Sunday, September 29, 2019

Rest In Peace - Bill W. halo

I’m a facet of a faucet
with a palm holding a sweet squirt, a sweeter squeeze, oh please, 
of what do we have here?  likened to an amount of Neutrogena,
an orangey gel-like liquid pounding puddles in the sink as I dunk my face to the base - 

A 'basin' O’ H20

(ex: wrinkles on Sophie’s face…) 

and booty-shakers electrifying the “grid” say 4x4=16 that’s it, with the Learners Perm-it 
in a four-by-four Jeep Grande Cherokee, literally CHEERING! 
c’mon, fuck you SUV-truck and win the race with a 6.2L V8 available on the Limited,
Like Gran Turismo— as Enzo Ferrari would say and go and play in the driveway with an AIDS test…
on the Test-ah-rossa, ah breathe in the air- the hair- who cares?  with one’s boogers clinging to a cluster buster of short black follicles-

 -- what a FOLLY on the Trolley with Lisa Foley folding laundry- Molly joins the Army, rainbows are arching !!

at T.J. Maxx guaranteed for you the Maximum Nissan Maxima driven by a lady in the 80’s with a Maxi-Pad 
just chillen, always chillen dot-com the home of me my own on the long… uh sentences 
leading and reading the wavelengths of the boom-boom-boom,
someone tromping up the bare wooden stairs with muddy boots on, gah-loshes in the winter
when you’ve got a shovel, but not just any shov-el…

no, this one’s for snow- so-and-so, not digging holes in the dirty dirt in the back-yard BBQ why don’t you ?? 
I mean:  I would if I were given the chance, The Rapper, heard of ‘em ???  Maybe, but time to “roll” 

on X-TC (Scion tC see an auto Tranny trans)

…a tiny little Pill might make you feel ILL… … Honestly, that’s bull - they give your brain and body a THRILL !!!

Best on an empty stomach for the hardest ‘gnar’ wherever you are - maybe a rave at the beach with one, catch the wave, hello, Hi My Name Is… 

my name is Jeffrey the Janitor ,  I muddle and I’ll be cleaning your little piss “puddle” of one or two or three drops of the yellow pee-pee, but no one can see when I “washy-wishy” with the mop, it's all a ‘flop’ !!!

the mop-squeeze threads of the Rope,
E-Z paper for your green and HEAVENLY "dope"-

You blind fuck, flush the toilet- get rid of the brown crowned muck !!!

That’s better, now…. Your foul… You're fowl... You deaf fuck…

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Lead the deaf following to the tune of their ears and squelch the Welch’s Grape Jelly of Petroleum you pump into your car at Jiffy Lube right and proper here comes the Teeny Bopper with some Scotch, and your voice is being recorded on microphone tape, like VHS-  adding the video yeah hunny I wanna see ya shake it like you do sometimes when that “Cardi B” comes on… oh you’re gyrating your hips with their in-between lips of slipping a Mickey, hmmm or slipping a nipple, wouldn’t that be grande and you can take your right hand to the Bible - do you Swear ???

Fuck I know I do- it’s true, coming at you, presenting a gift to smoke a Spliff with Tiph my love, what happened to you??? And where’d you go ??? I miss you so, at moment, and it’s the “moments” like this one, you vapid bitch vaping vapors and never felt sicker, your mucous is way thicker.

Read the thickest Koran you can-  I have one right here-  this one spells it Qur’an !!! Allah, my man !!!

Big "Shout-Out" to my textual word-print nigga's and niggarette's at Barnes & Noble for offering the book translated to English... AIN'T DAT DA TRUUUFFFFF !!!