded more by that cheap-o Judge in her suing-nature song of it taking so long to harness that proverbial WEALTH and her nondrinker nonsmoker HEALTH to her body, a little chubby, but not much Cellulite — her boobies were so NEAT — off comes her shirt and bra, upon them I would paint a white canvas on her TEET’s and swishing semen-soaked Saliva — WE ARE TBI SURVIVORS!!! — I’m nonviolent now and I’m sorry for three times leaving bruises on her left arm, I caused her a tiny bit of harm — but only in my car, not driving too far, and ME NOT DRINKING! Now especially! — when I would punch her nearest arm, but only upon mention of Impotent Tony of this great importance that I’ve shown massive IMPROVEMENTS IN MY LIFE OF LIVING when, Justine, yeah her, not here where a telephone call and her soft-shoe voice I WANT TO HEAR HER WORDS, on a SAMSUNG S22 earpiece, I wouldn’t be absurd so as to drink — I’m a Bitcoin Millionaire with Stocks abroad in Tesla, John Deere, Amazon, etc. etc. that 20 stocks I bought have grown in worth so darn much, I need a wealthy crutch, from Justine, not to be mean- to her, at all- and I wonder has she grown? Is she short or TaLLer? I recommended the GHRP-6 or clinical hGH from a Specialist that I hope she gets a big Breasts best “Lift” on an operating table and under the table payments of USD “currencies” NOW AND CURRENTLY, I swear I would never cheat on Justine Aragona, like she cheated on me one time, and I would whine, “What other explanation do you have, to invite Tony over? I mean, you basically ordered her to cheat on me!” =/
Every day and night without her I am Let Down ` ` ` I want my Justine of 2009 to 2013, and her radioHEAD song “Let Down” — — that’s a great song with the lyrics “Disappointed” like my own Dan B. He’s let down by a 3% but I’ve offered him 49% and my Dad getting 0.3% of my Bitcoins, Tesla, Amazon, John Deere, etc. etc. about 20 stocks or as many as 40 separate stocks that have all increased in worth — Tesla stocks — I knew Elon Musk on the phone for 40+ minutes in 2005!
I am let down by Justine’s lack of my presence and my sexual gifts to her, say, call them “MY PRESENTS TO HER!” <3 Justine Aragona! =D
I know I would drink here EVEN NOW THAT I'M SOBER SINCE 2016! -- If, and only if, I had a car here, because there's a restaurant in town named "The Colatina" I would drink, UNFORTUNATELY... because All I Do All Day Long is WRITE ON MY "BLOGS" DOT-COM'S =D
Race your time and feel so fucked, with Huck and “Pa”, his drunk father in THAT BOOK, why would I waste my time reading about Mr. Finn? As I’d rather be writing, in my right pocket, a lighter WITHOUT MMJ !!!!! AND NO CIGARETTES OR CIGARS !!!!! Thusly no longlungtime hung as a horse, and Big Bill Clittin’s “gushy woozy Pussy” inserted, a Presidential “CIGAR!” I dislike most tobacco’s and I don’t need to Whiskey Joe’s savior the Christ-kid when I’m not joshing with Elise of Lavish residuals, me motivated by a dance of back ’n’ forth motion... waves (Google) my semen in her eye, not happening!
I like longer girls in the days of yore, taking ass all-in, me humming bumming Hummer trucks betwixt the toast’s baked “CRUST” of my Funded “Trust of Jeffrey Marquis” paid for the raving ligtnnight NIN G to see, jotted keystrokes, on Pleasant Street in Worcester, MA where I hope to buy a house in the nearby Charlton Reservoir to the electricity here in this small-town around where but the place to be, a laptop along my eyes’ liners, I see, to be... before with a very beefy chest I would see one pectoral bigger than one-another, separated spaces, leaving traces of footprinted CAN-vas painted with a tan, the Melanotan II, or “MT2” that phase of darker skin I went through... girls asking me how my spick-like skin was so “Special” I said “Oh, a key to my apartment nextdoor, ask me pleasantly to sleep and a-strokin’ at my side, when I WANTED TO FIND “MY BRIDE”… but only on Facebook, I’d propose with a Married to JMRQ??? when the girls clicked “DENIED!” without the off of this “Deja Vu” mis-a-mis Mrs. Ember, to wait until Jovial November on the “2” of 2022 and coming so soon, password, “The Summer” when I want one of the mature workers to buy me a Hummer, and to see a popcorn movie-theater in the deep, deep dark, or out in one of the Missus’ cars of being “Economy” engines, splicing jeans and genes, me excited, and becoming so ELATED, much later... DogeMoon’s CASH CRATERS of Campbells soups with those fruity loops in cereal along Serial ports at the early ECM Plastics, Inc. AS/400 with my Dad’s employee, and my friend named George, his neat appearance, gladly I watched my spending of USD “Cents” in the nearly-infinite wealth of my Marquis Family (AIM: “Marquis Parents”) (AIM: Jeffrey Marquis) (AIM: Marquis Is King for my brother) the Marquis name has green-lighted my becoming the owner of “” for a night of candle-stick “trading” of money- with no Africans the Monkees on TV, the same, I had credentials for Cereal in the “Reese’s Puffs” I don’t smoke cigarettes, cigars, or ElBluntz was Granted my keys with that VR6 owned by Mikey for a short time, horsepower he desired... so a faster car he would drive, he drove, in the pool out back a REALLY, REALLY LOUD AND ACCREDITED “SPECIAL” mental-woed wonder woman, here, at Averte, she’s unable to say the “ARR”-sound and she looks like a “Special Person” CLOWN!
