Thursday, February 23, 2023

Prickle Princess in Pink

Hi to her in the pink dressed-up... hi-ccup!

Playboy Playmate playing me with the mysterious “Play-Date” on now February 23rd and cleaned Alpha Male type genetics, me never done Oxy... preferring stride of a selfish “MATEY” arrr and arrogance when I dance with Lance Armstrong—tiny, stretchy (but never messy, a Miss’es Mess of fine finesse) running Track—with Marks of Makers Bakers but coming, and arising drifting to dilly dally every 3-way followed folly of night-side naughty stretchy pantaloons, these Honeymoon Bar-room VA-VA-VOOM! sometime soon to rack it all up with a backhanded fist showing “Road&Track” subscriber years ago, when what do you know, these beautiful cars in Show-rooms, but NO SHROOMS and no kah-boom’s in the Atlantic practitioner printing dinner with dollars and dineros, all of value in which, said “To:” and a blank field of the driver(s) to YIELD then yay it’s the hey-day of a favorite song to play—Automotive speakers, a “sound system”—green lights?  I miss them so stop and slow and red lights in a crummy “District” to distract the unpleasantness of a China/Russia attack!  And Trump bought Big Mac’s for the Apple of my eye, a homemade apple pie, Mrs. McDonalds drinking a “Coker” whithin this hold on the mental-hospital girl (1 of the 6...) locked up and unable to leave, I feel being beefed up in a straight-jacket that racket—dismissing me of “Credibility” that, so, I, have become this with credit for never having E.D. I take the Tadalafil for ANYWAY... and look at that “Record” of me, of I-  with the 2 “Aliases” Jeffry and Jeff M, I’m one of them, millionaire-style of sharing the wealth, and soaking up the deep dark seeing Health I with a B+ because I didn’t think I deserved an “A” — me “Recovering” with a tape-recorder in my WSU classes, English Man of an English Major—a kiss from a chosen one—L.G. my #1 “hunny” being desired—but she left after a limousine of my best birthday, seeing that L.G. coming my way with what a butt and in the limo, something something blow, and out go the candles I recall—Petty Princess—paying for dinner every night, to my delight in my dwelling at my real “Home” in Charlton, Mass(es) to the listener, the taxpayer, that is, I. . . when I am somewhat shy face-to-face but an acid tongue to me Mum, adoring the #1 man in my life—who will hopefully support me, and my having a female lover—like Justine Aragona, I discovered her magical master’s bedroom of us pairing up, sweetly our caressed Butts and Butter Buns, it’s all for you, Hun, profiting in courtroom antics of what was once a drunk driver in HS being sloshed Slush Puppies with the ethanol imbibed, he almost killed my future-bride, this Justine, she, yes, who, has better butter yetter to be seen, by me and my pleases and Thank You, Missy, with a kissy face, she and Allah took me to space, I’m talking the edge of space — albeit “Traumatic Injured” our brains, so special and neat-ley dressed, lingerie on her never bereft of any pleasure in my leisure when we both had some “Seizures” so Serious our injuries, to the skull, the cranium where the mentality of mental majesty, her and I, I want to be with...

Her, that simple logic of her with those too-big and 2 sassy cheeks, I hope she’s going to get thin with me, who I am, sort of skinny and I like mini-girls, so petite, each of them, a treat—to me, of mine, and without any grape seed wine or narcotics or pills or “substances”—each substantial to the mental-philosophy of me, yours truly, my name is Jeffrey Marquis of Google: “JMRQ Heavy Industries” that’s me and my info- for you to know, now read what I’ve said and written, I’m a great person, and it’s all for used, YOU! 💖

Monday, February 20, 2023

I post on my also =)

They want to stop me with bells-on (I had a little of this with my TBI...)

And stop you, too, who- a ghost,

lasting big bruise, tobacco chewed

loaded cheeks of icky sipped spit

and street-racing on pink slips

stink drips, yeah, might a write more-

being for all the girls world’s whores

and to IMPLORE what cookies at the store

I would rather have American MMJ Cookies!

Instead I have small amounts of CBD in gummies my parents bring me, that I appreciate their help, here 3.5 hours away from my real "Home"!!!!!

But I’m now a tad bit (my Bitcoin $$,$$$,$$$) overweight with ten lobsters to peruse and use, and lose those lbs. the few pounds of pudge on the NordicTracks, here at “Averte" also known as "Trivium" in Bradford, Vermont where I've been for about 4 years now without my car!

