Friday, July 1, 2022

I emailed the Chinese to name their upcoming 'n' super-bad "VIRUS" with an 18+ (like legal girls) and they picked "19" and plus, "Vid" for the many videos on online!, with first Co. as in Company for my Dad's plastics business: ECM Plastics, Inc. $36,500,000

Mom and Dad thank you for visiting me here at "Averte"

Mother’s and Father’s mugs #1 Dad and a sweetie swinging Tea Cup and weighty, a heavy balance beam with the 001.0 mg watts to be to o hot to trie a French (lineage) to sip upon the mug, Mom never her drinking—only a couple white wines on the WEEKENDS and only

Call me at 508-596-4311 at any time of day exempts of exemption for a Google’s inspection . . . coming at the cellar boots, in the kaput

BUT MY MOM AND DAD, SO POWERFULLY PUTTING ME HERE, and I toe Aunt Jamima to mail @Danimal who knows my Mom and Dad are CONTROLLING ME ALMOST COMPLETELY and but not “complaining” about the stains of spilled milk monstreosis on Big step-sis’ online mammary glands when I was so glad that all of the local plane-rides haven’t been decry’d the 9/11 security to see Hanging with Mr. Cooper — I drove Ellen in her Mini Cooper S . . . that I showed her the noise of the SUPER TRADING STOCKS AND BITCOINS IN 2013 or 20-fourteen ’n’ four out the door, to come visit me in yo ur Weekend “Miata” 4 on the floor 5 golden stars glimmering geekingly gunk strewn strong LIVESTRONG w/ Elon Musk I told him I’d trade my Trust Fund from my “Marquis Parents” IM’ing and casting a disrespect to those why who this I send my Singularty one brain, and one brain, only, 1 Milli in my TD Bank

Who believes me that I instructed China to name it with an 18+

CoVid-19 when I was never with it never had it and I spat an email to a Lab about any up ’n’ coming that I didn’t tell the anyone I named it, TBI insiduous “FUJU DRINKS OF PLAIN TAPPED BEVERAGES NO ALCOHOL, EVER, not in about 3 years with not a single sip of alcohol, any and all, of my old investing strategist of taking a tanned man to stand stained in a writing of ponderence-  where have I left my Keys?

I involved myself with a Public Figure named Bruce when I wanted to spruce up his home in New Hampshire, double Duce I roll with a lucky left hand, and arm, reaching beyond God, time to time, I’d finger her kettle-bells at the gym, us taking showers briefly after Physical Exercise PT my Physical “THERAPY” she Carissa knows when the dates of curiosity on a stocks investment out of my Trust Fund, my Match dot-com about an amount of $200 for some shares or only 1 Match dot-com Stocks, pigeons eat pink. Pinked Thanks, The Fudging with Vicky’s when Justine, she kept her proclivity for wearing a new hot thong almost every day, I said to pick pink thongs daily, Her’s her secret lingerie with us uniting forces in the Queen size bed, “Marquis is King” of Reverend Anne Skinner in Niagara Falls, and seeing set on staying American to me not having called International calling in the season it was in 2013 or 2014 when I called the leaders-  of small countries, telling them I’d donate funding to helping with no buttons being SQUISHED IN THE “SMOOSH ROOM” done with Jersey shore when the seen all over slender with the nightly bending ones feet with Side-by-Side so I can chat with a white page of a BITCOIN WHITE PAPER ON MY WALL —5000 Bitcoins as many was as that tit-for Tattoos-none and with no bruises on the business-end of the Meta Business Suite- but of mystery to me — they met may have been surrounded by public Figure brother Bruce of the FENT denominations, searching the wild jungles and skipping the ear-phone auditory HIM on the phone, hearing me with the starry nights when suniier AMD processing giga-hurts when out of the while I whim to win a BITCOIN PRIZE!