Never been with a crazy girl, but that one time when a girl in a mental hopsicle I BFF’d “Juliana McDonalds Coker” to “F” her in the hallway ` ` ` because we wouldn’t be allowed to be in one another’s large bedrooms, her voice, “You came too soon!” then eating Trix the cereal... with a small plastic, colored WHITE ` ` ` a disposable soon, this Juliana McDonalds Coker, we swooned, both clear in mind and sanitary habits, the Menses stage of the color red Crimson Wave to a negroe worker/slave to save them Janitor’s paychecks, unflavored un-sugary “Chex” in the morn’ to the me forlorn with a big rod, I had her “greasy, filthy hand” in my Southern Land to be her favorite method of the proclamation, PAY YOUR TAXES!, and my brother Justin got Tazed by a cop, to mop the floors while wearing Flip-Flops to the tree-tops of the Amazonian playground to the taxpayer African-American WELFARE RECIPIENTS WHO ARE LAZY! bcoz they want to watch that rapist Bill Cosby drugging black women with Roofies, on TV... yes The Huckstables in shambles, of Stills ’n’ Nash, Cosby getting black ass, drinking wine with these poor old black women, that at least he didn’t impregnate any white women! That’s sinning! NO BLACK SPERM-CELLS HERE OR NEAR, me thankful not to know an African but one, a gargantuan, Disability, Allan Wanduga, he was so nice and we were friends, the only Black I’ve felt comfortable with — BECAUSE HE ALWAYS NEEDED A WHEELCHAIR! —
In a Handicapped “Circus” of the mopped-up sopped-up and super-sober — they would have seizures or some shit from mental-impairment offered of Tennesey with a tantrum from the Mum of one’s beloved and only Son, yeah I know that “Virgins sometimes give birth” YEAH IT’S NOT JUST JESUS CHRIST BORN OF A VIRGIN ` ` ` Google: “Virgin births” and Google: “Parthenogenesis” to take the cake of a morning Rooster with a nitrous injected BOOSTER — not CoVid-19 — a 2nd shot... I got any maybe a third Vaccine implant, my feet planted, my heart stampeded, WSU girls and boobies-out lowlife strippers, of not none, but a mere one I chose to invade, she had a Caddy Escalade, we could do it in, fo’ sho’ she told me, her older than me by a cute couple years of wearing a Protective Barrier, with a bar in the building, under the ceiling, liquor served that I GOT SOBER YEARS PRIOR, I just wanted to be with a girl (named: Tracy) that she said to me, “Get it? Like ‘Dick’ Tracy???” But I asked her if her name was spelled with a “WHY” or an I then an E, and she didn’t know, appearing in shows, onstage of 21+ age, her a Showgirl who asked for more prindle-PRICK’s of me not licking and just one kiss, this is all for used the smelly condom, I put it in my pocket, so as not to allow my Seed’s Identity to be foreseen by her boss, wearing “BUTT FLOSS” in the grand-slam and thank the dear her, a “Ma’am” and me a “John” but not on the Boulevard, never had sex in a car except when I told Justine’s parents “I want to do her in your driveway?” And they said, “Hey, I mean if you really think you both can do it in the backseat, that would be so neat, but her buns, they’re more fun, IN A BED? RIGHT?” That was said by them, but seeing was at that I’ve never gotten a TV at “BJ’s” transvestites I read about in a book that was one of Chuck Palahniuk’s favorite books, I read it and me now forgetting the name, I felt no shame fitting it in, after fitting in the back-seat with my producted protruding, my spern in a condominium and feeding that fishy-taste... ask me about my “Aquariums” of Beta Fish that sort of stunk, not living long, but Justine introduced me to Beta Fish, to the Max, I had no panic attacks, then or even now, I ask how come I can’t have more than 2 Xanax? And the bloated ’n’ floated flaps of the Very Attractive and Invigorating Vivarious weakness of me to... I do it to myself only at night, when they can’t see me, sitting on my