I want to work from my Apartment with a writing gig or job or maybe, just maybe, INVESTING LIKE A "SHARK" from the movie Jaws- and Jews in the Holocaust, that now currently I'd like to see what Germany will do with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc. our USA #1 me the proud American Taxpayer! =)

Benny-Benny Boy, oh Ben, that it’s been a while, me ELON-gating the porky’s pig-pie of what one eye off-kilter with a song from a TaLenTed "African-American" of singing and rapping the singer, splash- with a flash of a camera droid when to be employed announcing the trouncing of my loose Tommy hear the Jeans of Gene’s loaded, and exploded sometime soon it’s past high-noon, that pudding with a spoon, I swoon, I swoon, time so soon, and when tickled pink, shocked at a mangy Presidential “Thank Thee” Dad, and Mom, and Me—us 3—along with Aunt Donna Donohue who knows the extreme value of me, the Marquis-blood, that Mom is without, such a drink(er)—mink pullover when the lights blaze at a maroon Blazer, of Dana’s—he’s absent for now and until when, I receive my $315 (+S/H) shoot, my Mont Blanc pen is nowhere to be seen, Danita my Queen along with Mannie—she’s “eye candy” of the utmost desire—a French Maid for hire, of a deflated tire, and soggy sodden chest, her breasts neglect of full-ness that I harness with a breast, best, Caress, and Curel the beat-off, beat-up, Bitcoin Whale I inhale the sweetie fine air, I Care


I have a Maid here!

Writing Winter Wreath, so Breathen and Christmas Egg Nog!

A relentless re-enlarged body of me, Doctors gave me surgery, to grow, All for show and with absolutely NO,

a Girl chick to choose and out of a line... I negate the wine—SOBER 2016!

Thighs thick, I think, on a big booty—YOU KNOW, a Ho- jingle jingle—at the Celebration Balls-  of XMAS EVE, struggling severe,

And keep the values near-est—Vim’d Allah secure here, my: John Deere Stocks went up !!!!! since 2013 or 2014—up front cash...

Ass Up.

Picking a pick-nick lunch, up,

and Fronting with a hunch...

That I’m not safe here, mishandled, and misled to pop a second pill—as my parents pay the bills $$,$$$

the Monthly Rent when it’s not often misspent

Downstairs at the window, what do you... KNOW, I bring the gusto-go to the BRINK, stalled and soured 1% chocolate milk, to me, Be-ing poured in the sink, down the drain... My TBI injured brain, but I’m not insane, or needed when with Innocent I pleaded, Courtroom attire- this Courney Cummz,

my deepest desire and of the deep for me, to be, what?

I AM SOBER 2016 !!!!!




I scinge the spacial pallet with a “Wallet”, With: Bitcoin, Etherium, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin—My stocks—I gawk at my Quack when, The Earth Shakes, my Mom is so fake, doing bad batty things to me angrily, hiding behind a smile, THEM EYES!

Ohio demise of waterways disheveled, The railways must be healed! a Train’s wheels, I feels, catching them

From and when of whence how you be, now let’s talk about me finding a wifey!

Delightfully Delicious with umm hmm, let’s call her “Thrasher” and trashy, classy

Smother me Step-Mother, butt and ass


Crazy cantankerous with the Earth-laiden, Maden and Madam some Ma’am—SCRAM!, and SCREEN!, And, SCREAM!

I AM SOBER 2016 !!!!!




Being a good person with my God-first, given introspection to the dereliction, of the Haitians in there Nation USA #1

on a #2  2-dollar Bill I wrote a Will in 2013... Splitting up my stocks, Justine never spitting

The Frog’s—ribbit ribbit—of legs

To be Spread... in Bed

Step-Mother “Hen”


Driving Hennessy!

Monday, February 13, 2023

New and Included, I be prudent EXCLUSIVE!

Frying through Space with in-side a lass, them many hours when the smoken “Glass” has spoken but silently frowning—drug addiction’s “Dereliction” of those, be it the ridden addled, druggies addled and I’ve never had Attention of DECAYED “mind” through “The Sources” of chemical losers puns (D.P.)

