I also prefer LOBSTER “Claws” over any other seafood because I’m prudent in my nutritional reservation and the premonition, “CoVid-19” and “Elon Musk” and Bitcoin multi-millionaires in 2005
My "Distant" parents but absolutely NONE of the dismal distain of what there’s absolutely not any of that attitude-clash, because I love my Mom and Dad—I want to buy a house in early hours of my recently years now, being 3.5 hours away from my “Health-Proxy” parents, that’s nonsensical and our love is intrinsically—automatically—so no fighting on the phone and I don’t be bad to my Dad... or Mom... when singing a sing-song, croaking along, with the Clearance of FREE WATER from a “Well”, and that’s how I learned to play 2x “Hockey Sticks” for fun and chatter, that banter I hope I’m not “banned” from the Olympic Committee with my buff, and big body realization, I’m bigger, larger, taller, strong-arm’ored than most in the USA Nation — that I grew 3.5” taller and my arms, hmmm them both for a whopping 2” longer arms, I mean no harm, but upon pushing Derek Langlois...
I'm Wide on “The Web” and when fed instead of unkempt (unknown to all but Elon Musk 2005...) I run 3 dot-com’s ever since so long ago, I wrote them up nicely and unmodified—but my enemies modified my pages as my heart and hate for the jerks who caused me my cost a good part of my life—I was wishing for Allyson to settle down with, alongside an Apartment at Chandler Gardens, all people of merely Pawns, just then, just in 2005 to 2007, check my “Public Ledger” and “Private Ledger” I created with help from Danny B. who I now (lately) and want to SEE or hear his voice, as it is my choice to talk with 1 of 2 men who handle my vast “riches” of perhaps $$,$$$,$$$ quantity, that my Dad—my Dad is a really, so much, so great, so businesslike, so he would take me for nature hikes and he bought me a great bike for $650 in Junior High—all that with my childhood guidance to try hard in Elementary through Middle School—but I put it on Cruise Control at Saint John’s when I did one level lower than the “Honors” classes I started with, choosing what was easier, breezy running I would do in 9th grade for almost 2 Semesters, but I quit XC later Freshman year, being freshened and coming forthright first, when I haven’t had to raise a fist in recent time, with no wine, with no whining, the alternate area-code I be “declining” when alerted to an alternative phone-number I’ve never seen before—and I was “Assistant Manager” at a popular few chain-stores of GNC, that is, pre-"wrxtbi" MY "2004 Subaru WRX Traumatic Brain Injury"
Sitting still my hair still there—almost all of it—I would throw a fit if I had to shave my head—so instead I keep it at a precise length TO HIDE THE SCARS ON MY HEAD!
My hair, my beard, my squirmy CURLS (for the girls), my hair is almost all there—I don’t have a haired chest, but that’s for the best—my MARQUIS grandfather, well he had a hairy back, taking it back to what my Dad told me—my MARQUIS grandfather—he died before I was born, and my Dad had elite classes at where but Holy Cross 88.1FM for musical tunes and a talk show I called them on the phone, so getting on-air while drinking—but I didn’t swear because I was thinking, of Christ and Chris Delvecchio in 2004, the Holy Cross radio station I spoke loud to Worcester, MA! oh hey