coin-bought Couch — it a love-seat — where I “beat” my proverbial “Meat” much larger than before, grown once with IGF-1 LR3 — and not “Directly” sticking the pin... you know, “IN” to a kielbasa envied by S. Sage, who wrote down my plate of my car... but I never heard from the Police, cops covered in licorice rights of carrying a pistol, “PISSED I WILL” well then to smell the crocket POT of a TEA-SET inquiry, as per the efficiency of my provocative proclivity my obligation to frown upon Trump’s “Insurrection” and a man with a big neck tattoo, you’ve seen him too, on the TV glass... that on Facebook I WAS HARASSED! A DRAGGED DARK “NEGROE” “SPICK” type ‘o’ gal when I BETTER CALL SAUL! I saw on Breaking Bad, expanding my expensive expenses to put my Blu-ray Disc collection for inspection in my Charlton, MA (66 Lincoln Point Road) where my parents are winning with my advice, not once, not twice, but THRICE, me telling them, put down that pen, and discontinue drinking wine and beer — I got SOBER 2016 when they loved me for no longer getting drunk, that I was so pathetic, when I would sneak in “Nips” of 100 proof vodka, in my pockets, they ended up searching and catching me sometimes, my Mom would drink 1 measly glass of wine, or occasionally 2 glasses, my double double vision. vision. and the alcohol, my quitting was an effort-full LONG HAUL, that I’m now hailed by my ‘rents, threatening to take my Subaru — I told them I would rent a car ` ` ` A U-HAUL !!!!! It’s no joke, and I’m not kidding you, that sometimes they wouldn’t let me drive out to town, as my drinking a beer at a restaurant and buying 3 more beers only to drink at night in my bed, not penning notes or pecking keys, in my bed with my 3 ultra light beers I would be...
I am not proud of my previous drinking alcohol of all types, me typing this and talking about my passttime habit of drinking beer along the lazy days after my TBI “Recovery”
But I’ve shared my shallow swallows (I watch LANASWALLOWS on my screen!) of gum chewing quitting smoke-ing those big cigarettes — that cigarettes should be much shorter, living a lifetime of sucking signature cigarette butts, my previous crutch, in 2013-2015, clutching the drags of Dragon’s flames in short cylinders packed of dried “Chaw” I saw that no mo’ with my Dad’s help, him pinching my bellyful — I was a heavy eater and bad-drinker hook-line-and-sinker, my saliva, it was a real stinker, so my Mom always said “Go brush your teeth!” And the liquor of Michelob ULTRA’s was bequeathed, into the sink, at the top of the step-by-step’s that I NEVER FELL DOWN THE STAIRS, EVER!
So at least my post-TBI didn’t cause me injuries, but my Dad pinched me and would punch me if I fell down arms drawn- me being drunk and losing my balance (I have a $,$$$,$$$ “Balance” in my TD Banks, my parents and Cousin Dan to THANK! THANK YOU NICE PEOPLE WHO’VE HELPED ME, now trotting in my hooves on a page, and I have a Hoover vacuum that I’ve never stuck my big “Unit” into like when I was a young boy and I told my Mom, who told my Dad, when they were telling me “Don’t do that again because it might be bad!” and I went to bed instead, that I had a couple pages torn from Playboy’s I’d rip out the pages, me viewing my Vices, named naked girls on Playboy (not Penthouse or Club...) just big boobies and “Rubies” for me to see, dripping my saliva, as those beautiful girls—with them, I wanted to be...
My sperms spilled, they AILED!
But that pales in commencement of my delight, a night “Topped Off” by Righty-Tighty and never my neighbor Lucy... although her Daughter Lisa S. She showed me her new breasts that were expanded...
Google: “Houston 500” or "sex 500 guys lol"
Houston, we have landed...
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
He drives too fast, when to where he drives is quiet quiet so very NEAR and not indeed far... this IN HIS CAR!
