Wednesday, September 4, 2024

She's a shy and snide spider, Pie Eyed saucers, and tried to taste I'm locked out of my with loads of great prose/poetry, A- Worcester State University in "Poetry II"

To simply sizzle swifty ’n’ sweet Heather wearing pin-prick poker to be Quoted and at the time, of day and of OR snuggle-ing sugar, nitey-night—your best bet, be it bereft of candy kindness, stupendous and snuffed point erasers, catching the restaurant’s Capers—with no mention of disheveled and used-up young Pups—to be Hushed—Hammerhead financial Whales—my TEN BITCOIN WALLETS—seeing something maybe hovering, oh my- it’s all over the sky, and seen on Radar or VG-2 protection, detected but dissoluted—America’s soldiers to be Saluted, sugar mitts, stormy weather life an upper-side skies-side comiong on-screen TO A KINDLE NEAR YOU-est the King with a comptemplation about Egyptian “temples” teetering off’d the spun Subaru I had, and Fast, 2004 brand new vehicle, I worked at GNC—not in a Cubicle at a bountiful plastics business, owned by my Dad, Great Wayne, never too, too “Strained” for broccoli greens, seen by the kitchen counter, next to the sink, Dawn removing the stink of remnants of meals—all for used, all for you, through and through of not only online within my Insurance being so high-priced nice ’n’ diced with a dimmered voice and couch and vouch-er for a few dollars to be used, to be beneficial and proven nearly priceless, that’s BEYOND COST!

The Sold Gold that’s SOLID so somed peepers peeped at my wearing very much valuables each, but not on the beach—I’ve always taken off my jewelry at the beach, for suns tanning rays—turned all red to itch, but there’s an Aloe kind of catch, tanning at the Salon, with no clothes on, being nude and buns back-side scorching—sipping Scotch Tape, Copy & Pasted—soufflé scattered at the Gold’s Gym—45 lb. plate pushed upward, so now do it backward, haggard Haggerty Road near home, dancing on the throne, limp-wristed hand to shake it with your $$,$$$,$$$ they say to me, all to be, Investor me, I am an American Taxpayer, giving the Gov. a big financial GIFT of gargantuan glee and geeking out in Space, sickly sticking tree SAP (secondary-audio programming) to be fused and obtusely big-bellied, bodacious but obese—overweight?  So say the least as not to perturb the HEAVY and so now onto the Industries and a previous Design

Do I dilute the design?—whenso it’s all MINE and of my MIND:

SOBER 2016 with not a single sip of a swindled, sip of liquor 3 or 4 years, alacratic subway tasks of taught a big fat Rat to take the cheese—on the bee’s knees (“Infinite Velocity”)—seemingly swaying and get-go to the hand-shaking—to shake hands—but not the junkies with their drugs and shaking hands, shaking limbs, tickered hearts plotted out for a course of a Kurt shopping for curtains—yes sir, Papi thee, The Father—without achy joints of the corporeal physical being, who cares about the well-said sniffing of Paprika sweet ’n’ slender gifted Ginger sprouts while I’ve caught a few trout in, where but a river (goes wild!) or Field & Stream, cometh a Camper—already mentioned, to eat- The Capers best part, best bit, best Bite of Alfredo cuisine, some and such of the European menu items, paltry maybe, found in the Kitchen PANTRY, parting the Red Sea???

It was simply the Ocean’s Tides, a coincidence—it didn’t save Jesus Christ!  (do I write so nice, not being “bland” like white rice )

Sunday, June 16, 2024

With and Of and Such Sweaty Swathed Shenanigans, them- yeah THEM AGAIN!!!

