I ordered a bunch of copies of this #1 edition

I hopefully have still have a small box of those #1's, in storage, that I made some calls to people, and then I bought a small box stacked with Bitcoin Magazine #1 that I hope my parents still have -- I LOVE YOU MOM! I love you Aunt Donna Donohue -- and Dana has a new cellphone I don't have the number to because he's scared that I've dealt with the future, with God and Allah taking me to Him, when my beliefs in Jesus Christ are null as there have been many "virgin births", plus I dedicated my suffering in the ICU and Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital to Jesus Christ -- we all must be enduring his pain and suffering and agony to become Enlightened -- my emailing China in 2005 to name their top-secret things with 18+ numbers, a la covid-19 !!!!! hahaha and talking to the great Elon Musk for 40+ minutes around that time, me talking to so many business owners in 2005 when I was damaged, my brain and broken bones, all because a group of people made me suffer in 2004 with my Traumatic Brain Injury, but I found Allah with Justine Aragona, miss her, and there was only space in front of me having reached beyond God in 2013! I used my Disabled and Handicapped left side of my body, I pointed straight up and said "Justine, TAKE ME TO GOD!" -- I talked about space and Astro Camp with Elon Musk -- I think John and Sue and Dan had a book on the universe and space -- I always accelerated but in a straight line to the edge of space with Allah I requested with all of my religious gear in bed with us, praying for an hour of intensity, and then I became a millionaire or billionaire with the belief that 2021 like alcohol is allowed for 21+ people and I thought that would make people feel good I'm SOBER in 2016 and I haven't had a single drop of alcohol in about 3 years! lol yay -- but the only things I've done with money are Amazon, BostonHempire, PayPal, JM Bullion, etc. not getting high in a very long time and only watching the news on CNN and Fox News for over 3 years, with once Tosh.0 went off the air I switched to CNN, and then when Biden became President I switched to Fox News -- that I talked to the MyPillow owner Mike Lindell in 2005/2006 online and on the phone -- he was a Moderator on a Trump bulletin-board and we talked on the phone -- he was a coke-head and I had him call me when he was picking up big amounts of the white powder because I've wanted people watching me and hopefully amounting more to what you made me sign corrupt papers with my enemies who THEY CAUSED MY MANY "SEVERE" INJURIES IN 2004 -- but I was so Blessed to be able to reach through The Creator of His universe with my Disabled and Handicapped left arm and being with Allah, us me and Allah who Allah doesn't believe Jesus Christ is more than "A Prophet" who, yeah I fully believe that I have gotten on God's level and distance and future to be with who I hope my #1 girlfriend EVER -- she has a TBI and more "SEVERE" than my own, when these motherfuckers made me drive drunk that I hate my enemies fucking A.A.A.S.D.M.C.J. are going to hell for causing me to suffer so badly in 2004 when I seeked help from several police officers that day when your evil family made me try to severely injure myself and total my Subaru WRX and/or KILL MYSELF WHEN NO ONE WOULD HELP ME, like that fucking Bartender stealing my wallet, you canceling my finances, and getting all that shit going at the Leicester Police Station -- I wonder why my enemy I hate the most was on the Stand when I had to go to Court for DUI -- I have a clean record and a "Public Ledger" and "Private Ledger" with Dan, that I think he's hopefully sold my Bitcoins I have 11 wallets of Bitcoin, and I ordered a small stack of these in 2012: https://www.ebay.com/itm/304613997476?hash=item46ec68bba4:g:LuQAAOSwgr9jDoLV&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoF30uOEqPVUTaKdvGLXLI7u3kz9SwSW8nlQkVH5inoMBprBWMdoEREs4HVl3BDBimuv%2Bl2yWVevbdeLtUe1Bwhsa74eOgHLYb76r4vYq0wk7tZVMnre%2B6OCuZ%2FRjSJn%2Fz2ibc%2BtxKGv0shLYOzc2AItYTldXoh5IQZmxiZzGC7eZ41hkS6tjBDkZ36nHpfPq3yVgIkAMIQUw8ScSXhVqW9I%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR9iWrbm_YQ One question, if there is a war with Russia, North Korea, Iran, China, etc., which do you think will strike first?My left hand was entirely on the body's inside of Mr. John Deedy and hours of the abuse I endured, and it's not funny in the least! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH SAINT JOHN'S HIGH SCHOOL: Class of 2000 with Paul Marino who won't answer my messages on Facebook (I have stocks in and 2021 was the peak ) Bitcoin, Bruce Fenton my beginning one of about ten "Friends" on here, and he ran for Senator of New Hampshire- I donated $250 to his Senatorial Campaign, having talked to him for many hours on the phone and video-chatting about money I could make with Banks- but Dad made me cancel my Bank of France, a bank in France, that I'm a Prestigious "Prophet" and I knew Dead Dave the Heroin Addict and Liquor Slave from your bad family -- a Drunk for a Dad ??? which, speaking of which, https://jeffreymarquis.com/2023/01/25/i-was-subjected-to-my-saint-johns-high-school-teacher-showing-me-his-worn-cock-ring-after-school-and-i-was-a-fool-to-think-he-wouldnt-lick-his-luscious-lips-as-a-sort-of-hint-i-didnt-think/Yeah I want to know how on Earth he got a job at another Catholic High School after being fired for raping many of his students, nipples and piercings wearing them to school when he said I was "Cool, Calm, and Collected" you heard from him my Freshman year in Honors on the first Parent-Teacher Conference night, but alas, I want all of the money from Saint John's -- YOU KEEP SECRET FROM ME! -- In the name of Allah, giver of mercy, lover of mercy -- I want Justine Aragona back because it happened with her, ONLY THAT NIGHT OF TANTRIC STUFF UNTIL SUNRISE -- I had that again with a girl, girlfriend for I dunno, I can't remember the details of the last of FIVE TIMES IN MENTAL HOSPITALS! where my last night there you brought a Trojan MAGNUM for an extra special experience with Mrs. Alxandra Neas that was boring and it didn't amount to a tiny fraction of my TRULY EXPERIENCING THE "HIGHR POWERS" OF ALLAH AND GOD WHO IS ONLY "THE CREATOR" I know that Allah always accelerates after pointing straight up to the edge of space where I knew God would be -- but God is only "The Creator" and Allah is "SUPREME VELOCITY" always accelerating and what I call, "Allah going a million billion trillion lightyears per microsecond" when I made it through the Big Bang- that I assure you, it's still actively bringing in galaxies into The Creator (God), His "universe" I was able to reach beyond, the Big Bang accelerating through it for hours that was intense and Enlightening on a grand scale, and then I was with God's real "Illusion" I was amazed by Him, but He only generates so much in His "universe" and not accelerating, Him advancing at only the speed of light! Knowing this from about 2 years before I had MMJ, and yeah I had 3 beers that didn't skew things that Blessed 8 or 9 hours Tantric, she saw on a videocamera and wanted it to be like HER DEAR MOTHER, I got it on with 3 times in total- and she got a divorce, I remember celebrating Justine's "TBI Recovery" and her accident is a lot like mine, THAT OTHER PEOPLE INJURED US SO BADLY, yeah it wasn't our faults! WE ARE TBI VICTIMS OF OTHER PEOPLE'S WILL -- that I wrote a Will when I was at Dan's house overnight, investing all night long about 10 hours of trading Bitcoins on new laptops, new USB keychains, a signature scanner, voice recorder, video camera on all night long! We had the policeman who Dan was friends with take my fingerprints, saliva sample, hair sample, sperm sample -- or maybe not that one -- but than again, we have a sperm sample to prove that evil Allyson having TWINS -- so I'd have to give her double the dollars, and a girl who worked at a coffee shop near our home, our house -- I want to buy a house on the same street as you I can easily afford -- she was trying to tell me something, warn me that -- I was getting warmer in the FACT that you stole my sperm with a nurse on the I.C.U.!I learned about "crypto-currencies" from the Foreward of the Economics book at Saint John's, and that taught me the whole Economy, that I then withdrew from the Economics class because from that Foreward I knew the whole book, really, flipping through the pages -- and wouldn't you know it, the teacher would later buy me a 750 mL bottle of vodka -- he worked at a liquor store on weekends lol -- but anyways he got me vodka, J.D. got me high on CM and raped me all night long in 2001 or 2002 and -- I want to find out WHY ON EARTH DID THAT FAG TEACHER GET ANOTHER JOB TEACHING?And why do you hide how TWO GIRLS I KNEW HAD KIDS WITH MY STOLEN SPERM?I'm onto you, I love Aunt Donna Donohue, I love Dad, and you're great for giving birth to me and raising me well but I CANNOT FORGIVE YOU FOR COMING TO ME IN TEARS, CRYING SO HARD, AND TELLING ME, "I don't love you anymore!"
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