But it has air-bags, and all-wheel drive (AWD) and the award to the King’s Table with a sharp sword, and a bad-sore on his back from layin’ around while never, ever getting much exercise when he climbs up and club-food steps ass down on the ground, when attending to the stairs, he doesn't care to tip-toe teriffically where the seeds be, when mowing the lawn, coming upon a "fawn" to tangle with the "R"-sound not found by a hard re-tar-ded "R"-sound "YOU WAN FWAI RIGGGHHH???" thatta "RICE" from CHINA not having any goods by any "Desiigner - Panda" that the Chinese actually call evil heroin "Panda" that caught on, like I've caught a catch to dance and dip a lass toward the floor, hair brushing the dust of sawed wood, shavings on the ground, with that tight PUSSIES IN "THE POUND" and I've found a kitten to name her or him "Cookies" BECAUSE I LOVE COOKIES! nom nom nom
Going slowly, and then, also, then and then - but when ??? - going to work at “The Cork” being a mostly sober bartender and Been him collecting the register’s property for the time being, and the time is now without making a “Cow” out of it… out of The Textual “Matrix” where they created a classic years ago, and he’s Abe Lincolns to the counter that the spilt milk IT SPLIT !!!
Hawk a Loogie in the spit-cup when you have a nasty cold, and for cool Christmas “coal” sipping at the lactating nipples of Jack Frost, with a bowl of Frosted Flakes AND BREAST MILK to the lingo of Carries’ “Weebles Wobbly”
Stuttering standing while only ambling to the ample assignments in an “Artisan” kinda school
And a cow’s “Cud” with MMJ “Butter” with Bud Bundy doing a silly dance with his GLITTER GREEN SO BRIGHT, ALMOST OBSCENE, with Batman’s “Cod” piece at the beachwide seaside to take a trinket and come quick! For the “ship” will sink, so. That would wear Mink!
Sitting in the Drivers seat and but not eating pastrami at Jasmine’s for those who visit the tranquil vacation land of Japan, and the Arab deserts and but not shipping the Oil that thankfully I will soon own a electronic vehicle from Tesla!
I talked to Elon Musk and he called me after I called him, believing he was going to be amazing—as I saw his article on about visiting the inner edge of space, where at the OUTER EDGE I FOUND HOURS OF BEING GOD’S BRAIN, flossing my teeth that when I breathe—IT’S NOT “MMJ”—my card is no longer active—and staying active as the Activ women’s soy protein drink, soy=pink, Pink I love you to the girls who get comfy in cashmere pajamas that I want to buy pajama pants with a backside big pocket—for my wallet—I knew Elon would be so big in 2005/2006, that after I posted so many messages on his profile, he called me concerned I crashed my car in 2004
And I kept leaving my phone number on his profile, so he called me after seeing the photo of my car
I believe I read his name on and typed it in on Facebook, that this you must understand, it was in 2005 and 2006, reading about he wanted to go to Space, and he had a few mentions on he told me, but I didn’t search Twitter, that my old friend — FAMOUS ALSO, BITCOIN MILLIONAIRE, LIKE I HAVE SO MANY BITCOINS!
I haven’t driven a car in a couple years
I don’t drive fast as I’m hoping to buy a Tesla because Elon Musk, I’d post a new post on his Facebook “Wall” and I was so insistent he call be because I had a Traumatic Brain Injury I WAS RECOVERING STILL...
I haven’t driven for 2 years
I want to buy a Tesla Roadster that I told my Stockbroker Cousin Daniel Michel Besse my “CUZ” to put down a $50,000 Reservation on a Tesla Roadster, 0–100 in 3 seconds!
I don’t rely on gasoline and I care absolutely nothing about Oil because my nice parents are great and “good enough out of their love for ME” plus, They, my Mom and Dad I made the SN “Marquis Parents” years ago and none of us, my Brother Justin and Aunt Donna Donohue, we never got CoVid-19 that my Dr. Dominic Candido, Ph.D. had it so I didn’t see him last week, today, to him I spoke, choosing not to “Poke” and new online friends, on Facebook being joined in 2006 at WSU nextdoor apartment and easy to use their Track to work on my “Spastic Gait” from my TBI in 2004, a couple years of recovery under my belt, I went down a belt-size last month from LOW-CARB, low sugar, little pasta which shrinks my waist, and once again, I went down a belt-size last month, it’s not even tight! LOW-CARB
Like I once took off 25-30 lbs. with minimal exercise and later a supplement sold in stores, and NOT A PROHORMONE called “GH2” that really worked, spending $300-$400 in total, over a number of months, sold in stores and online
205 lbs. so muscular and thin, that my thighs are really small with basically no “quads” or “QUADRICEPS” I got a B+ in Health I with Mrs. Waskevich who thought it was so great I got 100 on all the weekly class tests, PURPOSELY, AND ONCE AGAIN, PURPOSELY SCORED A 0% ON THE MID-TERM!