Two such toothpicks picked a pie of my eye sockets worn khakis to Saint John’s High School—where there was no “Shop Class” or bumming Plungers—Saint John’s of its polite policy: NO WOODWORKING OR HVAC (!!!!!) the for white tarnished Trash suddenly studding STUDYING “Janitorial” endeavors— because us Saint John’s High School, paid, rich, beneficiaries, the all us Saint John’s religious boys all of lots ‘o’ money from our parents, we be, all for one and one for all—Tuition was fairly small for us rich-kids so nice, nice cars driven in and that’s thanks to The Parental Units—skimming pages and no one “skipped classes”—when we were all studly steady born ready to read the paid-for textbooks of, well it was rare for any student to skip a class

Cows to be the Addled Cattle—of a Playboy Kitty so cute but when the point of this whatever, my making you read—a kind of FEED me into pieces—yes the yesterday’s yeasted Turkey chirping CHIMES—but when ???  Allow me to tell you this, with a kiss on a colored piece of paper, the Sunday Times and a spliff a and of when to Tango—all for show, yeah all the showy faces of ladies in the shower, something something soapy at whenever the hour of hijinks, no clogs in the singing streaming water kitchen or bathroom watery sinks

A bitter bite of shake ’n’ bake litter, a rat, cookie critter of a pitter-pat at all of that, the whole and the entire, time to return the inherited wealth of $$,$$$,$$$ and to RETIRE! when so tired, I’m out of disco lingo but only for now

Monday, June 10, 2024

I'm a millionaire and I want to have a car again, as I had, but sold for money I didn't get any! I hate my evil parents for making me suffer, so I HOPE THEY AND THE JERKS WHO CAUSED MY SEVERE INJURIES IN 2004 GO TO HELL!

How are you, dear reader?


I have a Traumatic Brain Injury from 2004 when my Subaru WRX crash was a "Set-Up" that almost killed me at 64 mph of course, my family, friends, co-workers, classmates, they all made me drink: I HATE HOW I WAS THREATENED SO AWFUL in 2004 after I voted drunk, ORDERED BY MY PARENTS TO WITHDRAW FROM CALCULUS I AT WSU, on that exact day -- so my parents and my enemies made sure I'd be there, after going to a bar, they paid bartenders and owners to over-serve me with alcohol, that they planned this with bars and restaurants and all that, but this AFTER I DUMPED OUT THE ALCOHOL IN MY HOUSE, I WAS SO SAD, I KNEW I HAD TO BE SOBER from "Detox" I wanted to dump my girlfriend and get some serious aid with ending my genetic alcoholism through my Mom's shitty family, who, THEY MY RELATIVES ALL COACHED ME TO DRIVE FAST IN MY TURBO SUBARU -so hard- and my parents are worth over 10 million dollars, they wouldn't pay "a penny" to get me to stop drinking that I dumped out the alcohol in my house on September 23rd, and I WAS "SET-UP" months later with what my parents said I was kicked out of the house and had to get a full-time job in a factory -- this when I worked at a GNC as Asst. Manager that paid the bills my $$,$$$,$$$ Dad said I couldn't live at home anymore and I had to sell my new, awesome, special Subaru WRX that went so fast!

