Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Rev. and Mrs. Sheehan please buy me a Ferrari 355
Monday, December 28, 2020
Oh Here We Go .
People peers you reading this the fans of yours truly please believe me and listen to this declaration of mine of my own unknown intentions when I tell you shout at you aware you let you know about this trivial little factoid central to my daily-living for the time being
No Ford to fire up
and no lady to fffffff ¹ (oh you wait for that footnote you. . . )
eeeeee the detachment from all that I lived for on Saturday nights in barroom doorways with musty Marlboro smoke silently sifting arising and drifting through the dry cigarette air evaporating into malignant nothingness along eightball poolcues dissolving like my separation from capital city streets and redlights no now Stop and green so Go with highway markers trailing on and on and on to distances framed from fading faint memories reminding me of the aforementioned moments in time never to be seen again and only recalled through shards of reminiscence
God I need something else something just not this here because what we have at hand yeah this right now it isn't doing it for me not cooperating in the least no no not for what I need in my day requiring an innovative variable at this second demanding a fresh vim of vibrant vivacity now begging you please Lord please grant me sacred solace with carkeys jingling and clicking into idle ignitions sparking solenoids starting starter engines with cylinders cycling and DOHC pistons revving to peak redline arr-pee-ems
not disgraceful filth posted here offending powerful parents and shocking social counterparts beforehand of my not knowing enough to cut the slimy nonsense of smiling a shiny grin with those sparkling white teeth glimmering so glossy gleaming steeply luminous with blinding bright light and my understanding that jaws are dropping with all of your attention on me the self-touted "man" ;
unearthing this exciting propensity for interior ecstasy with our serotonin synapses pumping and strumming heartstrings flowing through aortas all the while humming a humble hum of subterranean depth ;
within the margins of a tumultuous wavelength lingering at atmospheric peaks and shimmying beneath the most humble lows whilst along the lines of precious relationships—wait no no no with most MOST MOST associations to my acquaintances who read my bragging and may very well roll their eyes thinking "Oh yeah okay buddy sure whatever you say pal right-right-right. . . " ;
after damaging valuable dealings with many friends through overconfidence running rampant and flexing a colossal bicep saying "Oh who's the weak one now you pussies you ?? " saying –no proclaiming "Look at you and look at me. . . " ;
and with my swathing in the excessive pride of being so strong embodying a powerful body potentially blasting on whoever provokes me just a tad bit too much whenever and wherever I go—albeit after having laid in a hospital bed while wed to a stomach tube or being confined
to –literally locked in to a wheelchair with no authorization to stand up on my own two legs for those three-and-a-half months away from home—now knowing I can kick so many asses when I'll likely never-ever not even ever once even ever need to test that conviction while I'm
What I'm doing must end
It's not working
For the second time I've crashed !!
Most of what you've read here by now has been the product of my traumatic brain avalanche and its physiotherapy with me myself in my own life of Jeffrey Marquis who's felt maybe a little too commanding for all of the wrong reasons and taking clips out of the big picture to make others feel inept with what wonderous wonders of what I do well. And I've attached shock-value to something in my own name speaking from my spirited soul coming through my crazed cranium available for anyone and everyone to embrace from the comfort of his or her or their own home sweet home with my click click click love of elegant language budding yet leaving me unsure of where to go next with this whimsical wording and taking it with me forever wherever I go in this life I love
I apologize to those who I've offended. Sorry sorry and sorry. The repentant and remorseful remarks expressed here are not merely pithy poppycock public statements but something else I assure you emanating from the protracted reflection upon previous judgment and withdrawn verdicts derived through meditation deliberation and notion
I've renounced my principle of judging so many after gaining a better understanding of our social society and cultural civilization. Go buy Brand Names separate from your body with bubbling and bouncing ladies smiling as you pay the cashier for your paid purchases
There You Go
¹ : lock lips with
Please read my that's an "I" not an "L" for my Traumatic Brain Injury and I love my Marquis-family Dad and Mom and Justin "Adam" Marquis who owns selling his artwork very TaLenTed artist and I've painted a few Acrylic paintings with Pierre in Charlton near the center of town and The Charlton Federated Church I was Baptized at with my Minister Jim Chase
Jeffrey Marquis *waves*
by Jeffrey Marquis
I'm testing the waters of journalism with my webpage. Here's some notable blurbs.
