Saturday, February 15, 2020

"I'm the opposite of fat."

"So you're skinny... you're 'thin'..."

That's Ashley Hannan's belly I saved, she was in great shape and she did a bodybuilding show in a bikini, WHILE SHE WAS ALIVE... and even though she killed 2 or 3 people in a drunken rage, when her boyfriend dumped her, then going up an off ramp- wrong way on 290, I think she's a REAL CUTIE WHO DESERVES MY SMOOTCHES... Alas, I saved her poem in class,"Brown Eyes," about her brown eyes that were pretty and I wondered if it was tongue in cheek -- everyone was shocked, including myself, when the old white-haired Poetry II teacher Dr. Gibbs -- who gave me an A- in at WSU -- said, "Does anyone know what a 'brown eye' is ??? Anyone, Anyone????- A brown eye is an ASS-HOLE ..."

And my heart skipped a beat, everyone in the class wondered about Ashley Hannan's asshole, and that was a REAL BLESSING !!!!!
I'd see her at the Woo State University gym and she would do cardio and sit-up's -- I guess she starved herself to get so thin,,, she was a beautiful girl... Rest In Peace hunnybun !!!!!
Even though she wouldn't be my friend on Facebook... Amen!!!!!
I didn't want to "take anyone with me" when I drove drunk, so what I'm saying is that- I SLOWED WAY THE FUCK DOWN WHEN A CAR WAS COMING got to be careful....
SHE WAS JUST THE OPPOSITE, she wanted to "take people with her" and I forget if it was 2 or 3 people she killed... I didn't hit anything but a telephone pole and boy are they $$$$$ PRICEY !!!!! , ,

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