Sunday, September 29, 2019

Rest In Peace - Bill W. halo

I’m a facet of a faucet
with a palm holding a sweet squirt, a sweeter squeeze, oh please, 
of what do we have here?  likened to an amount of Neutrogena,
an orangey gel-like liquid pounding puddles in the sink as I dunk my face to the base - 

A 'basin' O’ H20

(ex: wrinkles on Sophie’s face…) 

and booty-shakers electrifying the “grid” say 4x4=16 that’s it, with the Learners Perm-it 
in a four-by-four Jeep Grande Cherokee, literally CHEERING! 
c’mon, fuck you SUV-truck and win the race with a 6.2L V8 available on the Limited,
Like Gran Turismo— as Enzo Ferrari would say and go and play in the driveway with an AIDS test…
on the Test-ah-rossa, ah breathe in the air- the hair- who cares?  with one’s boogers clinging to a cluster buster of short black follicles-

 -- what a FOLLY on the Trolley with Lisa Foley folding laundry- Molly joins the Army, rainbows are arching !!

at T.J. Maxx guaranteed for you the Maximum Nissan Maxima driven by a lady in the 80’s with a Maxi-Pad 
just chillen, always chillen dot-com the home of me my own on the long… uh sentences 
leading and reading the wavelengths of the boom-boom-boom,
someone tromping up the bare wooden stairs with muddy boots on, gah-loshes in the winter
when you’ve got a shovel, but not just any shov-el…

no, this one’s for snow- so-and-so, not digging holes in the dirty dirt in the back-yard BBQ why don’t you ?? 
I mean:  I would if I were given the chance, The Rapper, heard of ‘em ???  Maybe, but time to “roll” 

on X-TC (Scion tC see an auto Tranny trans)

…a tiny little Pill might make you feel ILL… … Honestly, that’s bull - they give your brain and body a THRILL !!!

Best on an empty stomach for the hardest ‘gnar’ wherever you are - maybe a rave at the beach with one, catch the wave, hello, Hi My Name Is… 

my name is Jeffrey the Janitor ,  I muddle and I’ll be cleaning your little piss “puddle” of one or two or three drops of the yellow pee-pee, but no one can see when I “washy-wishy” with the mop, it's all a ‘flop’ !!!

the mop-squeeze threads of the Rope,
E-Z paper for your green and HEAVENLY "dope"-

You blind fuck, flush the toilet- get rid of the brown crowned muck !!!

That’s better, now…. Your foul… You're fowl... You deaf fuck…

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