Well I couldn't stand the SOBRIETY of 2004 and I was crying because my $$,$$$,$$$ parents demanded I withdraw or they'd put me in Debt, I was such a lush for liquor I hate my Mom's shitty genes and I'm a victim of no one agreeing with me I should quit drinking when I was 23 years-old, I knew I couldn't do it alone, and my stingy Dad -- he didn't believe I was raped naked and taking a drug I'd never had much of before -- well this gay Saint John's teacher gave me and a friend drugs before he conned us both to try bi-sexuality when I ONLY ❤ GIRLS with no homo-things in my past of Church, Computer Science Degree, working about 30 hours a week for extra money and part-time school-work
I knew I had to quit drinking but my prude GF at the time was super poor and she would be turning 21 soon, so she said "If you go to A.A. I will dump you!" when she was pretty and had a great body, but she deprived me a lot, all the time and when I was driving my Turbo car with sporty wheels
Henshaw Street: I had a group of people gathering around a Speakerphone and threatening me with getting raped by a gay guy in jail -- IF I GOT PULLED OVER!
November 2, 2004
I have severe double vision I've had 2 surgeries and my parents do awful things like switching lenses in my glasses, stealing from me, and Deborah Marquis is corrupt from a shitty family
But I have at least a million dollars in TD Bank -- I can't access it though, really my Dad employed me some at his Inc. plastics/polymers business "ECM" in Worcester, MA which he sold it for $36,500,000 and they don't care I was abused by an older male SJ teacher, fired, with me stripped naked on a hardwood floor -- him crushing me and Oh The PAIN -- I have a lot going on, rent here at "Averte" is $20,000 each month and they're told what to do by the jerks who almost ended my life, with me so desperate for "Care" that my Dad disagreed with and his stature would have been much lower with a "Detox"-son, so he didn't help me, like I posted my Mom's profile and she is bad and tonight my Dad yelled at me on the phone, I hate it here at "Averte" in Bradford, VT which is 3.5 hours away from MY "HEALTH-PROXY" PARENTS! who orchestrate this bad treatment and I WANT TO MARRY MY JUSTINE ARAGONA OF 2009-2013 because
I HAVE BEEN SOBER SINCE 2016+ with no sips in about 3 years! and I have CBD only, plus a lot of Diet Soda -- me at a good weight but not exercising -- look what the 64 mph impact did to my hip -- OH AND MY BRAIN, well I was with a hole in my skull and on a drilled into my stomach "Feeding Tube"
If you want to read my writing I run 3 dot-com's and 2 writing blogs -- YEAH I HAVE MY OWN SPECIAL "GOOGLE" SIDE-BAR of my Google: "JMRQ Heavy Industries" I haven't received any mail or info about for the 4 years I've been here at "Averte"
I have Ledgers, I have TEN "ALIASES" CORRESPONDING TO MY TEN BITCOIN WALLETS -- yeah I've been a millionaire for years and then I invested most of it into Amazon, Tesla, Walmart, Apple, Microsoft, Berkshire-Hathaway ($600,000+ each Warren Buffet) -- and I run and with -- please see my

I suffered in the Great Name of Jesus Christ which put me on God "The Creator" His existence at the edge of space I was lucky enough to make it all the way to God who is merely "The Creator" of His universe -- I used my left arm to pray that it's DISABLED AND HANDICAPPED -- God is only "The Creator" and I've done some reading about other "Deities" I am very spiritual but look at "Parthenogenesis in humans" that is "Divine Creation" Jesus was the son of Mary, but not anymore of a "Son of God" than the many ZERO SPERM PREGNANCIES -- like Mary -- read about it and PRAY TO GOD! Time Magazine's article about "Parthenogenesis in humans" a new Mary-type virgin gave birth to an infant in The Middle-East

I got past Jesus Christ when I suffered in His Holy Name, I went to Saint John's High School: Class of 2000 and after my I went to Church every Sunday morning when I started collecting Sunday Service pamphlets -- I amassed 70+ of them and my evil Mom threw them away!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Fuddled and bent Dua Lipa's lips, all swollen, for a Botox plump kind of kiss on the lips- *KISS* =)

LINK: If you're looking to read more of my TaLenTed WRITING visit

Sifter and a Seeking through what of well, I have a fine Taste and good food to eat here, many my John Deere Stocks of 2013

Being so, unsure?—well then we all be done so sweet with all of us American Taxpayers done be arisen, shimmering a shiny glistening- our teeth ’n’ gums kinda shoes to bring the cash and butts of the fancy ladies I’d love to meet—yeah and it’s a meet ’n’ greet between the glowing goobery wet and lube -ery at Ari and Ara of the Tini "BRING MY JUSTINE BACK!" and with me now SOBER 2016+ no sips in about 3 years, setting the seething at revealing the loneliest lightbulb to be hung on Chandler Street at Le Mirage

So give me a foot-rub to take a tub and elevate to turning on the shower on-top, the head and nozzle, up top, and up to be ME, seeing the Pixar movie “UP” in theaters TWICE, like the Facebook movie, seen by me a counting total of 3 times—all as per the Facebook Developers I’ve spoken to on the phone, on the simple droning of me, when, this- you see... I wanted higher up access and involving my dot-com website(s) — I now have wrxtbi jeffreymarquis and alwayschillen — them dot-com’s I own and writing magic when I’m not nearly out of gas, or cash on the dash, gone grumpy with my missing most of what I had—look on a map and see “Chad” a nation I’d like to excuse OR PERUSE as I know nothing about Chad—yeah Chad!