I once looked up to this fat stand-up comedian, Artie Lange, "He's got it made!" Whether lauding Jack Daniels and Club Soda beverages ("Jack and Water") or savoring Philly Cheese-Steak sandwiches, I took a liking to this man's in-your-face refinement and off color humor. He's fat. He drinks too much. And he makes this hedonism work in his favor. He looks good being lazy. This man, good with his words, often botches comedy show routines with sippy-sippy antics and uses imprecision as staple of his act. If you enjoy the inactivity of drinking while picking apart life's foibles, you'll enjoy Lange's presence. If you enjoy laying on the couch with clogged arteries and a soothing buzz, you'll find asset in Lange's comparability. And if you feel proud while watching another fumble in life, you'll take pleasure in pitying this fool. Lastly, criminals may feel an equality since Lange's LAPD chase, resulting with a "Possession of cocaine" charge. The unsavory mêlée ended our fat Italian's spree with Mad TV but launched him into a fulltime position with The Howard Stern Show; Lange began to play position for the good-as-dead Jackie "The Jokeman" Martling with Stern each morning. You can catch Artie Lange on The Howard Stern Show each morning. |
Do you remember the days when Britney Spears wore a schoolgirl uniform? Her pigtails cried, “Use me as handlebars!” and her skirt added “Yes, please have your way with me!” Of course you remember that naughty craving. But our madame has endured a slippery slope since then. =( This Britney has gotten fat. She smokes. And she may have been knocked up by her scumbag boyfriend or whoever that guy is. She doesn't look good. The most recent times where she’s hit me have been precisely lackluster, and I only expect her to fade into obscurity with a mention of “how happy she is with her hubby” in tabloids every now and then. I remember Notre Dame, the private school, allowed girls to wear certain outfits—mostly anything from home. Something about periods. During my schooldays, the resemblance of this miniskirt Britney was nowhere to be found, and I began looking to the public schools where girls, both, known as sluts and reputable for their tricks, knew that they stood on a lower pedestal than Xaverian boys and paid close attention to the fat ass variable in hopes of riches. That was then, but currently our fat smoker Spears bears much similarity to the Notre Dame lumberjacks. Britney, I loved ye much. |
I've taken a look at all the motor vehicles out there, reflecting upon the ones that I consider special. I've thought about the cars that have meant something to me over the years, and I now present to you the car machines that are—realistically—important to me.
I saw one of these today: wide tires, loud exhaust, and most importantly a lot of style. I hope to own one of these "bad boys" eventually, where I can shatter my initial gentle-man impression by pushing the throttle and blowing up women's skits on the sidewalk. I'd like to one day own a car with attitude; exactly that; gas guzzler with spunk. I prefer the dirty Joe Dirt image to that of Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver in my vehicles. And while I'm trying to get away from speaking with belongings—like I see so many of my peers doing—there's something to be said about man's connection with vehicles. I haven't gone off the deep end! I will only continue to keep my cars clean and well fed. SCION Tc
A girl I once dated would become wet at the sight of this sedan's elegant appearance. It's slow. It says nothing of, "man on the loose." It's something a Mathematics Major would drive. But it doesn't change the fact, it is sexy. I shall pilot one of these when I return to the road, just the reason why my head spins when I see one. It's stunningly handsome from every angle. I envision myself cruising in style with my hair perfectly coiffed, teeth shining remarkably white, face clean shaven, and biceps bulging with sheer power. Street racing is not my style, but elegance is exactly the Marquis trademark.
When I was in high school the majority of students viewed any Acura Integra in a wishful light, jealous of the few who were so privileged and able to rev that ricey engine. The car shines with simplicity, and it looks good doing it. It's small. It's light. And you bet your ass it's quick, not to mention agile. Enter R. Acura blesses few vehicles with this holy letter of Japanese imports, tuning the suspension for catlike reflexes and giving the engine a much needed bump in vroom-vroom beans. Black, white, and yellow are the only colors these Type R's are available in, and heads spin everywhere, "Look, there's one!" Also it is said, "If it ain't a Type R, it ain't a fast car," and this sentiment is dear to the hearts of those who find equilibrium in looks and speed, concerning how a car should speak for its owner.
Assuming my first book sells well, I shall purchase one of these strange yet beautiful machines. I've driven a wagon to high school and received much shit for it, right, well I'm looking to break that mold of, "hop in the back" with a refined two-seater providing only enough space for the beautiful Kristen Johnson and I. They're sexy machines as well. And while I may refrain from fast and/or furious driving, I hope to turn heads with both respectable parking manners and the unconventional appearance that this hatchback offers. And while I'm on my way to this eventual book signing, I plan to smile knowing that a storm of pistons lay idle awaiting a tap of my foot to the pedal.