I said I want a 0% on my final grade BUT I WANT YOU TO FIND ME A JOB WRITING ABOUT HEALTH AND FITNESS, after I wrote about sample workouts and no magazines like Fitness Magazine because they PAID their writers
Simply a simple for PRETTY! Never Have a Bad Hair (or Skin Day or Night with a mighty fright to learn of Clenbuterol, never taken as I believe it on was not really “Clen” the Hollywood Diet Drug that was all the rage, but without the out-of-Shape, like the magazine pictures that it’s very SPECIAL to me, as I was entranced with LIVESTRONG healthy Oprah living with a big What for W. magazine but without Charlie Sheen, the coat on a head of hair, that all of the onlookers, on the Runway of course, for the most of the Host, Ryan Seacrest and only the best like Kimmy Kardashian that I stayed at “Eden Roc” in Florida where it was on The Kardashians, that’s what’s happening, now good in the Bronx Hood of onlookers taking a second pause from the books, that are 20 pages long like an old friend didn’t want to take my phonecall, a classy babe, with glasses, shining in the wind of a wind-up clock—after 23 days and nights with her, enchanted by words, nothing obscurely absurd, of assuring her over 23 days together... feeling sweet, sweet Splendor, as The End Or. not not now when I already mentioned the cow, and its cud, nipples being hung, attached to an attack (from Mars) eating “Marquis Candy Bars” being SOBER SINCE 2016, now running rich with a million in my TD Bank, Dan and my Dad, and *I* with my buttery taste of Josie Maran’s “Midnight in my Oasis”
Saved from 2006 on a Random Image Generator that gifts from God like resulted with bright cheerios and cheers—no beers!—back on that no-drinking habit, but with coffee that gets my brain going, for a showing of my Scars, to Jessica T. who didn’t want to chat, and that I have a Walter White brim hat, in black... stiff to the touch, CBD my crutch, at lunchtime- they, the girls, they- those 2 cute girls with straight hair, not curls, I had Alx Neas To hug her tight, every single night, before bed—that, years later, I was allowed to sleep in the same bed- sex instead of cuddling—because the Staff was cool with it—on B.C. but with MAGNUM condoms, on... for very long like HOURS murky water in Charlton at Charle’s house with a keyboard mouse, scrapping the Service to Brazzers... that a Jehovah’s Witness I know signed up for a filthy website, with money from his Jehovah’s Witness Masses, I’ve attended loyally to Peter, his Preacher, I’d like to meet him or her — along the very touchy drunkard, trying to make it home to bed with Dawn dishes in the sink, to drain the pipes of a rickety ladder, get at’ter but only after, making money at the work-job during the bust day, I say... when whether the girl named “Heather” her bosoms offering her alchie-haul-icks, drunkard hicks, at the bar I once lived across the street from, not staying at home, like I wish to bee bumbling over stupid sentences, and bereft of anxiety, as per the 2 Xanax per day, when I say, I’m glad to be off Klonopin I had for years, and even though you’re not supposed to drink and take Klonopin, I had 2 beers at restaurants- their bars with Pub 99 being my central-location but only before my WRX car crash, resulting in a Traumatic Brain Injury, while I’m not insane, being kinda plane, flying high in the sky, Elon Musk in 2005 and 2006, I knew he would be famous in his quest for space, my place upon the edge, Jenner did Hedge, the funds—of fun—with Dan Besse, my Stockbroker... but my parents control my million or millions of USDollars in my TD Bank, it’s a mystery, to me—who’s the only one left in our country of America, where I wear 2 LIVESTRONG BRACELETS! But abiding by the rules and laws of plastics/polymers ECM Plastics, Inc. owned by my Dad who got the Marquis-Family dog, Ripley:
C’mere good girl dog- Taken for Walks, to talk about the trees, now with CBD relief, in yesteryears of PREVIOUSLY HAVING THC “MEDICAL” I MISS, sealed with a kiss upon Ripley’s brow, browsing Milk Bones with a bunch of crunches I’d do in the living room, and in sight of her bed—a whole loveseat when she got the fat off of “Sirloins Sold In Stores” — munching the tops to tickle the hair between her toes to tease my sweetie Pooch... not being a mooch—my parents never gave me money to take her for a Healthy, my Mom and Dad are so incredibly Well and Wealthy and Healthy, thinking of Ripley who died in 2013 RIP Rip.
Tosh.0 was kind of Earth Moving to a UHaul truck to live in the back of NOT A SHACK, BUT SPENDING DAYS AT NIGHT’S — 2 beers at Days End of $2 bills to spend, my brain was working pit-top with Old Spice, once a day, or twice... as I like the scents of spend *click send*