Bitter Batter of paltry pats-on-the-backside excursion to be of urban misinclusion circum-feeling you and the, who, I be proud when hoping to bang a nitty-gritty Shrouded Biddie, coming from the external, that’s all me, and healthy internet internally fucking thine fist and a thing, taking off the ring — oh say Ringing and Blinging — on my right hand, purchasing farmland, maybe not yet—I don’t believe I own any properties—unless Cousin Dan pays the real estate taxes for me—thine truly it’s maybe me to be included—the remnants of a Stocks deal that I sealed with maybe a few million USD—“Trust Fund” is what enlivens me of lives exploding Earthquake Turkey/Syria I’m sorry to you all, in foreign nations, that I dig Haiti in this world-known mix—oh it’s Havana, and Derek Langlois has Anna Vo, June’s sister June my chance to fuck you has drifted onto foreign shores of me hating foreigners! USA #1 for fun!

A Part, 1 Part, or "Apart" see my ART of acrylic paints on canvases- I can, 'O' me! OH ME, OH YOU, through and thoughts

Keep calling me until with her, I be “withdrawing” from thee,

Yours and mine truest for the bestest of pectorals- the chesty

Won of one weeks long weaknesses in stride, sipping Tidals

To doodles of daisy and delirious Delilah, a moaner...

Post-poneing the hard-tried “Boning” in the backseat of a Boeing,

Time to jet to the arctic, when knowing knock-knock, my Rooster

Turn on the Turbo “Booster” Elon Musk, that’s my hunch, having met

bereft of what one cylindrical cycling that theres no crying, Elon...

To live lively long the day at a lunch table—being born on BREAK,


With my Marquis family, that's how it is, it be, tall as Ember- now her turning the stance, LIVESTRONG with Lance! 😁

Filling in the brushes, of Sunday sudsy suds washing and tish-toshing what dental flosses,

To the flavor of the choco-lately butter of what we love most, playing paying the host.

And ess’es of Finesse a bulging breasteses on HER who what mirth and silver,

my ounces and grams of coins, they’re sinking in my pockets, SOBER healthy liver.

Time to fish and fuck a nigger’s bitch, came in with the roses of a proposal say it,

say please to tease dis digg with an afro-weave, that Black is “ON LEAVE” !!!!!

Flaring and forebaring to the tall and tips glasses (my double-vision) with sauces,

Bereaved and say “Pretty Please”—to have at it with what amounts to a “Tease”

Fuck a nigga’s bitch, At the Motel Six !!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2023

I've been Baptized in a Christian Church, and many Masses at Saint John's High School, that believe this: I've gotten beyond God with the Handicapped and Disabled side of my injured Shhhhh. Hushhhh. Just read the text here at "Averte"/"Trivium"

Blinkers Abe Lincoln, and my ounces of William Tell copper coins, yes I invest in coins and Gold and Platinum and Silver... that I have a big story to "Tell" and a $30,000 shell:

Feeling Fine, God's "Design" and the Holy Creator "Divine" -- I found Him at the edge of space, yes that's right, me reaching Beyond Him (Tantrickle Straight Onl

I’m free of coincidence consciously, and those 'em needing Needles, I mean, as though a junkie to, to sink to the sachet of Oxy—and the opiate-addiction denial of Dave—I smiled at his Wake—because I prayed for him to survive a couple weeks before..., the that his depressed Heroin denial, once again... that foolish folly of him having had “Molly” pie-eyed and he was getting what baked? Fried??? I prayed for him but not like you would "thing"—yeah he was high on drugs when he drove me, and then drinking 4 16-ounce beers, Dave got my jeers, and I wonder where he is now? Did Cousin David go to Heaven? Or much did, his body saying “bye bye in the box” ?????

Earlier tonight I saw him in “A Mexican Drug Rug” photo, that’s a term for his gang-related pullover that I wanted him to be arrested for driving me after he drank so much beer—I was in fear for my life, and his lesbian sister has a husband/wife (A tranny with boobies on Estrogen) Lots Of Love "LOL" LOTS OF LOVE! 😘

This whole “identify” as a man or woman—I’m sick and tired of what organs “God gifted” everyone with being questioned, smell the genetically-modified air, because I CARE!

Ride and Slide, through the ass-crack of bitter and phat stacks of fast cash coming STICK SHIFT!

Silent sneers and online (s?)talking, I’m talking AS IF, and, What is it? whence the curmudgeon budges boisterously-

So fancy and displeased a la “Vaccine” of a virus, PC Matic sprayed scented to the moon ASAP soon,

with what but commercialized “Jeff” for Nuts dot-com, I see on TV, leaved and leavened left on Fox News

Me hoping to go to “Heaven” if it exists, that but I... The Qur’an “Afterlife”

“heaven/hell” or “An Intermediary State” or “A sleep before ‘A Great Awakening’”

My beliefs in The Afterlife, ashes spread in Israel, It’s real, yeah Allah is ‘the real deal’

God is The Father The Creator of His universe, I'm well versed in Higher Powers!

