Saturday, October 14, 2023

I cheer on this beautiful America to continue siding with Israel -- Honestly and RAELLY!

Chest list coming lifted to the sprinter, Splinter at a fork in the road, hindless choad of Connie Chung the mammaries unhinged in this world we live in, of course with thanks to Mum ’n’ Pop paying a fair share of wealth to their great health—thanks to a book I bought them, because I want them to LIVELONG entitled (reading is a hassle) “Eat To Live”—like me years ago drinking Olive Oil (EVOO) and Lisa S. eating butter, what a bad idea on our accounts of generating new skin-cells (on their phones but post-poned and pro-bono, oh no!) to imbibe the healthy fats and why aren’t I allowed to take Fish Oils?

They were recommended for Traumatic Brain Injury, I learned in Health I, to help generate the “Myelin Sheath” on axons and dendrites—I remember reading about the brain—I remember it well!—on an auspicious generation of being graded with a B+ at Woo State, a satire, me without a car to kick its rear—TIRE—so shiny from the grease, and along the way, and recently, they put a CREASE on many pages of my favorite book, after marking pages with black messy ink!

“Averte” they get in my stuff to sabotage it and make me sad—that I’m not too sad—I thank my Dad!

And my Mom, too, its she who: brought me into the bright old world in 1982

She says to me, “I’m thankful for you!” having Recovered through and through, and previously shooting hoops with Dad, that we would always go out fishing on our pond we lived on the beachfront properties like an antiquated and vintage Boardwalk- do you see the salt? OF THE ENDLESS OCEAN? I think not... but fashioning a business from scratch—buying a building and profiting so dearly, oh ever so dearly!

Mom and Dad, I want you near to me!

I want to buy a house close-by to you!

A stone-throw away from Aunt Donna—Her too!

That would be so cool, this after attending Saint John’s High School, where I was the dude WITH A PLEASANT, AMIABLE ATTITUDE! yeah I was generally appreciated at “SJ” when I wouldn’t smoke but only very rarely— of a SOBER (as per my parents’ orders) so not much tobacco and mary-jane, when about half of my friends would be to smoke? YEAH, BUT RARELY!

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