Eyes unaligned for my underlined and Refine to be almost finished at the wheel of a peeking Beyond “Him” a hologram, me believing JESUS GOT A HALO! I never saw the sight to see, with MINIMAL “Divine Creation”

Google prime location, of locomotion with the Coco’s rear end appearing analogies anomaninmyass, even swallowing the Subcutaneous sprinkle TIPH in pink, her dinner—she was anorexia snorting or doing “E” pills, she is sullen with an hopefully okay birth of a man’s innermost inkling of Tiph *winking* put it back where it belongs, to the Tantric that I’d tease Justine about her lighted-up stepdad who was pulled over when he was hopefully SOBER but a discretionarily discrete discretion to have secretly shared snanky salt-water ROWING in an INFLATABLE BOAT... FLOAT, a rotten root-based etch upon the sketch of an easily identified BRUCE I need you and some of your money, BECAUSE I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MY TD BANK... TEN BITCOIN WALLETS OR ONLY THE “CRYPTO-CURRENCIES” my own idea to invest so much of my Treasure that Dan said he’d buy me enough TESLA STOCK to catch an early INVESTIGATION of why I have to pay the large Taxes... Accountants sped... said special people instead of Joe Biden we should bring back TRUMP, voting for him when it was the time, with the WEBMASTER OF A “TRUMP” WEBSITE IN 2005 I told the waving WebMaster to get at’ter but only after I SUGGESTED TRUMP BE “PRESIDENT” the man returned my Private Messages on Facebook, before we spoke on the VIA telephone, when I got home and viewing porno-  the skinny beaten teen is not for show, so skinny she’s all sled slender said, legs straight with a trim behind— not hairy so shaving them in a steady stroke puss a swamp—and Freaks on a Lease the Swampy “V’s” of hair that is shouldn’t be THERE with a wacky way of a wack-job when we were done eating cheap-salads and drinking Diet her not, though, this TBI girl... her Wintertime hair would be warm enough to fight-inflation in the American nation who has aided the world, distant dropping crates of rice... to the starvin’ Marvin its the low-carb meal I have eaten the creme puff Daddy’s best CD, me singing the shining of gold and white gold, my Movado-  I offered BRUCE FOR STATE SENATOR I wrote and it caught on, to make him a Maker’s, Republican, Him BRUCE to spruce up pollen pupils get scratchy and itchy, spruced Spring when a Public Figure raised Sober like my Mom and Dad, the 90% sober couple, they talk to me on the PHONE MY HOME AND TALK TO THE CHANDELIER ESPANADE, expanded my incredibly like the speed of light CNN says “POWER OUTAGES!” and a supplemental- with me never sensing and seeing ‘Mantha my mantra un-matrixed in a truck tricking try to stand TaLLer  after the concerned nurse (at Fallon unto my 10 IU Humatrope, when in the end I said, “ Jim Chase bring this little Vial to you to got your DOCTOR to keep-short that Cali girls wear new “Shorts” made of a modified design known now as “Stocks” I have and me and Dan and my Dad, who I Daddy, you to, with 49% of my as many as 5000 Bitcoins I had for a bit of designer training, the Stock as he was within and while he wasn’t sinning he was speaking into tha cameria and video-tape messages of my shorter by an inch-  my left hipbone with Summer ’n’ Studded wheel ski trips of Tip’s on a foreign substance, anorexic tough times with her skin to be mine-  66 Lincoln Point Road at J. Crew, I saved all my money that night with Dan- I said lend me both hands to my destination of delight deli at the Restaurant, to drive a Tesla “Stock” faster than an A/C Cobra from the factory sticking Facebook with the bill of Daniel M. Besse from WHICH TOWN DOES DANNY “B” HE LIVES IN ANOTHER STATE, when I had filled my father faith in holding my 49% Bitcoins ONLY — I didn’t shake his hand on the 500 something “Tokens” that I’d love to spend a fortnight of CATHETER AND NOT TAKING BREAKS FROM THE ONLINE SCREEN...