It’s having had and mingling but bad and not out to be “UP” to the wants and desires I have for you- the Reader who should digest what I say, that hey, I’ve come to play with a willy wonderland of uhhh vocab—I always got 85%’s on the Vocab Tests with English Teachers—giving him a thumbs-down and stealing his Saint John’s High School METH lol yeah I swear I was drugged until I was dizzy and opting for what shouldn’t be—it shouldn’t have been done by him, on ho ho ho the Christmas Season, I said, I don’t feel comfortable sleeping here—and no one would pick me up that one night in the CHRISTmas season, the Mr. John Deedy greedy with his S&M boyz...

Anyways it’s dinnertime, up yours and up mine, a Sacred Shrine, with me not caring to why and about but the whining—I’ve abandoned did the wine and beer, since, well now for many years maybe a long while, but this where when WHILST I PLAY THE SPOONS very soon with the tea kettle caught up in a fire, in casual attire and free of casualties—down on your needs the “Play-DOUGH” and “Doing The Dougie”—like Kate Upton, seen here and her reeking of light domestic beer, that gets a JEERS! to all of the hopeless addicts and stripping so let’s clean it up—The “Act Natural and Play It Cool”—to be sent on your way each and every day with “warez” done displaying the ephemeral eat ‘em up sugar cookies, fixed up and Hook Me! as prior I’ve taken the proverbial “BAIT” fishy-fishy- feminine facts and the many acting funny and sprucing up the hygiene products, like Soap—DROPPED!

And a Dove (soap) takes flight...

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tick Tok on the words of a clock’s being time, so fine!

No Booze 2016+ and farewell to the shitty drunks of a beer-belly bump protruding of coming asunder what to wonder of wasted “Bread” for protein powder, galore, when what’s more is the 34 lbs. of Dextrose I sipped at the sugary nature of what the Glycemic Index of 100% sugary bodies’ natural Insulin-secretion mixed that’s the trick to tickle a muscle with weights lifted and WHEY swished and swayed and swallowed through thine MEGA-SIZE CHUG of my Dad’s nickname is “Chuck” so what?

When wolves grow to Hooves the shallow waters become un-hooked to the leaded dropper weight, sink to the swim, a worn worm of rubber, other asunder, but no blundered Cast the reel, for fish to feel that tugging sensation, that the fish caught lining a Freight, the fishies fright, reeled in right by my Dad, the bass-loving Lad, his fishing is no fad (and he’s straight unlike the devious DEVIL DEVIL FAGS FAGS—yeah I was raped by a faggot homo and how he’s been fired from two jobs teaching, he was hired, there and there, I didn’t care about that GAY FAGGOT PENETRATING ME the RHAP-sodomy (“rhapsody”) of me clicking my keys and telling the truth to the downtrodden *POOF*!

I LOVE MY DAD! with a little kiss on the cheek, I CHEER! that us two Sober said,  STRICTLY:  NO BEER! as he's happy with his Wife, my Mom, she's so loving and so nice, that with my Dad, the LOVE??? 2 parents, their pairing up and parenting 2 of them, Mom and Dad, SO NICE!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Hi S. "1Rx4Life" = 1 Rx hormone 191AA Humatrope -- I would take IGF-1 LR3 if I was in my 50's... and the IGF-1 R3 in my neck muscles and Crosses the Blood-Brain Barrier in 2005

