A silent hum when sitting still and saying into one’s ear really close the lid on your laptop and it’s try on, well not heels—no heels, no way—as I’d fall flat on my face, to give the scenic and scientific Cement grounding around me a sweet little kiss with my lips—that sips of soda Pop a pimple last season of yesteryear at Saint John’s—when I was without ProActive but staying fit, that then later the DHEA pills had my acne flaring, face on fire, with A. the clear skin and her I was in and too, the Neutrogena not doing its job, I wish I spent more on Facial Care—but not Accutane, being as more-so more or less, I guess, that was for severe blemishing of popped pimples and I don’t mean to make you think- of gross things, now as I’m upper in age, I’m not a slave to Black’s heads (black-headed batter) The Crusty White “SEBUM”—when I would go to the gym, my face was in... need of aid and my Mom bought me ProActive that did the trick—hoorah and hoo-RAY—S of sunshine my skin would shine a smiley white grin, with tanning salons once before the Junior Prom (Cristen) and the Senior Prom (Juliana) when way back then, I’d never had a girlfriend because of maybe my smallish head my Cranium me the crumb-bumb Bamboozled with a tall thin body, not too shoddy—not being too short, when all my friends were reasonably TALL—working over-time to study the books, as the fishes bite hard into the hook, and then reeled in by my Dad who’s healthy and thin, when, him, hardly ever, ever, and never drinking alcohol but for an occasional beer at a restaurant, when I wasn’t allowed a taste of the Amber Ale—my Mom drinks a small glass of white wine—sometimes—that I applaud my Dad for putting 100% efforts into the plastics, of his Business so successful, to tell you about it here, well that would be a mouthful of Robotussin I tossed and tussled with, in a sort of wrestling MATCH—yeah, I the one who would acting like a Soldier who was tobacco-free, yeah me, something to Smolder—hardly ever with usually no Mary Jane and no seizures, for the pleasure of a can of beer at PARTIES—yes, I went to a lot of parties and sleeping over, sometimes with a hangover—and I feeling great about my SOBER 2016 promises that there-forth I’d kick the habit... and hope for NO “HOPS” LIKE A JACK-RABBIT, bitten bereaving the sour and saucy tongue of years ago—when the drinking had my head spun! Writing more enamored with my name attached, and 10 “Aliases” on my record, to go along with the great Bitcoin investments of 2013, and Dan I’m not trying to be mean...
I promise you’ll profit through me
Busy as a bumble-bee, and flying with Zest (soap) and a Lifetime Lifted with the Crest (toothpaste) not to mention a “Turkey To Baste”—you blasted Ukraine, now V.P. you’ll feel the pain of the global ex-girlfriends umm in a secret station—hibernation and Willy who? While I get a drumstick and some white meat, well done and baked or fried nicely—a glass of Sugary “Sprite”—when at the theater of OH THE DELIGHT—3 tickets to “The Social Network” and buying it on Blu-ray—that, Hey, I am the proud former-friend in 2005, working at Facebook, programming what I do with my Paragraphs, language, this beautiful language of English (my WSU concentration)—NBA 3 pointer and SWISH, that I’m so not good at a sport, but I’ve learned to ride the feels of my feet tromping and stomping, to then gain back my “Sense of Balance” so soft-shoeing it with sweaty “pits” long ago, until I used the 100% free from the biggest customer (with their own Stadium!)—YES, *GILLETTE* the bread and butter of Mach3 traveling... it’s “Velocity”—kindly invited to NYC with sights to see like Central Park and Huntington Ave.—Northeastern University’s “acceptance” for a fine product of “Studentry”—yeah me and jiving dentally, mentally, and well, The Seacrest in Cape Cod on vacation—been to their nice hotel several times—when “Tapping the Proverbial ‘Keg’” and U.V. raise (?) on my too-short left and right legs—Ping Pong and Mini-Golf, good riddance Adolf! Jewish lives matter—I see the commercials on TV, that my USA it’s a REAL “FAIRY-LAND” FOR ME, paying taxes and doing good things, like, earlier tonight donating $25 on PayPal to Rev. Anne Skinner’s “Hannah House”—now late in the hours PAST MIDNIGHT, I’ve set my signed signature to what monetary DELIGHTS!
“Dees Lights”—these of Kanye's Flashing Lights:
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