With ICU INTENSIVE BITCOIN TRADING RIGHT NOW, WILL SEND BITCOIN, all toodle-loo my Dad came to get my stocks, he stole from me, but keeping me afloat in the rowing boat and canoe kayak when I toss up GACK but not all-that, that smack, that attack on Coastal forlorn wealthy Costly “in the wide and Eyed” the postal worker is LOCO, and under lock and key- that’s where my Gold is worth so much money and so many dollars-  I want to Holler at the telephone in []Deace when a moose smooch chap stick profiting through the Swiss Navy Nancy Panties, nice and Naughty, this 10 pm hottie, by the Hostess who steals the show on CNN that Elon Musk—my friend in 2005/2006—I wanted to ELON-gate an important to-me or again I want to have Elon Musk who said to me, “I can be your best friend every day if you want, but I already have a best friend...” But that wasn’t the end of our Facebook “chatting” when I called his on the cellular phone—OR HE CALLED ME—who— I left my number on his Place Put Face-book his online “Wall” with a short friends-list as only his closest relatives who know of Elon Musk’s cannabinoid medication, the lack of withdrawal symptoms for my YEARS AGO I HAD MMJ, but gave it up because of BOA my Bank of America not hiring a more to adore for the Voracious Voltska small-town boy grown up, is TNE HAND MAKING STAMPS OF MY NAME ORDERED, a priority mail, delivered to an state-side air-ride on a street when Dan traded my Bitcoin Investments, wearing the J. Crew of Sober and no more MMJ ordered, and the Priority mail of paying for businesses- maybe enveloped money a $100 Benjamin to the disappearance OD’ed dead- I only take my pills in the theism my never having been “Agnostic” of Swiffering under the tea-pot without the green light to today turn JELL-O with not a panic attack that Bill Cosby,, taken aside by the Judge, which girls’ lipstick- did you SMUGDE, with a brown-skinned celebrity lit in evil monotony that HOPE FOR NO LAWSUITS, preventing my possession of 49% protected and safe (storing a gold O.G. bar in NYC that’s very far, from me-  with what I have profited the sights of a Prophet, James Travis Alsup, my Minister friend online, him promising he’d stay Sober-  that having connected with him, telling me not to drink the poison ash of ivy shrubs, The Garden of Eden, Eve took a Hell-thy big bite of a car riding fast, thanks to MY MANY FRIENDS WHO PROBABLY READ TO THE END, save the front-page lyric of my Facebook Business Suite, sinking Eve’s teeth, when the first female ever she, bit the apple first my mom said “She did.”

And Dan and I signed with the ink of a swum said “SQUID” the black oil of a squid, and then signing pages of papers with A SQUID INK FEATHER- really a treat to tickle his wife’s stumbley FEET, a feather and a deepthroat doing-it-again, that’s 1 sin for mentioning my onscreen lady viewing, that porno gives me the chills, lots of frills and fried clams called Mussels Elon Musk, Paste Fortay to Portray the International TRADE — over when wheel locks prevent urban theirverry, eat the meet and catch the signed in triplicate documents of my Stock pile pig pen, with a new Cross Pen, but not a dick— when we showed each other off, he grew since simply cinching the bathing suit TRUNK OF HIS BLMW... the 335i with my own eyes disco-directed “Internet probation” when THE POWER WENT OUT WHEN THE POLICE CALLED “FRAUD” my plot of land to whey the Soybean Sod with FROGGIECOIN I saw the not-dranken drunk drinks, WHEN WE POURED OUT EVERY SIP, but one lonely I took Allah with me BUT NOT HAVING FINISHED THE QUR’AN OR READ IT FOR ABOUT THREE MONTHS, the cattle curling sitting V.P. (Very Pretty) a stray kitty, for those inept of common conversation, on my website I haven’t mentioned any “nations” but my own, with my parents who have a home... eeeee 3 hours away, I need Bugler brow tobacco tomorrow, my parents noticed the access on Class of Elementary CLASSES of learning Social Studies, my BoA PIN# that was a secret, it’s I’ve told BRUCE F. my SSN will I talk to him again, when... he finally invested much money for me, and sending him $140 in the mail, his discretion I DON’T DRINK ALE, in any drinking detection of dishes wiped before Dawn dish-of-Elon’s SATS SCORE OF TESLA TOPS OFF OF MY LIST, this wishing things-to-buy when A BLOWJOB FROM A GUY, I WILL ALWAYS DENY!

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