I feel I'm special having gotten beyond God with the injured left half of my corporeal clean self but bereft (lacking or without...) of my mail here at "Averte" that I have Google: "JMRQ Heavy Industries" with 1000's of hits and my parents and Dan Best of Thee Stocks-Winnings in 2013 or 2014 Amazon, Tesla, Facebook, etc. etc. 5000 of my Bitcoins transferred, that, Dan, what's your number??? Emails again and galore reply my Dearest I Implore -- I have John Deere Stocks too! 👀

Rev. Anne Skinner of Hannah House, there's a big money-donation to "Hannah House"

Numbered the Counters, to be found in the Kitchen, Chinned up, Blinged up, and Bang- she's bagged, old wench,

Binge sipper? Nope, and No drinks with Supper, Bible: The Final Dinner of what's a crime nor Crucified, the Crux...

While at a Diner, owned-, by Lou, with Toodles, Twinkle twinkle doo woo dood... girls Prude, so rude Julie Ani

A Tink, A Dink, Drunked and enlarged, Yes, sir, Peter Sarge, NT empty employees and naughty with what,

In the crass cussing, Dazzled Fussing, stuck, Step-Moms in thungs, Step-Son him hung, Wide and tasty

Without a sip, take a dip, Drooling, not fooling, silly, Sally cleaning my Apt., with a big bloody heart!

Crikey crickets thimble, And bee’s nest, bereft, Lip of the upper, Cleft

To express all with my- Snide remarks remain, Fractured bits, their plain, 2122 Lower Plain addy

I’ve given my infoz, Fuzzy wuzzy winking, My digits' writing device working

But the staff here won't give my my $315 Mont Blanc pen!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Those The Oreos

Weaponize Haitian’s

Are evens

Good to greet them

Are those clams?

Fisted glamour hands

Behind your back

Tyre Nichols, then,

A Topsy Turvy...


Irrelevant sentiments ironic hard-stands 😁

Monday, February 6, 2023

Boom to the wildest of the closed-captioning B&W text

With what out

Broccoli sprout

Out and Kaput

I sink my shoveled foot, into a moot point, the last, fasting for Bass, so the freshwater stands still with a shriek shilling of maritime party-pilling, taking the fill-in’s of Grosse Point Blanc, and honk your horn at the withered and worn—homeless people’s clothing—when the creme of the crops, they ask for coins and $1 bills, “THE MONEY”, life with no frills, but the crack-cocain (lol Dave lol) and whatsuch patheticly the panties in the way to be, frivolously, taking the tied times within, and in bed or on the loveseat, coming Cafeteria but of I.C.U. stay of 1 month when wheezing such and such, at Chinese launch, prescripted beseeched every day of the week, and of the Finest Finesse, straddling when un-dressed of Ranch or Italian, prancing Lancers (go WSU!) being striptease, stripshow shoulda-coulda-wooden hard with that look in her eyes—reading Time the magazine, writing about what will be seen, in the homeland, “We’ve landed on the moon!”

I be, and to the way of singing sunshine-ing *bling-bling* be so long, if and only if, China launches lunches to savor the flavor lol

Now at the time of when whatnot is the mysterious ways about of what ceasts to the beasts of a Man’s own cave, being His “nest” so cradled and candle-lit to pass on that flamers camber of tire’s width and tilt of me having been so tall, in a decade ago, the Humatrope- I took, pinch, line, and hook of meandering mind-set on the bereft white batter up to the Paris Hilton and Guy Ritchie-  he beat her up, so sad when one eye was blackened, the plot thickened, this when I have yet to receive my $315 Mont Blanc pen—and when—and how—mother cow of Holy “Molly” in the club scene, Paris in France with a Queen teen... “The Supreme Leader” wearing a leather banana cap to cover the received-then, whatta hair line of dancing with boots on, and to show-up the shoe-up then turned-up this song on Repeat I crave, me to a sexual slavered and enamored, “Google By Horses”:

Flag on a mast with what must see you again, now at last, the crass dialect of what Euphemisms say “Enlightened” traveled so far the edge of space—where God is—beyond the Big Bang!—been there and done that, I laughed, plunging her THERE in my bed of whereabouts the women I have known and loved—between the honey of small-talk and going for a doggie-walk with what I value friendship—the must of it—the moist and soil of the swish-swash in the shower at a late hour, to show her, I know her, yesss correct, one bigger boobie and one a teensy bit smaller, alas never evened out by a Ph. D. doctor of health and caring, all starting to be staring at that Euphoric “pass” to see it in a FLASH! of a camera’s shining light in a microsecond, and content with my never being bent or queer to steer in the clear-shone glass of a doorway, and now clicking “Enter!” and “Submit!”

