Sunday, April 2, 2023

I used the treadmill here at "Averte" the other day, but I didn't have motivation for exercise today, as my midsection was sore, growing LIVESTRONG!

The tip of a teeter-totter with yellowish Teeth, when brushed on whitening is a 2 times-per-day treat, of eroding enamel and ending up like me, stained dental artifacts in my mouth, where dick’s are not welcome, right Peter? so Take care of yourself after you spit a wedding belly’s gay marriage policy—coming as straight as they come—make that a couple times of smithered smothered intention—“Mothers” and “Mature” are foreign to me, AND NOT ANYTHING “TEEN” oh please, that’s way too young, for me, at least or at most, thickening up a pillow to smother the flames of overheated engines, a la NASCAR—I don’t give a shit with oval tracks—that I’m into Formula 1 mostly only, haven’t seen a race, but I discovered “Space” !!!!!

God’s creation makes me float like a feather as to Accelerate always—so gosh-drained my pleasure of watching DEEPFAKE videos, so special, and I’m NOT a creep, eating crepes, oh crap a flush and then wait a while to brush my yellowed, SLIGHTLY, my Teeth with bristles—I’ve never been able to whistle

And I don’t nearly believe this:

It says that accelerating beyond the speed of light is impossible—but I know wholely with a Holy experience of 8 or so hours—holey—better than Molly, I would rather spend ample hours with Justine Ara (!!!) again!

Gnawed loose tooth, my yellow teeth, coming at you, right here, with a SMOOCH to catch the swill of taking a pill (or two) at the medical “Microsoft Office” with MSWord, I’ve purchased in the past, and buying legit copies of it on old laptops I haven’t sold, sitting solitary under my Queen-sized BED-arie, sighted sifting gently, stroking the pooch, of the utmost credit—I don’t have a credit-card though, being my only on- my ownership of a Bank of America “DEBIT” device, that the brown rice is nice, to be with it—Chinky food—me being rude to immigrants, unseen, like the soured-south eating the lo-mein with my mouth, that, southern states are held at bay as if I had my way, all of the immigrants—send them AWAY!

Hello, and do it today or sometime nefarious in the furiousity of who buy larry, moe, and curley at the time being now of Swaggie Sie, please come my way and call me at 508-596-43||

Golden grey-goose of Sobriety rearing its girlfriend’s “head” instead of a loosey-caboose The C Word of what comes ot coming absure-d I sure didn’t do anything when adversity is take a DEEPFAKE of who—Susie Curly-Q, the wifey cued in on this scheme of not my own doing, but boinking twinks with their hairy crotches, making me sick, to stroke my own, a Jeffrey Clone

My own “Jeffrey Marquis” type-of Clone to be sworn in as a “Join the flock and fuck a duck” when hunting on the “bunt” of Elissa Victoria—a car girl—a millionaire YouTube sensation of not only the contemplation of how she has gone homosexual but the intrinsical wavelength who but to: Ethan is no more, and I want so to score Swisher baskets of an up ’n’ coming Easter — yeah I don’t worship Jesus Christ—I only believe in God and Allah (!!!) with me also providing respect for Jehovah, I witnessed a waitress minutes after—and Laurie is lovely—an older woman, a mother, that another female here named Ember has a daughter, teeter taught her how to appreciate a “Glow Worm” present from me and out of my own MONEY!

I need to access my TD Bank with stored ’n’ seared “Bacon” to purchase the finest 20:1 CBD that I’m allowed here, a far distance from my “Health Proxy” Mother and Father, who, them, yes those 2 are the finest in my Crew, of “J”-effrey Dan bought J. Crew and me a suit when I saw him last but I wish to finally receive a reply from 25+ detailed emails of what to buy for Stocks and “Crypto” which, to the end, I have Elon Musk as “my best friend”—he said that was okay with him in 2005 ON THE PHONE, got his number pre-famously with the beginning EV and SpaceX I knew he was cool, finding Mike Lindell on a Trump phpBB in 2005/2006, the greatest, but an “addict” I talked to him in Me-hi-co for a long while when I racked up a bill on the phonecall, which, in fact, I knew ELON-gate maybe very well—but it was so long ago, I don’t remember the details—knowing he’d be famous and ultra-rich in 2005! 40+ minutes on the phone with Elon Musk, I swear!😎

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