SIDE NOTE I've flipped through one of the many, many, and many car magazines I've collected over the years—such a shame—and I see pictures of the featured and modified cars with their owner standing there presenting what they've created. Err, "bought." Merely paid for and then paid more money to have modified. Blech.
What the shit is this shit? There I see a nothing scumbag; proud; like he's done something; when he's flaunting nothing of personal achievement! Yeah. His dad made a lot of money. But what did he do? Nothing. Your reaction is to say, "You're just jealous," but I feel no envy; I'm surprised how blind I once was—and you are—to this sort of thing. I'm disgusted with how I took pride in an elevated pedestal, all because my dad paid a lot of money to buy me something fast. Anyways this kid looks like a pussy with baggy clothing. A personal strength speaks louder than, "Don't I look tough when I stand next to this nice car?" Hold that thought. I see a shitload of my peers doing this, and it makes me sick. What I do respect; I remember Jim Cassidy; his parents didn't have much money; he didn't have the nicest toys; but he did put on a disgusting amount of muscle; envied for what he is; people jealous of him as a person. *rabble rabble rabble* What I'm getting at is this; I see too many people, toooo many people speaking with their dollars. It's precisely why I don't like this that I see in many minorities. Hey you, people like Victor. Continuing this tangent, I just watched some videos of the Scion tC in street races with other cars, and I feel disgusted for having once taken pleasure in "being an automotive enthusiast with driving skill" and "hitting apexes and nailing shifts." Really, I feel sick for having felt pleasure in SIMPLY accelerating quicker than others. It's simply that, "going faster." Not the snazzy, romantic language we give street racing, "nailing shifts" and "going full throttle." There's nothing about driving fast or enjoying automobiles that you must "put your heart into" or the equivalent. Really, you think, no duh Jeff, but this is something new to me. I see someone proud of their street racing history; I think, that's all you can fucking do? Just sit there and drive good? And this is how you spend your free time? Just fucking driving around and talking about cars?
CONCLUSION I must retake the driver's test to re-receive my license as result of the head injury. I'm a wayyysss off from driving. *Jeffrey frowns* Anyways, my desire to tie up the laces on my driving shoes is there, but now the only reason I look forward to sitting my tooshie in the driver's seat is because I'm on my way to a sweetie whore's house, nightclub, or pool hall—not because I'll want to "make crisp shifts" or the disgusting equivalent. Getting away from that, I'm confident of my driving abilities. Rather amateurish but perhaps useful, I've begun playing racing games on my six foot projector screen through X-Box. I'd like to think that my abilities to carve up the track and/or shoot up bad guys will carry into real-world driving abilities. Something else, I've got an interesting bet with my friend Derek; can his agile vehicle run the course that is Henshaw St. at 64 MPH and see the finish line? He claims his new Mitsubishi Evolution MR is capable of it, but we'll see. . . There. Those are the cars I consider special. Those are the cars I hope to own one day, but I'm not willing to sacrifice so much of my life as I once was, simply to own a car. And I believe it's understandable why cars aren't so important to me! I don't have to explain myself. I'll leave it at that. |
I'd like to write for The Student Voice. Maybe I'm good; maybe I only think I'm good.
Jeffrey Marquis
[]D eace
Ask me about my Near-Death Experience !!
People this is what I do with my spare time for fun. I may anticipate well over 100 persons reading whatever I post on my bulletin board within a week. Weeeee. And I'll expect several hundred individuals to skim down the front-page each month. Eeeeee. The lot of you haven't read a goddamn novel for kicks since childhood—yet you'll peruse my text and check on me through words recurrently like a compulsive addiction—now don't you think it's rather special that I've gathered so much interest while resurrecting a dead hobby ?? and bringing to life this variable aptitude in the process ?? Christ I've seen how MOST OF YOU WRITE LIKE GODDAMN RETARDS wow I have no idea what was taught in your English Composition classes. None of my friends send me email !! People convey shock when I demonstrate rare morsels of tight vocabulary , "What did he just say ?? " So here's me begging you please when someone asks who your favorite author is announce, "Jeffrey Marquis he's just amateur but he's got some great stuff." And you must keep in mind I've only taken THREE English classes since my storybook awakening !! thus I've mastered this textual expression through approximately one-thousand pages sketched in leisure hours for my own gratification !! and all the while taking extreme contentment in this flexible propensity that you have no hope of impersonating.