I hope to High Heaven, that- I still have the 90,000 Bitcoins from 2013, I set them to sell in 2023 or 2024 -- investing some millions USD Dad Dan "Trust Fund" -- I read the genius mathematician book "Advanced Cryptography" in 2001 Computer Science major, failed Calculus in 2004 then had my events, that well I reached beyond God, once when I crashed and almost died in 2004, brain damaged and fully recovered mentally, I'm very smart and a damn good writer, because I injected my neck with Insulin-like Growth Factor (LR3) Long-R 3 in 2005 when everyone was astounded how damn great my brain recovered, it crosses the Blood-Brain Barrier, in my neck, mind you, not deep into it but just enough -- I'd not yet to have grown 3.5" taller with 2" longer arms, thank you legal protein-peptides, insulin-pins bought at pharmacies, no anabolic steroids, but still great for muscle and weight-loss (SEE YA LATER CLEN!) so anyways my Bitcoins, I think they're set to sell in coming days or -- here's some financial money in the thousands when I invested with most of my "Trust Fund" and a million or a few of Dan's money -- well I used Nintendo 64 in my Bitchain so they reached $64k, and then up to $69,044.77 each -- did I sell them at that $69k??? I think I got in with $64k or I'm waiting for $100k that each, again I have TEN BITCOIN WALLETS and I have TEN CORRESPONDING "OFFICIAL ALIASES" like Jeff M, etc. jmarquis710 whatnot my handles, etc. I read they'd reach $350,000 in 2024, but that's the thing I said "Maybe sell them in 2023!" because I used "Miley Cyrus - 23" in my Bitchain or many 24 references, so they'll be sold soon on XMAS or New Years Eve, I dunno, and we haven't spoken in 9 years, I told him, don't call me until Christmas or whatever, or when they reach $100k -- I want 100% TBI Recovery of my 2004