I pitch the snowball of words, to you—“the catcher”—and it lands in your mitt!

that’s it

that’s all

short ’n’ sweet

textured Tweet

Sirloin meat

mmm ribs

mmm ribs

Friday, February 3, 2023

Dastardly and Bastardly, a Mastery of Textual Hibernation, all mine...

From the creamiest goo of what but a fuzzy Fenton, deplorable acts of what goes on in the camouflage age of 40+ hopefully soon a girlfriend, to have in full and somewhat bullish in the trend, albeit through only I, only me, the profiting (Propheting) Bitcoin, Tesla, Facebook, Amazon, etc. see them all: these Stocks of 2013 or 2014, I be- to the with my fine-ass bets on monetary domains, both online, and my TEN BITCOIN WALLETS — plus cash in PayPal with my Debit Card mischief these frauds- they steal from me online and CC# and here at “Averte” where once again, only I in the big Apartment, but without a car, my car a Subaru Legacy of 2011 in Charlton, MA where my parents stay home—Dad doing a lot of work—Mom doing cross-words—call it absurd? I think not as my Mom, Deborah Marquis, she uses a piano in the house, much louder than a mouse, and playing the keys — I always say “Please” when I’m teased with a million USD or a lot more, me having worked the register in a store, my GNC of General Nutrition Centers, lick the clique of my boss’s daughter—I should have stayed with her, but me instead OP-ting for another female “The Thing” is, she was pretty with big boobies but so prude, so no oral cavities of Elegant Refinery that I am not okay with Bowed Ears of babies’ drinker/alcoholic mothers—my Mom didn’t drink a single sip when she was pregnant with me, so I don’t have Bowed Ears, to be taped back, that’s a silly old craft—I know two toddlers who if I’m really worth $500m I can pay for their surgery, but keeping away from A. which I wondering, is that okie?


Yes, because I've profited through Propheting, that I knew BitTorrent was being banned, so I got into Bitcoin in 2005! I attended meetings and I was maybe an Intern with so many rich people, like Bruce Fenton who ran for Senator of New Hampshire recently!

Jeffrey Marquis ツ

Dana Gardner was "Omar" and Derek Langlois was "Tyrique" MY GREAT FRIENDS OF YEARS AGO, and then Elon Musk stepped in! =)

DNB Drum ’n’ Bass and a Declined Degree with treatment of the underarms swelling well so a donkey, an ass, kicking the grass until downladen sunshine no more- Alas...

Coding cutty crum-bums for fun and profit, Pulp and Fiction of a “dereliction” of a fabricked fission with my double double vision vision of glasses with a different prescription lens, because the fucks here at “Averte” stealing my belongings! It’s corrupt, I hate it, and I hope a nuclear war begins in time coming near, of me with no fear and looking to the End to Start yes anew—me, still steering clear of booze and alcohol—oh 2005 the hey-day of being drunk 24/7 and even, the big Junk-yard at Steven’s Auto when blinker-blinker reach to the treasure of a High School teacher, Red Sox in the bleachers- alas to drink, to the LAST sip to split the stomach organ—it all decayed as per the laundry subsidies, the Tide wash, folding socks and patting a pet’s own paws, sharp teeth when all week, a fatty lard-laden creation of a LARGEMOUTH BASS to be hooked and real reeled in- so fish for lunch, at the Butcher- his sweet meat and sweating carrying boxes of Sirloin to itch a scratchy bit of soil in one’s eyeball, that these visual devices are amounting to something special-  like a bullet to the brain, yeah I learned about the nighttime plane of arial assaulter in above Russian forces, a deplorable future have it what suits you- But, me, I’m not in the Army and I live peacefully, filled full of the dumbasses suiting up for a night out, coming with such clouded “clout” what I’m all about, but tall and long-armed no more, GHRP-6 I bought it from an online store, so long ago, when I knew the get ’n’ go at the green lights in a rowing floatation device, sipping tea like Auntie D. on the phone, her voice is prone to a rasping croak, her never drinking, like me thinking, and knowing, with alcohol the fruit be not sewing!