Ask me what I did today and I'll hand you a small stack of single-space pages conveying brilliance.
You guys I just Failed my second Spanish I exam—with the first Flunk there to say Stay the fuck away from Me-hi-co—but I'm ACEing a Poetry II. And I got a B+ in a Creative Writing that would have been a dense A if I'd embraced the professor's counsel and resubmitted a manuscript of conversational dialogue he didn't ask for. Shit. And maybe I could smile that he isn't around any longer because our convergence in the hallway would result in a sick stomach—though perchance it would've been a good thing for word to have circulated around the English Department of a boy who shows such latent talent and oh-la-la creativity.
Amigos I cannot deal with the memorization of syntax from a new language without a source of translation in hand to offer designation—or frankly the BORING data found in History books shaping no consequence to my purposes—yes I've Failed two F'ing classes this latest Woo State semester.
Although the assorted factoids of our culture found in a successful a Communications colloquium intrigue me ;
any guidelines for healthy living with interest in the body and wellness rocks my socks , tickles my dick , etc. etc. ;
and knowledge important to the human race with each personality viewed only as an entity here to experience everything God gave us , it's what I consider important.
That's all I see as relevant .
The End is Near .
I'm going to discontinue the website soon !! Yeah –IT'S FUCKIN' DONE WITH See, I've come to discover that this what I'm doing here publicly publishing so much of my life , it's no way to live. Making morsels of myself municipal pushes peers away leaving me at the computer-chair where I find myself not really improving my writing but instead ranting about everyday factoids and distributing information that will only serve to impress the eventual man looking over my resume when I proclaim, "I told you I wrote each day !! for a couple years !! there's the proof , stacks of pages !!" though not in any way advancing me socially in this world where I've made it pretty clear I'm not in-to the same things as the people I've palled around with previously. . . I require new behaviors and routines. Like I said, there needs to be more in my life. I remember the time not too long ago when the most beautiful girl who's ever come onto me—perfectly thin with perky tits , six pack abdominals , immaculate skin, etc. etc.—who I dimly advertised my website to—fuck!—and then next class she tried not to make eye contact Two friends of mine stated, "You sound like a pompous asshole on your website. . . " –when I'm not so in person. . . And I showed a copy of my Elegance the legitimate short-story creation (speaking from my fabulous and flamboyant side. . .) to the lass who sparked the idea through simply strolling by me one day. Naturally she was oh-so honored to have set me into such a trance—but after viewing more of the website, I assume, she wouldn't take my call because "On second thought I don't want to talk to him. . . " This dot-com has caused problems in The Writing Center at school OH AND SOMETHING REALLY FUNNY HAPPENED !! A few days ago when I set the index-page to only a list of my Soliloquies—with everything else inaccessible—the long-lost Love of mine Allyson tried calling me and eventually hit me up online. She was really nice , very sweet , hopeful for a future. Ohh Gee can I take a hint ?? guys can I ?? What do you think that means ? plz help me!! And Dr. Gibbs said I need something else , something more. . . that if I'm going to sit here and play with the wonderland of words I should produce something more than merely a masturbatory session of dilly-dally material only pleasing myself with what intimate artifacts important to Jeffrey, and probably only important to Jeffrey, not benefiting a paying business or giving me any credit other than adding some height to my stack 'o' paper Another thing: You've seen how I love muscle , yes? , strength to take with me wherever I go , making me powerful as a person , (o yea my body is still growing. . .) mmmmmm , I can't remember the last time anyone screwed with me , it NEVER happens , I love the attention , it's great , my body is a Corvette Z06 I pissed off a huge kid on a sports team at school—by calling him a faggot on Facebook for many to see—and with his analysis of me as a potential killer bearing more than enough strength he continued walking away retreating without making eye contact I need a fresh avenue of creativity. Well it's funny I'm announcing this first to the web—and not yet to the roommates who've probably judged somethin's up—but I'll probably move on outta this Geneva St. house where another buddy has packed up his possessions to move in with a girl –I want to do the same and liven up a sweet single apartment also in the area with no plans on the Lady yet. . . It's very big. It's really nice. With the coming of new surroundings for me to survey, and my moving onto what marvelous entities awaiting me, I'll scrap this website to the junk-heap shortly after my arrival to the new lovely locality leaving me only an option of volunteering with some student activities and the like Guh , what a layperson stigma "Hay Boss did you see my post about the cupcakes ?" This habit of mine will cease once I inhabit my new home or soon thereafter as per a Poetry II which requires Journaling . . .
jeff at |
Elegance @
Lexus massages the milk-based formula into her healthy hair and breathes in the gardenia aroma as she puckers her shoulders. How refreshing. She sways her head as the shower takes away the shampoo; time for conditioner: Keratase Nutritive Lait Vital Proteine conditioner; comes by way of mail-order when needed.
