Monday, December 28, 2020

Dana > Derek

  MIT  !!!

Evolution . . . 

I want the one with the duck lips ((( or not… ))) but thick lips, the ones between her hips . . . and I walk across my room with a snarky face Like that 50 year-old friend . . . Dan P. Justine’s Step-Father, who didn’t get through to me until Justine and I were through… To and Fro like a snowflake in the winter, FaLLing down and hitting the open fresh-water, then becoming one with the body of water, swishing around with the push of the moon . . . even on lakes like the Great Lakes . . . They have Tides . . . but back to Justine and Dan P.  . . . I think he would really like me, now that I don’t drink ((( *gunshot* as Eminem sings, ‘’ fuck y’all ‘’ ))) and smoke marijuana instead —  Like D. does (!!!)  and introduced Justine to getting high — while driving around stoned — I might add. . . and sucking his wife’s great implants I saw nude from the side, a perfect 50% of her Left-or-Right breast one night in the low dim light . . . 

AFTER, I fucked her daughter, oh how I fucked her daughter with my signature back’n’forth motion of the OCEAN on a Carnival cruise-ship . . .

The first time your friend in high-school had sum marijuana and you first put your virgin lips to a joint, did you INHALE ???

I didn’t inhale the first few times . . .

I didn’t need drugs at that point ;  I just needed to STUDY, which I did . . . 

I started off in all Honor’s classes and I was so proud to be a part of the school . . . once I got in with friends (((  go in 3 min. and watch Rachel from Friends )))  Friends, my friends like Derek Langlois and Brian McNeil along with Dana Gardner, my buddies in school ‘ ‘ ‘ For 4 Years ‘ ‘ ‘

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