Wednesday, November 27, 2019

"The Safety of Objects"

I bought a book recommended by my favorite author, Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club,” that came in the mail really quick :::

I wrote a Summary , have a happy Thanksgiving !!!

I think the first short story starts out boring… A couple leaves their children with the husband’s mother who will take their two children to the beach, and the married couple watches a TV documentary about CRACK COCAINE-… they talk and decide to try to get some ((( the husband is a marijuana user, ))) and the wife drinks her glasses of rosé… which she spills one on her shirt and she takes it off- now just wearing a bra… eventually they both get tired and go to bed… The following day the husband gets up early and calls his drug-dealers about where he can get vials of white rocks and he procures some vials of Crack- , but they don’t go into that much other than they stayed up late taking hits and getting high…  The wife accidentally knocks a glass of the rosé off a nightstand and the husband steps on it… Oops, he puts on a “bandage”… The next day around noon the grandmother calls and the children are okay, and the couple, Paul and Elaine, walk through the living room where they see some empty vials !!! The Crack is all gone and the children will be home soon…

Great flipping pages in a new book !!! and apparently they've made a movie out of it... so I'm going to read the book AND-THEN watch the movie !!!

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