I never went to Amsterdam in Worcester with Florina Amsterdam at her club business as usual and I hear Automatic Weapons but I won't slit my wrists as Kristen Johnson went to Notre Dame ALL GIRLS SCHOOL and "KristenMur" was my first kiss with a girl after The Subscription dance she invited me to and I wore a Tuxedo in '98 or '99 before I graduated in Y2K from Saint John's
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Long R3 made my privates bigger and longer, but the Insulin "Pins" only went in my glutei muscles L&R 1mg of it in 2005 around Christmas!
People have been getting "revenge" on me for the past 15 years -- I guess I made them feel guilty... for directly "CAUSING MY WRECK" !!! and making me sad, calling me "faggot" just over and over, etc. -- so people have been getting revenge by ordering my-parents, Wayne and Deborah Marquis, to send me to mental hospitals and get me on screwy medications like a "Haloperidol" SHOT that's been doubled and then increased more, that has many side-effects I'm ordered to get every three weeks !!! I would be down in the dumps if I didn't have Zoloft or an SSRI... - I haven't been suicidal or made any "attempts" to hurt myself - I've quit drinking with my own willpower as I want to live a long life ... I don't cut myself or take risks and my Minister knows that as do my-parents !!!
I've been driving a nice Subaru in my name since 2007, once I finished with a Driving Inspector, making sure I drove okay... But if the people who directly "CAUSED" my WRX spinout formed a small crowd, with no innocent bystanders, I'd mow my-enemies down
I LOVE MY DAD AND MOM !!! - Wayne and Deborah !!! however I want my Dad to be my only Health-Proxy as I'm pretty sure my Mom takes "orders" from her relatives, the people who wanted me to be arrested when they planned for me to be pulled over by the Leicester Police... hmm a Charlton cop showed up, why? he was black and I remember him from Sunday school... Was my Minister there ??? Was he in on the plan to have me arrested ??? and was he waiting at the police-station with my-parents, my friends, relatives, others, and Allyson (Drucker) Hodgkins -- whose cellphone was bought away from her, by my-enemies 15 years ago with the same outgoing message, although just recently there's a woman saying "Leave a message for Allyson Hodgkins..." -- I suspect it's her lawyer, as she's had children with sperm that a nurse extracted from me in the ICU, so she can sue me for Child Support -- I've never seen her firstborn, but I have seen a couple photos of her toddler female twins, Isabella and Sophia ((( my late Grammy's name is "Sophie" and I think that's a hint...)))
The twin daughters show undeniable evidence of "Fetal-Alcohol Syndrome" (F.A.S.) that has their ears sticking out like some type of odd mammal...
I want Allyson to fess up and be criminalized !!! She wanted me cited for DUI because she wanted to see if she could love any men as much as me...
We had just looked at an apartment next to my school, and she kept saying she couldn't afford it -- the plan to have me put in jail for DUI and jokes online for "Shock Jocks" was already underway ,
Justin, Dana, Justine, Mannie, Jessica, Carina, Alx
and I will leave you with a poem I invented that I have recited for many people :
Nocturnal Freedom :
Silence at the end of the day ,
has its own way ,
of allowing the mind to play free ,
and leaving us be as we drift ,
ALLAH IS GREAT !!! I AM ISLAMIC AND I HAVE BEEN EVER SINCE I EXPERIENCED GOD AT THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE, WITH MY EX-LOVER: JUSTINE ARAGONA -- of almost three years !!! and I have only had a few beers in the past three plus years, thanks to my Minister Jim Chase, a Christian Protestant I have had lunch with at restaurants a dozen times or so since my Traumatic Brain Injury that some "jealous" fucks directly-caused !!!
Comrades I sit here with this vigor of communing through my own organized facts and feelings to any figures who care to listen.