I also run and own and -- having strange problems with my -- can you see it with your browser? it works with "Chrome" but not with Safari -- anyways I've actually spoken to Elon Musk in 2005 when the growth, yeah I typed in ELONgate on here on Facebook and got him as one of his first 5 or so non-employee "Friends" -- he clicked the first several, and I had his phone number, so silly TBI recovering me, I called him to see if he knew about protein-peptides (SARAH YOU SHOULD TAKE!) read Suzanne Somer's "Ageless" -- so I talked to Elon Musk for 40+ minutes after seeing photos of my ruined and totaled Subaru WRX, when he then wanted to know "Did the driver die? Were you in the backseat?" and I told him about my recovery 1 month I.C.U. he was amazed and thankful no one else was in the car -- he ignored the fact I was drunk in 2004 -- I said, "Aren't you curious if I drink now?" and he saw no problem but I told him I'm Sober since, but picking up the habit in 2008 -- SOBER AS OF 2016 hopefully for the rest of my life!
Anyways Elon Musk was interested in how I went to "Space Camp" a town had a Summer weeklong day course for fun, I was little, and I hadn't yet traveled to the edge of space with a religious figure in my mind, I won't say who but it wasn't the Devil -- I believe Islam -- I had all of my much religious gear in bed with us, me and Justine -- ANOTHER TBI SURVIVOR, we met at a meeting and hit it off -- her 9 years younger but 18.5 when we met, well our lovemaking one night for about ten hours, I've accelerated all the way, beyond the speed of light, way way beyond it! I pointed up to start the night, with my Disabled and Handicapped "Special left side of my body" so I pointed up and said, "Justine take me to God" who HE is mostly "The Creator" generating galaxies at only the speed of light -- that's how I caught up to HIM -- and the Big Bang I accelerated through, that was the high point of the night, me never forgetting what seemed to be a tunnel, because my arm pointed STRAIGHT -- I traveled, always accelerating, through solid matter, planets, stars, etc.
I've been rich for a long time, but not now when my parents my "Health-Proxy" they pay the $20k rent at "Averte" in Bradford, VT in the only 2 floor Apartment, eating good food and given my myriad of TBI brain drugs -- 2 Xanax a day at a medium dose -- CBD from the store -- no THC 🙁 NO CAR! they drive me to doctor's appointments and the supermarket I give them a list, with a twist of spice, as you, Sarah Taylor, you appear ever so unrelentlessly NICE!
WSU English Major w/ Conc. in WRITING -- took Creative Writing B+/A- and Poetry II A- along with Psychology I with Dr. Brandi Scruggs we fooled around, some, she was a Psychology Ph. D. and she fell in love with my brain -- first class we kissed and the whole class saw -- then after all of the protein-peptides anti-aging, I was a raging STUD on campus! But alas, I had only a couple dates that my injured brain didn't fare well so I got no booty -- but cured with 9 times in mental-hospitals, the jerks who caused my SEVERE INJURIES fed with a stomach tube! vent in my skull!
Well I've made impressive strides, incredibly, and the jerks who made me drink and drive -- they made the bartender steal all of my money from my wallet while I was in the men's room, and everyone I knew, in on "Their Plan" they were around a speakerphone at the police station, begging me to drive faster "THE COPS ARE CATCHING UP!" and there was honestly I saw a helicopter spying on me
They wanted me slightly injured and banging up my precious car with 17"x7.5" rims with Z-rated wheels, well that or encounter a bunch of cops -- they wanted me to get in a chase!
My parents well I LOVE MY PARENTS! And I LOVE MY AUNT DONNA DONOHUE who was a "Public Figure" and she has connections to D.C.
I'm not worried now, here, at "Averte" where I keep to myself because there are some real crazy people here, like the mental hospitals, that I've had 3 "girlfriends" all together and beautiful, skinny and best of all NORMAL AND NOT CRAZY, one streak of 23 days at 8 East I've been allowed to sleep in the same bed as various cute ladies I've found their great love for me, I was always so honored, in 5/9 trips to where the jerks who caused my injuries, screaming, "DON'T DIE ON US, BWAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!" they were evil and they caused my severe injuries on November 2, 2004 -- Election Day -- there was a big "Plan" and someone had voted in my own name, in my hometown, or something, or maybe I had to "Withdraw" from Calculus I at WSU, yeah that too, so everyone said, "HAVE A DRINK!" I'd found Abstinence of alcohol for over 2 months, so it was begging me to get "a buzz" and I hope you leave this online on your wall you beautiful woman you -- if you want to chat on the phone, well I have my own official "Company" with a Google side-bar at my "JMRQ Heavy Industries" Google that and maybe call me if you'd like with the phone number -- remember, I've been so joyously lucky to know you since 2005 -- You put the "Rx" and thought you knew about GHRP-6, Hexarelin, CJC-1295, etc. protein-peptides for abs with only cardio -- I've spent a few hundred hours on treadmills, 500 hours?, my estimate, oh and I told Dan my 1 of 3 financial guys -- I'm a millionaire because my Dad started a company Owner/President now retired! -- I told Dan to arrange things, like strange transactions of Bitcoins I follow -- I've been Subscribed to Bitcoin from the first issue, I bought the Secretary roses, or maybe that's Meta, oh my Stocks:
Interested in what I have to say? Once again I've been your friend and admirer since 2005 or 2006!
Reach me and here's my company logo!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Resign a dime to a Mercury Dime of a ten-cent nickel popper for the Pop-Tart (!!!)

Pope Peope's theirs pop- with a Popp, ever so smart and so ever!

Eclipsed eliminated production positive (+) lovey-dovey potion of a thump in absorbed “Shock” I’ve endure, minnow minute NOW we set sail with having quit drinking whatever Ale and the Wall Street Journal I collected 90+ un-bagged issues, knowing the headlines would reveal the secrets of cash money, mainly making it appear nearly and dearly, near to me, who, well I be the man who paid for a 3 year subscription to Fortune Magazine in 2006 and 2007 I had 'advanced cryptography’