Can't you assess my sincerity when I tell you I wish to be a writer ??
Seeing as that I've crashed 'n' burned with two of my lecture-learnin' divisions don't you support my priority of developing into a qualified dramatist ??
Do you remember when I saw the light and picked up the LIFE-LONG GOAL of completing a full novel while I'm breathing ??
I sat up in my bedroom during the refractory hours of my masturbatory habit and pouring myself onto pages when I had the Calling.
Something I'll do before I'm gone forever .
An objet d'art speaking of myself eternally. .
Relics and Remains from the life of Jeffrey Marquis .
I express a lack of veneration at those who " CREATE " not a thing from personal passion or speaking from the psyche. I admire design.
Conception. Invention. Inspiration. Formation from contemplation. A lot from scratch. Something tangible out of not-anything.
This is it .
Did you know I speak with God each and every single night as I catch a few 'z' s on a comfy bed with this splendid existence ??
You could view this as bragging but I'm telling you this zest I embody, inherently promoting self-applause and confidence , is exactly that—a realization I'm capable of so much—even with a permanent limp and goofy eyesight—so don't you dare rain on my parade or serve as a wet blanket when I announce :
"This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time."
I know EXACTLY what that means !! People do you remember when I emerged from the hospital and then said everything felt new again ?? " Second-Firsts " I shared that with you back in early 2005. Even the uncomfortable (i.e. freezing temperatures since all I knew was the stoic room-temperature of the hospital. . . ) felt like miracles to me. I hadn't stayed out late or burned my hand on the stove. Or this. Or that. Or fruitfully danced the five-digit disco !!
As per my abolishment of all picture-tube screen-staring I've only seen bits 'n' pieces of the horror flick—yet this line jumped out at me SCREAMING, Jeff that rings a perfect note of truth since your accident !!
Look at me. My hobbies. This. Not watching television. Not reading about shit to buy.
When the police officers and paramedics who arrived at the scene of my crash didn't think I would make it ;
when local Ministers prayed over me expecting I'd never make it past baby food ;
and when I've cut out the shit hobbies (Cars, Brand Names, Etc. ) to instead offer my SOUL for any who care to listen ,
do you think I take my time for granted ???
"Elegance" I wrote in 2005 BE ON MY SIDE !!!!!!! and I've been sober since 2016 when I quit drinking alcohol
"And we begin," Lexus says aloud as she slips off the thong underwear and steps into the shower. As you've seen from her arsenal, she calls it, her beauty and cosmetic attractiveness has been fine tuned to an art. And a professional art no less. She works at organic:cosmetic, an elite beauty store on the city's affluent strip where confident and respected women may fine-tune their natural beauty. She enjoys the complexity of beauty: the toners, moisturizers and waxes, the tanning lotions; it takes dedication to perfect oneself. I wrote for Creative Nonfiction with the late Dr. Walker and I used a cane once I graduated from a "Walker" and my left leg is shorter because my left hip was in seven pieces
Marge Jalbert from The Charlton Federated Church with Rev. Jim Chase
I'm an "Organ Donor" and Marge Jalbert is The Charlton Federated Church's "Organist" !!!
soliloquy003.htm "It's all going down, it's all going down to Chinatown" I wave on a Boogie Board at the beach
"Most people are so ungrateful to be alive.
But not you , not anymore ."
— Saw (soliloquy003.htm)
As per my abolishment of all picture-tube screen-staring I've only seen bits 'n' pieces of the horror flick—yet this line jumped out at me SCREAMING, Jeff that rings a perfect note of truth since your accident !!
Look at me. My hobbies. This. Not watching television. Not reading about shit to buy.
When the police officers and paramedics who arrived at the scene of my crash didn't think I would make it ;
when local Ministers prayed over me expecting I'd never make it past baby food ;
and when I've cut out the shit hobbies (Cars, Brand Names, Etc. ) to instead offer my SOUL for any who care to listen ,
do you think I take my time for granted ??
I almost lost everything .
I was so close to gone .
Trust me , you cannot imagine what my life FEELS like. The sensation of a bright fate and destiny to meet with providence strums my heartstrings to the tune of a harpsichord. An awareness of the aspirations I must achieve runs rich in my arteries. Now getting personal on you , every so often an overwhelming extrasensory commotion lurks amid my soul with a message of Oh it's all going down baby !!
Your time is up on planet Earth !!
It's all over !!
It's all going down to Chinatown !!